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1、:Modules1-2(外研版选修8)含解析.单词拼写1.I have never _ (试图)to hide my views. 2.At Christmas people _ (呼吁)to us to help the poor.3.They were _ (被困在)in the burning building.4.I_ (认为)that Im going to get that job.5.He said nothing, _(只是)smiled and watched her.6.Looking for a job these days can be very _(令人沮丧的).7.

2、We should try to _ (促进)good feelings with our classmates.8.She had the time and the _ (灵感)to develop her talent.9.Her teacher was angry at her _ (缺席)from the class.10.Dont be _ (灰心);try again and Im sure you will succeed.单项填空1.Antarctica was the last continent_.A.to discoverB.to be discoveredC.disco

3、veredD.having been discovered2.It rained non-stop for half a month,completely _ our holiday.A.ruiningB.to ruinC.ruinedD.having ruined3. In order to finish the work on time,the man in charge decided to _some more workers.A.give upB.take onC.look afterD.take up4.We discourage you_except in specific ar

4、eas.A.from smokingB.to smokeC.smokeD.smoking5.2012呼伦贝尔模拟 Johnson hasnt felt any effect the new dieting recipe has _him since he tried to lose weight three months ago.A.for B.toC.on D.with6.2012厦门模拟The general manager declared that whoever performed well would be_to a higher position.A.evolvedB.promo

5、tedC.dominatedD.allocated7.It is reported that several traffic accidents occurred in the highway on October 7.In my view,it was not the passengers but the drivers who_for them.A.were blamedB.were to blameC.were to be blamedD.was to blame8.2012锦州模拟In the past,he rarely spoke unless others were speaki

6、ng about something that_to him.A.tendedB.addictedC.appealedD.applied9.2012赣州模拟Many people are quite at a loss as to what to do_fire.A.in honour ofB.in need ofC.in case ofD.in the form of10.2012邢台模拟Pack up the items youd like to take along and leave _ those you dislike taking with you on your journey

7、.A.aloneB.behindC.offD.out11.They are_the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.A.seekingB.stimulatingC.shapingD.sinking12.Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still cannot _ himself to the Chinese customs.A.applyB.admitC.adaptD.accept13. _of all the staff,I would

8、like to wish you a happy retirement.A.In placeB.On accountC.On behalfD.In honour14.How could you _ your friend so easily?She is the kind of person who _ in a crowd.A.pick out;stands outB.make out;stands forC.take out;stands byD.bring out;stands aside15.When he_this foreign country,he missed his pare

9、nts very much.A.set off forB.set foot onC.set aboutD.set sail完形填空It was a cold and windy fall day.I,a fourth-grade pupil,jumped out of the car.“Bye Mom!” I yelled as she 1 away.I ran in the front doors and saw my friends waiting for me.We started to walk down the 2 to our classroom.The hallway was s

10、o loud as usual and you could 3 hear yourself think.My friend Casey said to me “Erin,your shoelace is 4 .” “I will tie it when we get in the classroom,thanks though.” I replied.Well,I was 5 .We were still walking to our class and my friend Jenny was telling us 6 .As we were walking and laughing I st

11、epped on my shoelace and 7 on my face.”Are you okay Erin?” my friends asked me.Well,I wasnt because I had a bloody nose and blood 8 on my uniform.I looked up from the floor and I saw everyone was staring at me.I 9 and tied my shoelace,put my backpack back on my back,and ran to my classroom.I didnt 1

12、0 anything to my friends.I put my stuff at my desk when I got in the classroom,got a 11 for my nose,and went up to the teacher and asked for a nurses pass to get my nose 12 up.When I left the teacher,I saw my friends.I walked 13 by because I didnt say anything to them.They were laughing and I though

13、t they were laughing at me so I didnt talk to them for the rest of the 14 .During lunch they came up to me and asked “So how is your 15 ?” “Fine!” I yelled,“I saw you laughing at me when I was on my way to the 16 .” “We werent laughing at you.Jenny told another joke.” My friends said.“Well,I was 17

14、at you because I thought you were laughing at me.Im sorry,do you guys 18 me?” “Yes,we forgive you.But next time you should ask us 19 you assume something.” My friends said.“Ok guys,want to play soccer?” I asked,“Sure!” they said and then we went outside to 20 the soccer ball happily.1.A.droveB.walke

15、dC.flewD.went2.A.roadB.hallwayC.front doorD.path3.A.properlyB.relativelyC.ridiculouslyD.barely4.A.unfittedB.unbearableC.untiedD.uncomfortable5.A.wrongB.upsetC.vainD.sure6.A.storiesB.jokesC.liesD.facts7.A.layB.slidedC.fellD.stood8.A.attachedB.stuckC.flashedD.got9.A.got upB.turned upC.showed upD.took


17、wearB.punishC.evaluateD.forgive19.A.untilB.beforeC.ifD.unless20.A.squeezeB.seizeC.kickD.play. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I have

18、 noticed that much of the fiction and nonfiction works publishing in Teen Magazine have a happy ending. While these are pleasantly to read, one has to ask how it is possible that there is so much optimism. Im all for positive thinking, and readers should also be exposed by the darker side of life. W

19、hy publish a story about someone whose experiences a tragedy and gets nothing in return? After all, thats life. Not every story have a happy ending. I think this would benefit from Teen Magazines readers to see both kinds: happy and real. . 书面表达2012杭州模拟2011年一位用行动宣讲环保概念的年轻人“低碳哥(Low-carbon Brother)”在网

20、上走红了。他的主要做法有: 1捡起废纸,用空白一面写字。 2不开灯看电视,还把电视亮度调到最低(minimum)。 3上班骑自行车,不开车等。请根据以上提示,写一篇短文介绍“低碳哥”的生活,并阐述自己对这种低碳生活的看法。注意:1对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2词数100左右。_答案解析. 1. sought 2. appealed 3. trapped 4. reckon 5. merely 6. depressing7. promote 8. inspiration 9. absence 10.discouraged1.【解析】选B。根据句子结构,要填部分在句中作定语,修饰

21、continent。当名词前有序数词修饰时,其后的定语要用不定式结构,又因为continent与discover之间为动宾关系,所以答案为B。2.【解析】选A。句意:雨连续下了半个月,完全毁掉了我们的假期。根据句意可知下雨毁坏了我们的假期,这是自然而然的结果,故用现在分词作结果状语。3.【解析】选B。句意:为了按时完成工作,这个负责人决定雇用更多的工人。give up放弃;take on承担,雇用;look after照顾;take up占据,从事。根据句意选B项。4.【解析】选A。考查discourage的用法。句意:我们劝你不要吸烟,特殊场合除外。discourage sb.from do

22、ing sth.劝说某人不要做某事。5.【解析】选C。句意:自从三个月前开始减肥,Johnson从没觉得这种新的节食食谱对他有效果。本题是对have an effect on sb.结构的变形考查。先行词effect后跟了一个定语从句,被省略的关系词which/that在定语从句中作has的宾语。【变式备选】The drug did not_his health.In fact,it seemed to have no_at all.A.effect;effectB.effect;affectC.affect;effectD.affect;affect【解析】选C。句意:这种药没有影响他的健康

23、。事实上,似乎一点效果都没有。affect是动词,意为“影响”;have no effect on对没有影响。6.【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:总经理宣布表现好的人将会被提升到更高一级的职位。evolve演变;promote提升;dominate支配,统治,控制;allocate分派,分配。根据句意可知选B项。7.【解析】选B。句意:据报道在10月7号发生了多起交通事故。依我看来,是司机而不是乘客应该为这些事故负责。be to blame应受责备,主动形式表示被动含义,为固定短语;分析句式可知强调句型强调了句子的主语,再根据not.but.连接两个并列主语时使用就近原则,故谓语用复数,

24、即选B项。【知识拓展】不定式主动表被动的情况一、在某些固定句型中,不定式作定语,用主动形式表示被动含义。(1)have sth.to do此句型中不定式与前面的名词有动宾关系,又和句中的另一个名词或代词构成主谓关系。I have a lot of things to do this afternoon.to do与things是动宾关系,与I 是主谓关系。否则,在表示被动含义时,仍需要被动式。(2)It/This/That+be+a/an+adj.+n.+to do此句型中不定式与前面的名词有动宾关系。动词不定式可改为不定式的复合结构。This is a difficult question

25、to answer.这是一个很难回答的问题。question 与 answer是动宾关系。to answer可改为for me to answer。二、在某些“形容词+不定式”结构中,不定式有被动意义,与句子主语构成动宾关系。(1)n.+be+adj.+to doThe question is very difficult to answer.这个问题很难回答。(2)n.+be+too+adj.+to doThe thing is too small to see.这个东西太小看不见。(3)n.+be+adj.+enough to doThe box is light enough to ca

26、rry.这盒子轻得可带走。三、某些动词不定式,如to let,to blame,to seek用主动形式表达被动含义。The house is to let.这房子要出租。四、在with复合结构中。With a lot of work to do, I cant go with you.由于有很多工作要做,我不能和你一起去。8.【解析】选C。句意:在过去他很少说话,除非别人谈论使他感兴趣的话题。appeal to吸引,使感兴趣;tend to趋向于;照顾,照料;be addicted to沉湎于;apply to适用于,由句意可知C项正确。9.【解析】选C。句意:至于万一发生火灾该做什么,许多

27、人相当困惑。in honour of为纪念;in need of需要;in case of以防,万一;in the form of以形式。10.【解析】选B。句意:旅行时装上你愿意带的东西,留下你不愿意带的东西。leave alone听之任之;leave behind留下,把抛在后面;leave out遗漏,省略;leave off中断,停止。【变式备选】If you ask the fast runner to set the pace,then most of them will be left_.A.aloneB.behindC.backD.out【解析】选B。句意:如果你让跑得快的人来

28、定速度,那么他们中的大多数人都将落在后面。leave sb.behind把某人抛在后面。11.【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们一直在寻找对他们的健康有好处的最合理的饮食。seek寻找;stimulate刺激;shape使成形,塑造;sink下沉,沉淀。根据句意可知选A项。12.【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管马克在中国居住了多年,他还是不能适应中国的风俗习惯。adapt (oneself) to.使(自己)习惯于,符合句意。13.【解析】选C。句意:我代表全体员工,祝你退休生活愉快。in place of代替;on account of因为,由于;on behalf of代

29、表;in honour of 为纪念。根据句意可知选C项。14.【解析】选A。句意:你是怎么如此容易地把你的朋友辨认出来的? 她是那种在人群中很显眼的人。pick out“辨认出”;stand out“突出,显眼”。15.【解析】选B。句意:当他踏上这个陌生的国度时,他非常想念父母。set off for动身去某地;set foot on踏上;set about着手做某事;set sail起航。【文章大意】一个四年级的孩子因鞋带松了,跌倒磕破鼻子,看到同学们在笑,以为是嘲笑他,他很生气不理睬同学们了,后来同学们的主动沟通打消了他的顾虑,他们又和好如初。1.【解析】选A。联系前面I.jumped

30、 out of the car.可知:drive away驾车离开。2.【解析】选B。联系下句The hallway was so loud.可知。3.【解析】选D。走廊很吵闹以至于你不能静下心来。properly 适当地;relatively相对地;ridiculously可笑地,荒谬地;barely几乎不。4.【解析】选C。从下句I will tie it.可知:我的鞋带开了。unfitted不合适的;unbearable难以忍受的;untied未系鞋带的;uncomfortable不舒服的。5.【解析】选A。从下文可知:正是作者没系鞋带,才导致了尴尬的场面,故选A项。wrong 错误的;

31、upset心烦的;vain徒劳的;sure确信的。6.【解析】选B。从下文We werent laughing at you. Jenny told another joke.可知。7.【解析】选C。我踩到了鞋带,磕倒了。lie躺;slide滑动;fall跌倒;stand站立。8.【解析】选D。我鼻子出血了,血染在了校服上。attach系上;依恋;stick粘贴;flash闪光;get染上。9.【解析】选A。从上句可知:我跌倒在地上,所以我起身系上我的鞋带。get up起身。10.【解析】选C。联系下文because I didnt say anything to them可知。11.【解析】

32、选D。我拿了块卫生纸堵住鼻子。tissue卫生纸,符合句意;backpack背包;shoelace鞋带;uniform校服,均不合句意。12.【解析】选B。我想找个护士给我清洗干净。clean up清理干净;因为鼻子只是出血了,清洗一下即可。bandage包扎;wash 洗;wound使受伤。13.【解析】选A。我径直走过去了,没和他们说一句话。directly径直地;brilliantly骄傲地;elegantly优雅地;cautiously谨慎地。14.【解析】选B。联系下文During lunch可知。15.【解析】选C。联系上文I had a bloody nose可知。16.【解析】

33、选B。联系上文asked for a nurses pass可知。17.【解析】选A。我要疯了,因为你们都在嘲笑我。mad疯狂的;exhausted疲劳的;dissatisfied不满意的;rude粗鲁的。18.【解析】选D。联系下句Yes,we forgive you.可知。swear诅咒;punish惩罚;evaluate评估,评价。19.【解析】选B。下次在你假想事情之前,你最好先问问我们。before在之前。20.【解析】选C。联系上句play soccer可知用kick,因为soccer前面有the,不用play。. 【答案】I have noticed that much of t

34、he fiction and nonfiction works publishing in Teenmany publishedMagazine have a happy ending. While these are pleasantly to read, one has to ask pleasanthow it is possible that there is so much optimism. Im all for positive thinking, andbutreaders should also be exposed by the darker side of life. W

35、hy publish a story to notabout someone whose experiences a tragedy and gets nothing in return? After all, who/thatthats life. Not every story have a happy ending. I think this would benefit from Teen has itMagazines readers to see both kinds: happy and real. 1. 【解析】第一句中把much改为many。考查代词辨析。此处其修饰的名词为可数

36、名词works,而非fiction,要用many来修饰。2. 【解析】第一句中把publishing改为published。考查非谓语动词作定语。publish的分词形式为works的定语,它们之间为被动关系,而且动作已经完成,故用过去分词形式。3. 【解析】第二句中把pleasantly改为pleasant。考查形容词副词辨析。 此处需要形容词作表语,表示“这些作品读起来令人愉悦”。4. 【解析】第三句中把and改为but。考查连词辨析。句意:我非常支持积极的思考,但是读者们也应该面对生活中黑暗的那一面。可见两句为转折关系,而非承接关系。5. 【解析】第三句中把by改为to。考查固定短语。b

37、e exposed to暴露于,必须与介词to搭配。6. 【解析】第四句中的why后添加not。根据上下文可知作者是建议刊登一些并不是完美结局的故事,表示建议用why not do. . . 。7. 【解析】第四句中把whose改为who或that。考查关系代词的辨析。此句为someone的定语从句,在这个定语从句中experiences和后面的gets是谓语动词,从句缺主语,又是指人,故用who或that来引导。8. 【解析】第六句中把have改为has。考查主谓一致。本句的主语为every story,谓语动词应该用单数。9. 【解析】第七句中把this改为it。考查形式主语it。分析句式

38、可知在I think的宾语从句中to see both kinds: happy and real为真正的主语,形式主语要用it。10. 【解析】第七句中的from去掉。考查动词benefit的用法。benefit from. . . 从中获得益处,而benefit为及物动词时表示“对有益”,句意:让杂志的读者们看到两种快乐与真实会对他们有益。故将from去掉。.【参考范文】A young man called Low-carbon Brother became a hit on the Internet in 2011He suggests living a low-carbon life,

39、 which means using less energy in our daily life so that we can help reduce carbon dioxide in the airFor example, he always picks up some waste paper on the street and uses the blank side to write somethingWhile he is watching TV, he always turns down the brightness to the minimum and turns off the

40、lightBesides, he goes to work by bike instead of drivingSome people think what he is doing is just a showNo one can live such a simple life with so many modern inventions around usAs far as I am concerned, I strongly support his idea and his behaviorAlthough what he is doing has no huge effect on global warming, he at least can enjoy a healthy life


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