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1、Your resume is the first step towards an interview. But how do you make your resume stand out in a pile of hundreds? No stress, weve got the tips to help. Start with a summaryGrab the recruiters attention with a short summary that highlights your best skills and achievements. If the recruiter likes

2、what they read in the first few sentences theyll want to read on. Get hired with a great resumeShow off your skillsYou need to show how your education and previous experience has given you the skills to fulfil the role requirements. Include any additional training youve done and list in reverse chro

3、nological order your employment history using start and end dates.Address the key selection criteriaJust like you tailor your cover letter for a specific job, you need to tailor your resume. Use the key selection criteria listed in the job advert and link the duties and responsibilities of your past

4、 experience to it. Leave the personal stuff outWhile your hobbies and interests show youre a well-rounded person, they take up valuable resume space and dont prove your ability to do the job. You can also leave off details like your date of birth, gender, relationship status none of these affect you

5、r ability to do the job. Watch the lengthRecruiters wont read pages and pages of resume and in fact it will reflect poorly on you. Keep your resume to one or two pages depending on your employment history. Dont forget you can go into more detail in the interview. Dont be a clich Delete all of those

6、predictable words like innovative and motivated they have all been said too many times before. Instead stand out by illustrating your strengths using examples not buzz word vocabulary.Proof readDont just rely on the software spell check to pick up mistakes, take the time to proof read your resume an

7、d then proof it again. Just one mistake can put you into the rejection pile dont let that be because of a typo. Presentation You may think a different layout or quirky format will make your resume stand out it could, but for the wrong reason. You want to keep the format simple so the recruiter can easily navigate through the information and quickly identify the criteria they are looking for.


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