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1、桀骜永不退役 COPY OR WRITE YOUR TEXT AND PASTE IT HERE 点击此处添加标题 copy or write your text and paste it here copy or write your text and paste it here Kobe Bryant 点击此处添加标题 copy or write your text and paste it here Kobe Bryant Since 1996 Kobe Bryant is the best one of the leading scorer in the NBA, breakthrou

2、gh, shooting, free throws, three ball he is familiar, almost no offense, blind, single game 81 points of personal records is a powerful proved this. 点击此处添加标题 copy or write your text and paste it here Kobe Bryant is the best one of the leading scorer in the NBA, breakthrough, shooting, free throws, t

3、hree ball he is familiar, almost no offense, blind, single game 81 points of personal records is a powerful proved this. Kobe Bryant 1996-2016 L.A. Lakers “ ” 点击此处添加标题 copy or write your text and paste it here Kobe Bryant is the best one of the leading scorer in the NBA, breakthrough, shooting, free

4、 throws, three ball he is familiar, almost no offense, blind, single game 81 points of personal records is a powerful proved this. In addition to crazy too, Kobes organizational skills are also very outstanding, often served as the first sponsor of the teams attack. In addition, Kobe is one of the b

5、est defenders in the league, personal defense is very oppressive 点击此处添加标题 copy or write your text and paste it here Kobe Bryant is the best one of the leading scorer in the NBA, breakthrough, shooting, free throws, three ball he is familiar, almost no offense, blind, single game 81 points of persona

6、l records is a powerful proved this. In addition to crazy too, Kobes organizational skills are also very outstanding, often served as the first sponsor of the teams attack. In addition, Kobe is one of the best defenders in the league, personal defense is very oppressive Kobe Bryant KOBE 点击此处添加标题 cop

7、y or write your text and paste it here Kobe Bryant is the best one of the leading scorer in the NBA, breakthrough, shooting, free throws, three ball he is familiar, almost no offense, blind, single game 81 points of personal records is a powerful proved this. “ ” NBA CAREER copy or write your text a

8、nd paste it here 点击此处添加标题 copy or write your text and paste it here Kobe Bryant is the best one of the leading scorer in the NBA, breakthrough, shooting, free throws, three ball he is familiar, almost no offense, blind, single game 81 points of personal records is a powerful proved this. Kobe Bryant

9、 81 SCORE 点击此处添加标题 copy or write your text and paste it here 1996201020132015 Kobe Bryant is the best one of the leading scorer in the NBA, breakthrough, shooting, free throws, three ball he is familiar, almost no offense, blind, single game 81 points of personal records is a powerful proved this. In addition to crazy too, Kobes organizational skills are also very outstanding, often served as the first sponsor of the teams attack. In addition, Kobe is one of the best defenders in the league, personal defense is very oppressive 不说再见 COPY OR WRITE YOUR TEXT AND PASTE IT HERE


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