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3-7:TCC Top Forex: How to avoid a burst.docx

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3-7:TCC Top Forex: How to avoid a burst.docx

1、CHIFLEY: Trading foreign exchange or investing in real estateMost of the wealth that is intended to establish ultimate security is chosen to invest or trade real estate. In fact, if you look at the list of rich peoples names in any category, most of them allocate the main part of the assets to real

2、estate. Donald Trump, in real estate It is very popular to get wealth and his success story is a revelation for all of us.Books like Rich Kiyosaks rich daddy, poor father, and other peoples investment books written in the last 15 years have brought ordinary people into real estate investment. Thanks

3、 to these books, many people have opened up their minds.This article will not debate the accuracy and sensibility of investing in real estate. However, it may not be the best choice for everyone. Each of us has different restrictions and different environments. At first - for most of us People - bec

4、ause there is not enough money, we have to choose which area to focus on. What I can do is to at least focus on several aspects of the transaction and invest. Then let you decide what you will focus on.I should let you know that I have not invested in real estate, but I have considered it and I have

5、 asked myself the same question. Maybe you are asking yourself now. I have read a lot and my assets are purely from mine. Reading. Individuals using real estate as their medium to obtain wealth may have different representations, and I strongly recommend that you listen to their suggestions for a mo

6、re substantial view.Passive income or capital gainsIf you like the idea of buying a property to collect rent, the real estate market may be best for you. You can arrange your property and contract to maximize the passive income of your rent.However, if you buy real estate just because you can sell a

7、t a higher price, you want profit from capital gains. If this is your heart, foreign exchange may be a better trading platform for you than real estate. Because the exchange rate fluctuates faster than the real estate price. In addition, the transaction is simpler and is done in an instant.capitalTo

8、 buy real estate, you need at least 10% of the property price, if your bank is willing to lend you another 90%. If the home costs $350,000, you will need to pay $35,000. For many people, it is a full year of gross income. .If you want to start trading forex, most brokers allow you to apply for an ac

9、count of $200. With $50, you can trade 10,000 units of currency if your margin ratio is 200:1.fluidityWhenever you want to buy or sell money, there are people who plan to buy - or sell - at a basically consistent price. The foreign exchange market is the worlds largest market, if you have thousands

10、of dollars you want to convert to another A currency that you can complete in a matter of seconds. Buying or selling a house or apartment, you may have to wait a few weeks, if not months.Product consistencyIn the real estate market, the house is different from the rest. Each property is unique. A ho

11、use may have a better foundation than others, a bad design or a beautiful garden. If you want to make money from trading, understand these advantages and disadvantages. It becomes an important factor. Therefore, if you enjoy or if you are good at selling, publicizing, and bargaining according to the

12、se differences, the real estate market is right for you. In addition, your lawyers, accountants, consultants, real estate agents and consultants occupy your success. important role.If you want to trade currency, you dont need to negotiate the price with the other party. If you are a seller, there is no need to train potential buyers for the advantages of your product. If you want to buy, you can rest assured that you will get the best offer from your broker. s price.transaction costBuy


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