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1、-21 世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案Unit 1Text AExerciseV 1. solutions.2. ignore.3. persuade.4. assign.5. deadline.6. approach.7. stuck.8. essentials.9. managed.10. necessarily.11. retained.12. due, draft.VI1. put in2. make the most of3. put down4. lead to5. get her hands on6. put away our picnic things7. to stick

2、 to8. time after time9. has cut down on smoking10. counts for much moreVIII1. thus cutting down on our costs2. while having his breakfast3. so that he can memorize a couple of new words everyday while cooking his meals4. thus greatly increasing his reading speed5. while studying Chinese modern histo

3、ry at Beijing University-6. thus being able to do very well in their work7. while doing his homework8. so that you can become one, tooIX1. used to go2. got used to getting3. used to study, has got used to working4. used to say5. used to write, got used to communicatingXI1. went unnoticed2. go unpuni

4、shed3. go uncorrected4. goes unnoticed, unmentioned5. go unreportedXIII. Translation1. Tom, a very curious boy, is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows.2. According to Professor Smith, happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.3. Youd better keep the book where you

5、r 15-year-old son cant get his hands on it.4. The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it.5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower-scoring classmates.6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the

6、speed-reading course?7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of ones abilities counts for much more.8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.Text BExerciseI1. opposite2. preference-3. located4. feasible5. perspective6. have shift

7、ed7. concern8. attractive9. survive10. transfer11. prospect12. particularly13. treasure14. DespiteII1. on the other hand2. keep up3. As for4. for good5. turned out6. come of age7. what if8. welled upUnit 2Text A ExerciseIII1. response2. bounced3. Conversation4. previous5. encouragement6. parallelIV1

8、. entirely2. objection3. challenged4. original-5. responsible6. relative7. halfway8. startled9. simply10. back and forth11. joined in12. just as13. knocked down14. came to a halt15. Even if16. fell apartV1. unconsciously2. response3. previous4. suitable5. even though6. disagree7. topic8. calling on9

9、. switched10. and so on11. in line12. take turnsVI1. Excellence2. independence3. intelligence4. significance5. patience6. silence7. violence8. differences9. distance10. confidenceVII1. disappeared2. disorder3. dishonest-4. disobey5. disagree6. disadvantages7. discomfort8. dislike9. disbelief10. diss

10、atisfiedVIII(A)1. Whoever is most qualified2. Whoever has money3. Whoever holds it4. whoever is not with him5. whoever would take the job6. Whoever fears to face his own past(B)1. Whatever they have2. whatever decisions he makes3. Whenever the weather is bad4. wherever he goes5. Whichever direction

11、you turn to6. however hard she triedIX1. No wonder its freezing cold today2. No wonder there is no picture on the screen3. No wonder many career women are not married4. No wonder they asked so many questions5. No wonder it has become a best-seller of this spring6. No wonder US students are anxious a

12、bout mathXII1. Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are two different countries after all.”2. Professor Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. He often says, “I am just as happy, even if you challenge me or

13、 completely disagree with me.”3. We called on him to take part in our conservation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week.-4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his

14、 bike.5. Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobile phones.6. Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing.7. Its no simple matter to learn a foreign language well. Even though I

15、 have learned English for a few years, I still cant express myself effectively in the language.8. I dont want you simply to agree or disagree with me I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas, and so on.Text BExerciseI1. academic2. intelligence3. reflects4. Social5. predicted6. context7. adv

16、antage8. attitude9. traits10. communication11. distinguish12. represented13. influences14. matureII1. gettingacross2. come out3. Because of4. in short5. as a result6. as well7. in some cases8. sent out-Unit 3Text AExerciseIV1. draw2. bear3. worn out4. got tired of5. racial6. paid, attention to7. mat

17、ure8. broke into9. performed10. conquer11. aspects12. As far asV1. Brought up2. broke into running3. amazed4. All his wife could do was5. resemble6. with ease7. conquered8. wear out / are worn out9. turned out10. has grown into11. tragedy12. promptlyVI1. personal2. traditional3. humorous4. logical5.

18、 courageous6. poisonous7. educational8. victorious-VII1. darkness2. carelessness3. nervousness4. preparedness5. illness6. eagerness / nervousnessVIII1. go on playing2. went on reading3. went on to explain4. went on to teach5. went on playing6. went on to tellX1. work as fast as a skilled worker2. co

19、uldnt perform as well as his parents had expected3. he promised that he would go and see his grandparents as often as possible4. that after finishing his studies abroad he would come back as soon as possibleXII1. As far as I know, all they have to do is come and see the child they want to bring up a

20、nd fill out a form.2. As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth.3. The little girls songs brought sunshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life.4. People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building

21、of another big bridge over the Huangpu River.5. All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy was playing the violin so skillfully.6. After the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside.7. Mother could never have imagined

22、that her son would become a world-famous pianist even in her wildest dreams.8. The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had fought back from the shadow of death.-Text BExerciseI1. potential2. suggestions3. realistic4. embarrassed5. impression6. negative7. presently8. re

23、acted9. improvement10. target11. inferior12. conceptII1. built up2. dwell on3. do justice to myself4. from the start5. were based on6. set aside7. wiped out8. improve on9. do, harm10. is working onUnit 4Text A ExerciseIV1. endure2. accumulated3. somewhat4. property5. informed6. wrinkled7. collapsing

24、-8. mourning9. contributed10. possessed11. recovered12. trembled13. fulfill14. drove15. stagger16. utteredV1. because of2. be blessed with3. as well as4. spoke of5. a good deal of6. at most7. stand on its feet8. be ashamed of9. as soon as10. leaning onVI1. a bearded young man2. three colored pictures3. a flowered lawn4. a gifted talented pianist5. an old lady with a wrinkled face6. a home for the aged7. a cultured college student8. an experienced driver9. a skilled engineer10. a spirited discussionVII1. shameless2. cheerful3. endless4. windless5. fearless6. countless7. meaningful8. colorful


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