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现场管理人员安全意识与安全管理技能培训 .doc

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现场管理人员安全意识与安全管理技能培训 .doc

1、ffered some advice to older people to help them keep their cognitive (认知)skills as finely tuned as possible.Challenge yourself on a regular basis, she urged, but dont just do so casually. Study any new topic hard, until you feel tired and frustrated. This level of effort, she added, is associated wi

2、th increases in the ease of communication within the brain and, as a result, cognitive skills will be improved.Her advice is based on a study of “superagers, individuals of 65 years or older, whose cognitive skills are as acute as the average 25-year-olds. Lisa believes that what sets superagers apa

3、rt is their ability to use the unpleasant feelings they experience when challenging themselves as a signal to keep going, rather than as a warning to stop and rest.While she provides convincing data to prove how cognitively young these superagers are, Im not sure her conclusion about why this is so

4、gives the whole picture.Are superagers simply those who ignore, or even welcome, the pain and frustration that comes with intense mental effort? Or is there some other reason why they spend so much time and effort challenging themselves?This is important, because if the only way to maintain youthful

5、 cognitive skills is to expose ourselves regularly to pain and frustration, it doesnt make old age look particularly inviting.Contrary to her opinion, I think “enjoyable is the key. If what youre doing is enjoyable, youre more likely to keep working hard at itprobably without even noticing any disco

6、mfort.Making yourself work until youre exhausted and frustrated holds little appeal. On the other hand, finding an activity you love so much that you dont even notice when youre pushing yourself hard seems a far more attractive way to keep your brain active as you grow older.32. What does Lisa advis

7、e older people to do?A. Work on in spite of feeling bored.B. Pushthemselves hard in new fields.C. Relax by communicating with others.D. Challenge each other on a regular basis.33. What matters in keeping the “superagers sharp according to Lisa?A. They can respond to warnings in time.B. Theyhave the

8、ability to adjust flexibly.C. They regard pains in study as driving power.D. Theycan make use of disadvantages inwork.34. What does the author doubt?A. The data that the study provides.B. The conclusion that superagers are acute.C. The idea that cognitive skills can be improved.D. The reason for “su

9、peragers keeping brains active. 35. What does the author agree with?A. Unpleasant feelings do harm to people.B. Cognitive skills improve slowly with age.C. Enjoyable work makes people ignore discomfort. D. Doing appealing work makes people look young.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项

10、,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中 有两项为多余选项。Black box recorders are used to store data about a plane and its operating environment in the event of a crash. There are two types of black box: the CVR or Cockpit Voice Recorder, and the FDR or Flight Data Recorder.36 And when combined, the information can be used to buil

11、d up a picture of what happened during a crash.The Cockpit Voice Recorder picks up sound from inside the cockpit (机舱),including the pilot headset microphones and those of any other cockpit staff. Theres also a microphone in the cockpit. 37 They used to be tape recorders but are flash drives now. The

12、se record around two hours of information at a time, recording over and replacing older audio. The CVR allows listeners to find out what the cockpit staff were doing in the event of the crash. 38The Flight Data Recorder, on the other hand, records important information about what the plane was doing

13、 at the time. 39 Typically it includes factors like speed, altitude and engine performance.40 Sensors that feed data to black box recorders are located in key areas of the plane, such as the engine and wings. The actual black boxes are located at the back of the plane beneath the tail. This location lessens t流动资金万元5734.082.2.1流动资金占比30.96%3收入万元42836.004总成本万元32210.215利润总额万元10625.796净利润万元7969.347所得税万元1.698增值税万元1465.639税金及附加万元362.1610纳税总额万元4484.2411利税总额万元12453.5812投资利润率57.37%13投资利税率67.24%14投资回报率43.03%15回收期年3.8216设备数量台(套)16417年用电量千瓦时1052225.1118年用水量立方米40024.2219总能耗吨标准煤132.7420节能率29.72%21


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