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第38卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学(哈佛经典50部英文版).pdf

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第38卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学(哈佛经典50部英文版).pdf

1、 第第 38 卷卷 物理学、医物理学、医学、外科学和地质学学、外科学和地质学 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 2/461 总目录总目录 第第 1 卷卷 富兰克林自传富兰克林自传 第第 2 卷卷 柏拉图对话录:辩解篇、菲多柏拉图对话录:辩解篇、菲多篇、克利多篇篇、克利多篇 第第 3 卷卷 培根论说文集及新阿特兰蒂斯培根论说文集及新阿特兰蒂斯 第第 4 卷卷 约翰米尔顿英文诗全集约翰米尔顿英文诗全集 第第 5 卷卷 爱默生文集爱默生文集 第第 6 卷卷 伯恩斯诗歌集伯恩斯诗歌集 第第 7 卷卷 圣奥古斯丁忏悔录圣奥古斯丁

2、忏悔录 第第 8 卷卷 希腊戏剧希腊戏剧 第第 9 卷卷 论友谊、论老年及书信集论友谊、论老年及书信集 第第 10 卷卷 国富论国富论 第第 11 卷卷 物种起源论物种起源论 第第 12 卷卷 普卢塔克比较列传普卢塔克比较列传 第第 13 卷卷 伊尼亚德伊尼亚德 第第 14 卷卷 唐吉坷德唐吉坷德 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 3/461 第第 15 卷卷 天路历程天路历程 第第 16 卷卷 天方夜谭天方夜谭 第第 17 卷卷 民间传说与预言民间传说与预言 第第 18 卷卷 英国现代戏剧英国现代戏剧 第第 19 卷

3、卷 浮士德浮士德 第第 20 卷卷 神曲神曲 第第 21 卷卷 许婚的爱人许婚的爱人 第第 22 卷卷 奥德赛奥德赛 第第 23 卷卷 两年水手生涯两年水手生涯 第第 24 卷卷 伯克文集伯克文集 第第 25 卷卷 穆勒文集穆勒文集 第第 26 卷卷 欧洲大陆戏剧欧洲大陆戏剧 第第 27 卷卷 英国名家随笔英国名家随笔 第第 28 卷卷 英国与美国名家随笔英国与美国名家随笔 第第 29 卷卷 比格尔号上的旅行比格尔号上的旅行 第第 30 卷卷 科学论文集:物理学、化学、科学论文集:物理学、化学、天文学、地质学天文学、地质学 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第

4、38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 4/461 第第 31 卷卷 切利尼自传切利尼自传 第第 32 卷卷 文学和哲学名家随笔文学和哲学名家随笔 第第33卷卷 古代与现代著名航海与旅行记古代与现代著名航海与旅行记 第第 34 卷卷 法国和英国著名哲学家法国和英国著名哲学家 第第 35 卷卷 见闻与传奇见闻与传奇 第第 36 卷卷 君王论君王论 第第 37 卷卷 17、18 世纪英国著名哲学家世纪英国著名哲学家 第第 38 卷卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质物理学、医学、外科学和地质学学 第第 39 卷卷 著名之前言和序言著名之前言和序言 第第 40 卷卷 英文诗集(卷)从乔叟到格英文诗集(卷)

5、从乔叟到格雷雷 第第 41 卷卷 英文诗集(卷)从科林斯到英文诗集(卷)从科林斯到费兹杰拉德费兹杰拉德 第第 42 卷卷 英文诗集(卷)从丁尼生到英文诗集(卷)从丁尼生到惠特曼惠特曼 第第 43 卷卷 10001904 第第 44 卷卷 圣书圣书(卷一卷一):孔子孔子 希伯来书希伯来书 基基百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 5/461 督圣经督圣经()第第 45 卷卷 圣书圣书(卷二卷二)基督圣经基督圣经()第第 46 卷卷 伊丽莎白时期戏剧(卷)伊丽莎白时期戏剧(卷)第第 47 卷卷 伊丽莎白时期戏剧(卷)伊丽莎白时

6、期戏剧(卷)第第 48 卷卷 帕斯卡文集帕斯卡文集 第第 49 卷卷 史诗与传说史诗与传说 第第 50 卷卷 哈佛经典讲座哈佛经典讲座 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 6/461 第第 38 卷卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 INTRODUCTORY NOTE HIPPOCRATES,the celebrated Greek physician,was a contemporary of the historian Herodotus.He was born in the island

7、of Cos between 470 and 460 B.C.,and belonged to the family that claimed descent from the mythical sculapius,son of Apollo.There was already a long medical tradition in Greece before his day,and this he is supposed to have inherited chiefly through his predecessor Herodicus;and he enlarged his educat

8、ion by extensive travel.He is said,though the evidence is unsatisfactory,to have taken part in the efforts to check the great plague which devastated Athens at the beginning of the Peloponnesian war.He died at Larissa between 380 and 360 B.C.The works attributed to Hippocrates are the earliest extan

9、t Greek medical writings,but very many of them are certainly not his.Some five or six,however,are generally granted to be genuine,and among these is the famous“Oath.”This interesting document shows that in his time physicians were already organized into a corporation or guild,with regulations for th

10、e training of disciples,and with an esprit de corps and a professional ideal which,with slight exceptions,can hardly yet be regarded as out of date.One saying occurring in the words of Hippocrates has achieved universal currency,though few who quote it to-day are aware that it originally referred to

11、 the art of the physician.It is the first of his“Aphorisms”:“Life is short,and the Art long;the occasion fleeting;experience fallacious,and judgment difficult.The physician must not only be prepared to do what is right himself,but also to make the patient,the attendants,and externals cooperate.”THE

12、OATH OF HIPPOCRATES 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 7/461 IS WEAR by Apollo the physician and sculapius,and Health,and All-heal,and all the gods and goddesses,that,according to my ability and judgment,I will keep this Oath and this stipulationto reckon him who taught me this A

13、rt equally dear to me as my parents,to share my substance with him,and relieve his necessities if required;to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers,and to teach them this Art,if they shall wish to learn it,without fee or stipulation;and that by precept,lecture,and every othe

14、r mode of instruction,I will impart a knowledge of the Art to my own sons,and those of my teachers,and to disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine,but to none others.I will follow that system of regimen which,according to my ability and judgment,I consider for the b

15、enefit of my patients,and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked,nor suggest any such counsel;and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion.With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my

16、 Art.I will not cut persons labouring under the stone,but will leave this to be done by men who are practitioners of this work.Into whatever houses I enter,I will go into them for the benefit of the sick,and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption;and,further,from the seduct

17、ion of females or males,of freemen and slaves.Whatever,in connection with my professional practice,or not in connection with it,I see or hear,in the life of men,which ought not to be spoken of abroad,I will not divulge,as reckoning that all such should be kept secret.While I continue to keep this Oa

18、th unviolated,may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of the Art,respected by all men,in all times.But should I trespass and violate this Oath,may the reverse be my lot.THE LAW OF HIPPOCRATES 1.MEDICINE is of all the arts the most noble;but,owing to the ignorance of those who practice

19、 it,and of those who,inconsiderately,百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 8/461 form a judgment of them,it is at present far behind all the other arts.Their mistake appears to me to arise principally from this,that in the cities there is no punishment connected with the practice of

20、 medicine(and with it alone)except disgrace,and that does not hurt those who are familiar with it.Such persons are like the figures which are introduced in tragedies,for as they have the shape,and dress,and personal appearance of an actor,but are not actors,so also physicians are many in title but v

21、ery few in reality.2.Whoever is to acquire a competent knowledge of medicine,ought to be possessed of the following advantages:a natural disposition;instruction;a favorable position for the study;early tuition;love of labour;leisure.First of all,a natural talent is required;for,when Nature leads the

22、 way to what is most excellent,instruction in the art takes place,which the student must try to appropriate to himself by reflection,becoming an early pupil in a place well adapted for instruction.He must also bring to the task a love of labour and perseverance,so that the instruction taking root ma

23、y bring forth proper and abundant fruits.3.Instruction in medicine is like the culture of the productions of the earth.For our natural disposition,is,as it were,the soil;the tenets of our teacher are,as it were,the seed;instruction in youth is like the planting of the seed in the ground at the prope

24、r season;the place where the instruction is communicated is like the food imparted to vegetables by the atmosphere;diligent study is like the cultivation of the fields;and it is time which imparts strength to all things and brings them to maturity.4.Having brought all these requisites to the study o

25、f medicine,and having acquired a true knowledge of it,we shall thus,in travelling through the cities,be esteemed physicians not only in name but in reality.But inexperience is a bad treasure,and a bad fund to those who possess it,whether in opinion or reality,being devoid of self-reliance and conten

26、tedness,and the nurse both of timidity and audacity.For timidity 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 9/461 betrays a want of powers,and audacity a lack of skill.They are,indeed,two things,knowledge and opinion,of which the one makes its possessor really to know,the other to be ign

27、orant.5.Those things which are sacred,are to be imparted only to sacred persons;and it is not lawful to impart them to the profane until they have been initiated in the mysteries of the science.JOURNEYS IN DIVERSE PLACES BY AMBROISE PAR TRANSLATED BY STEPHEN PAGET INTRODUCTORY NOTE AMBROISE PAR was

28、born in the village of Bourg-Hersent,near Laval,in Maine,France,about 1510.He was trained as a barber-surgeon at a time when a barber-surgeon was inferior to a surgeon,and the professions of surgeon and physician were kept apart by the law of the Church that forbade a physician to shed blood.Under w

29、hom he served his apprenticeship is unknown,but by 1533 he was in Paris,where he received an appointment as house surgeon at the Htel Dieu.After three or four years of valuable experience in this hospital,he set up in private practise in Paris,but for the next thirty years he was there only in the i

30、ntervals of peace;the rest of the time he followed the army.He became a master barber-surgeon in 1541.In Pars time the armies of Europe were not regularly equipped with a medical service.The great nobles were accompanied by their private physicians;the common soldiers doctored themselves,or used the

31、 services of barber-surgeons and quacks who accompanied the army as adventurers.“When Par joined the army,”says Paget,“he went simply as a follower of Colonel Montejan,having neither rank,recognition,nor regular payment.His fees make up in romance for their irregularity:a 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Cla

32、ssics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 10/461 cask of wine,fifty double ducats and a horse,a diamond,a collection of crowns and half-crowns from the ranks,other honorable presents and of great value;from the King himself,three hundred crowns,and a promise he would never let him be in want;another diamond,this

33、time from the finger of a duchess:and a soldier once offered a bag of gold to him.”When Par was a man of seventy,the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Paris made an attack on him on account of his use of the ligature instead of cauterizing after amputation.In answer,Par appealed to his successful e

34、xperience,and narrated the“Journeys in Diverse Places”here printed.This entertaining volume gives a vivid picture,not merely of the condition of surgery in the sixteenth century,but of the military life of the time;and reveals incidentally a personality of remarkable vigor and charm.Pars own achieve

35、ments are recorded with modest satisfaction:“I dressed him,and God healed him,”is the refrain.Par died in Paris in December,1590.JOURNEYS IN DIVERSE PLACES注 1 1537-1569THE JOURNEY TO TURIN.1537 I WILL here shew my readers the towns and places where I found a way to learn the art of surgery:for the b

36、etter instruction of the young surgeon And first,in the year 1536,the great King Francis sent a large army to Turin,to recover the towns and castles that had been taken by the Marquis de Guast,Lieutenant-General of the Emperor.M.the Constable,then Grand Master,was Lieutenant-General of the army,and

37、M.de Montejan was Colonel-General of the infantry,whose surgeon I was at this time.A great part of the army being come to the Pass of Suze,we found the enemy occupying it;and they had made forts and trenches,so that we had to fight to dislodge them and drive them out.And there were many killed and w

38、ounded on both sides,but the enemy were forced to give way and retreat into the castle,which was captured,part of it,by Captain Le Rat,百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 11/461 who was posted on a little hill with some of his soldiers,whence they fired straight on the enemy.He re

39、ceived an arquebusshot in his right ankle,and fell to the ground at once,and then said,“Now they have got the Rat.”I dressed him,and God healed him.We entered pell-mell into the city,and passed over the dead bodies,and some not yet dead,hearing them cry under our horses feet;and they made my heart a

40、che to hear them.And truly I repented I had left Paris to see such a pitiful spectacle.Being come into the city,I entered into a stable,thinking to lodge my own and my mans horse,and found four dead soldiers,and three propped against the wall,their features all changed,and they neither saw,heard,nor

41、 spake,and their clothes were still smouldering where the gun-powder had burned them.As I was looking at them with pity,there came an old soldier who asked me if there were any way to cure them.I said no.And then he went up to them and cut their throats,gently,and without ill will toward them.Seeing

42、 this great cruelty,I told him he was a villain:he answered he prayed God,when he should be in such a plight,he might find someone to do the same for him,that he should not linger in misery.To come back to my story,the enemy were called on to surrender,which they did,and left the city with only thei

43、r lives saved,and the white stick in their hands;and most of them went off to the Chteau de Villane,where about two hundred Spaniards were stationed.M.the Constable would not leave these behind him,wishing to clear the road for our own men.The castle is seated on a small hill;which gave great confid

44、ence to those within,that we could not bring our artillery to bear upon them.They were summoned to surrender,or they would be cut in pieces:they answered that they would not,saying they were as good and faithful servants of the Emperor,as M.the Constable could be of the King his master.Thereupon our

45、 men by night hoisted up two great cannons,with the help of the Swiss soldiers and the lansquenets;but as ill luck would 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 38 卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质学 12/461 have it,when the cannons were in position,a gunner stupidly set fire to a bag full of gunpowder,whereby he was burned

46、,with ten or twelve soldiers;and the flame of the powder discovered our artillery,so that all night long those within the castle fired their arquebuses at the place where they had caught sight of the cannons,and many of our men were killed and wounded.Next day,early in the morning,the attack was beg

47、un,and we soon made a breach in their wall.Then they demanded a parley:but it was too late,for meanwhile our French infantry,seeing them taken by surprise,mounted the breach,and cut them all in pieces,save one very fair young girl of Piedmont,whom a great seigneur would have.The captain and the ensi

48、gn were taken alive,but soon afterward hanged and strangled on the battlements of the gate of the city,to give example and fear to the Emperors soldiers,not to be so rash and mad as to wish to hold such places against so great an army.The soldiers within the castle,seeing our men come on them with g

49、reat fury,did all they could to defend themselves,and killed and wounded many of our soldiers with pikes,arquebuses,and stones,whereby the surgeons had all their work cut out for them.Now I was at this time a fresh-water soldier;I had not yet seen wounds made by gunshot at the first dressing.It is t

50、rue I had read in John de Vigo,first book,Of Wounds in General,eighth chapter,that wounds made by firearms partake of venenosity,by reason of the powder;and for their cure he bids you cauterise them with oil of elder,scalding hot,mixed with a little treacle.And to make no mistake,before I would use


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