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Module《Cloning》 课件(外研社选修6).doc

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Module《Cloning》 课件(外研社选修6).doc

1、外研版 第六册模块5 Reading and VocabularyStep 1 PresentationDo you enjoy reading science fictions? What is your favorite one?Then the teacher show some picture about Frankenstein . The teacher asks “ Have you ever read Frankenstein? How much do you know about it?Step 2 Show some pictures about Mary Shelley.

2、 Step 3 Finish activity 1. Read Frankensteins Monster and complete the sentences.1. The monster terrifies people because _2. Frankenstein tries to destroy the monster because _3. When the scientist saw the monster move, he felt _ because _.4. When the monster came to Frankensteins bed, the scientist

3、 _ 5. The scientist regretted _.The key:1.It is usually large and strong and extremely ugly.2. it kills three people.3. disgusted, the creature was ugly.4. ran out into the garden and hid.5. having made the monster. Step 4 Answer the questions 1. In what ways is the monster like a human being?The mo

4、nster has a body which is made of human parts.2. How did Frankenstein create the monster ?He used bones from dead bodies to make a creature and gave it life. 3. Why did Frankenstein decide to destroy the monster?Because the monster hated him, and killed his brother, friend and wife. 4. What do we le

5、arn about the monsters appearance ?He is very ugly, with wrinkled yellow skin and black lip.5. Why was the young scientist so disgusted when he first saws the monster?Because he had wanted to create something beautiful, but it is very ugly. 6. What had Frankenstein wanted more than anything in the w

6、orld?To give life to a lifeless body.7. Why did Frankenstein wake shaking with fear?Because he had wanted to talk to him. 8. Why did the monster come to Frankensteins bedroom?Because it wanted to talk to him.9. What did Frankenstein do after running out of the room for the second time?He hid in the

7、garden because he was terrified by the monster and regretted having created him. 10. Why did Frankenstein regret creating the monster?Because he was terrified by it. Step 5 Find the words in the passage which means1. a terrifying dream 2. your blood moves through these in your body 3. the most north

8、ern part of the world 4. the thing that everything is made of 5. very different from the key 1. nightmare 2. veins 3. the Arctic 4. matter 5. contrasted Step 6 Answer the questions about the words in the box. Beauty bone chase creation creator disgust emotion fear fianc lifeless murder (v. n. ) 1. W

9、hich of these words are connected with feelings?2. Which words are connected with making something?3. Which word means to quickly follow someone in order to catch him/her?4. Which word refers to a woman who is going to marry soon?5. Which word means to kill someone?6. Which word is the noun of the word beautiful?7. Which word describes a part of the human body?The key: 1. disgust, emotion, fear2. creation, creator3. chase4. fiance5. murder6. beauty 7. lifeless


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