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1、Module6 The Tang Poems- Period1 Introduction教案(外研版选修8)Module 6 Book VIII The Tang PoemsIntroduction教 学目 标1. Get Ss to learn about the Tang poems, including the image, mood, rhyme, rhythm, subject, effect of a poem.2. Get Ss to learn to talk about a poem.重 点Analyse and talk about a poem.教 学过 程Step1.

2、Warm up 1. Do you like Chinese ancient poems?2. What poems are the most famous in ancient China?3. Who can you first think of on mentioning the Tang Poems?4. Can you give some examples of their poems?Step 2. Show some pictures of the three famous Tang poets, and get the Ss to guess who they are.Step

3、3. Read the poem A Tranquil night and answer the questions Who wrote the poem? Whats the topic/subject of the poem? Whats the mood of the poem? What images can you find in it? Whats the rhyming stile of the poem?Step4. Match the words of factors of Tang Poems and their meanings.Step5. Listen to a po

4、em and answer the questions. 1. Whats the poem about? 2. How is the friend to travel?Step6. Read the poem Farewell to a Friend by Li Bai and finish the following task. 1. Try to translate it into Chinese.2. Choose correct answers3. Fill in the blanksStep7. Appreciation A Collection of English Transl

5、ation of Tang Poems The Tang Poem ( The first period)Teaching Aims: Improve the skills of reading Improve the ability of comprehensionMoral Aims: Love poetry, love our country Step 1:Warming Up1) Do you like poem?2) why or why not?3) What is your favorite poet?Du FuLi BaiStep : 诗歌欣赏Famous poetsAbed,

6、 I see a silver light,I wonder if its frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned.送友人李白青山横北郭,白水绕东城。此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。浮云游子意, 落日故人情。挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣。Farewell to a FriendLi BaiBlue mountains bar the northern sky;White river girds the eastern town.Here is the place to say g

7、oodbye; Youll drift like lonely thistledown.With floating cloud youll float away; Like parting day Ill part from you.You wave your hand and go your way; Your steed still neighs “Adieu! Adieu!”Fast reading: Match the paragraphs with these titles:An exciting cultureStep 3 段落大意Para1-31.What were the be

8、nefits of trade with foreign countries?2. Name three advances in science and technology at this time.Para4-63. Why was Tang poetry so great?4. What was the difference between Du Fu and Li Bais poetry?Step4: 阅读理解Careful readingRead carefully and answer the questions.1. What were the benefits of trade

9、 with foreign countries?It created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture 2. Name three advances in science and technology at this time.Seng Yixing measured the suns shadow and the altitude of the North Pole;Medical schools were opened;Printing marked the beginning of the golden age of literature-poetr

10、y;3. Why was Tang poetry so popular?4. What was the difference between the two mens poetry?Because of the beauty of its images and the range of its topics. An explosion of talent and the appearance of new forms.A qualification for people who wanted to become government officials(Civil Service Examin

11、ation)5. Du Fu painted a realistic picture of the society, while Li Bais poems were romantic.1.Cultural development went hand in hand with technological progress.2.An explosion of talent, and the appearance of new forms were both important.Step 5. 小组活动Work in groups and discuss the questions.1.Tang Dynasty is very glorious and great in our history . Why? 2. What were the greatest achievements ?Politics Economy Culture the Silk Road


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