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1、 Lesson 4 Professions for Women ContentsWarm up&Preview1Background2Text Analysis3Extension 4ContentslWarm up:sexism against women lBackground:Virginia Woolf;Stream of ConsciousnesslText appreciation:the organization of the speech;the characteristic of language in the speech;the rhetorical deviceslEx

2、tension:introduction to the most influential women in the world In which fields are women discriminated?IhavetokeepsilentSexism against WomenlThe term sexism is most commonly applied to sexism against women,and expressed by either men or women is called male chauvinism.lHistorically,in many patriarc

3、hal societies,women have been and are viewed as the weaker sex.Womens lower status can be seen in cases.equality under the law,political representation of women,access to education and employment,languagewomen victims of domestic violence,self-ownership of a womans body,the possible impact of pornog

4、raphy on womenThe feminist movement promotes womens rights to end sexism against women by addressing issues.p:ngrfi:色情描绘,Womens social statuslwomen did not receive the vote in the U.S.until 1920 and in the U.K.until 1918.New Zealand 1894,Australia 1914,Britain 1918(over 30,and 1928 for all women)Ame

5、rica(1920)Japan(1954)China(1953)lIn a survey,the percentage of women aged 1549 who thought that a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife under certain circumstances,was 90%in Jordan,85.6%in Guinea ini,85.4%in Zambia,81.2%in Laos,and 81%in Ethiopiai:iupjlWomen in the past have been exclu

6、ded from higher education.When women were admitted to higher education,they were encouraged to major in subjects that were considered less intellectual;the study of English literature in English and U.S.colleges and universities was in fact instituted as a field of study considered suitable to women

7、s lesser intellects.“lWomen have historically been excluded from participation in many professions.When women have gained entry into a previously male profession,they have faced many additional obstacles lProfessional discrimination continues today,according to studies done by Cornell University and

8、 others.It has been hypothesized that gender bias has been influencing which scientific research gets published.This hypothesis coincides with a test conducted at the University of Toronto led by Amber Budden.Based on the results of this study,almost 10 percent of female authors get their papers pub

9、lished when their gender is hidden.Women also earn 5-25%less wage as their male counterparts.A male and female could be doing the same job,but the male will usually always earn more than a woman doing the exact same job.lMany countries around the world make it mandatory(强制的,义务的)for males to join the

10、 military,but not females.Men at 18 years of age in the United States are required to register for military conscription to be drafted to war or military service.Pre-class work lTeaching Hours:8 lPre-class work for Lesson four l1 A report on the professional women in China.(all the groups)l2.Backgro

11、und information of Virginia Woolf(works,contribution,influence,writing style)l3.Modernism(time.Characteristics,representatives,influence)l4.The characteristics of the language in this essay.(using specific examples to explain)l5.Find out the rhetorical devices in this essay and explain how they func

12、tion in the essay.BackgroundlHer educationlHer healthlHer professionslHer marriage3 Mental breakdownsIn her fathers libraryA book reviewer;Hosting gatherings of artists and writers A novelist and essayist Leonard Woolf,a writer on politics and economics Her Writing Stylelexperimentation and innovati

13、on in novel writing lthe psychological realm of her characters and the moment-by-moment experience of living lthe techniques of interior monologue and stream of consciousness lpoetic and symbolic quality,subtle style and rich historical and literary referenceStream of ConsciousnesslA psychological t

14、ermlStream of consciousness denotes a literary technique which seeks to describe an individuals point of view by giving the written equivalent of the characters thought processes.1.Pilgrimage(1915-1938)by Dorothy Richardson,2.Ulysses(1922)by James Joyce,3.Mrs.Dalloway(1925)by Virginia Woolf 1.Monolo

15、gue2.Psycho-analysis 3.Montage4.Poetic and musical qualityStick together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image;he used his computer to make a collage of picturesHer major workslTheVoyageOut(1915)远航)lNightandDay (1919)时时刻刻lJacobsRoom(1922)雅各布的房间)lMrs.Dalloway (1925)黛洛维夫人lTotheLight

16、house(1927)到灯塔去lOrlando:ABiography(1928)奥兰多lARoomofOnesOwn(1929)自己的房间l TheWaves(1931)海浪lTheYears(1937)岁月)lThreeGuineas 三个基尼)lBetweentheActs幕间l闹鬼的屋子及其他(The Haunted House and Others)(短篇小说集)ModernismlModern literary practices.Also,the principles of a literary school that lasted roughly the beginning th

17、e 20th century until the end of World War II.Modernism is defined by its rejection of the literary conventions of the nineteenth century and by its opposition to conventional morality,taste,traditions and economic values.现代主义l意识流小说l1、意识流小说是20世纪初期(20年代)兴起于西方,以表现人们的意识流动、展示恍惚迷离的心灵世界为主的小说。认为文学应表现人物的意识流动


19、重表现人物的意识活动本身。2、采用自由联想的方式,在某对象上稍许停留,任何外在的刺激都可以打断从前的思维过程而展开新的思绪。l3、主观性、随意性强,常打破时空限制,跳跃性较大,从心理结构组织流程,而传统小说多在时空的推移中展开情节。l4、内容和题材上,传统小说往往全知全能,而在意识流小说中作家地位下降,读者的参与性加强,不注意刻画典型人物,凭借人物的意识来写人,情节淡化。l代表作家及其作品:l1、爱尔兰的乔伊斯:都柏林人、青年艺术家的肖像 l2、英国的沃尔夫:墙上的斑点、到灯塔去 l3、法国的普鲁斯特:追忆逝水年华 l4、美国的福克纳 喧哗与骚动(1929),反映了南方望族康普生家的没落。小说

20、创造了复合意识流方法,使运用意识流手法去发掘人物的内心生活方面达到了新的高度。着重表现昆丁的变态心理和班吉神经错乱的潜意识活动。人物(长子昆丁、二子杰生、小儿子班吉、女儿凯蒂)Text AppreciationlPart I(paras.):lPart II(para ):lPart III(para ):lPart IV(para ):lPart V(para ):lPart VI(para ):345671-2the beginning part,introducing the topic under discussion.the 1st obstacle to becoming a pr

21、ofessional woman writer.a transitional link between her 1st and 2nd experiences.her 2nd experience in her profession of literature.sums up the authors two experiences.conclusion of her speech Part I(paras 1-2)lWhat is the topic under discussion?The author introduces her experience as a female writer

22、 to illustrate the obstacles facing all women while they pursue professions.Para 1lIn which are there fewer experiences(obstacles)for women?Profession of literatureScience;Medicine;Law Why?lIn the profession of literature,the road was cut many years ago by many famous women writers as well as many m

23、ore unknown and forgotten women writers who have been before her,who have made the path smooth,regulating her steps.lThe family peace was not broken by the scratching of a pen.lThere was no need for a writer to spend much of the family money in order to write.l维多利亚社会已经形成的家长制度是基于对女性的一种假定女性是低等的因而必须依赖于

24、男性。而这种假定同样也作用于去定义男性作为女性的对立面男性是强壮、理性、有侵略性和优秀的。在这样的系统中,男性优越性是建立在女性低劣性的基础上,因此,妇女运动对于男性地位的威胁十分明显。男性不仅害怕失去他们的优越地位,也担心这种社会变革将导致妇女的优越性。Women WritersUnknownWell-knownBronte SistersCharlotte,Emily and Anne Bront l达洛维夫人是一战后英国社会对女性定义的典型代表:“居家天使”。她接受社会强加的束缚,甚至热切地扮演着自己的角色:政客的太太。Key Sentences1.Nodemandwasmadeupon

25、thefamilypurse.The figure of speechmetonymy(转喻)(转喻)Money,financial conditionsThis kind of speech is called metonymy,in which the name of one thing is used in place of that of another associated with or suggested by it.More Examples of MetonymylThe White HouselThe crownlThe pen is mightier than the s

26、word.lHe succeeded by the sweat of his brow.lHe is too fond of the bottlelFleet Streetl10 Downing Street lThe PresidentlThe king or the queenlThe people wielding these instrumentslHis own hard worklThe thing containedwine,liqueur,or drinking in generallthe British presslthe residence and office of t

27、he British Prime MinisterKey Sentences2.Pianos and models,Paris,Vienna and Berlin,masters and mistresses,are not needed by a writer.Teachers or tutors;professional practitioners(习艺者of music or painting;great artistsIf you want to be a musician or a painter,you must own a piano or hire models,and you

28、 have to visit or even live in cultural centers like Paris,Vienna and Berlin.And also you have to be taught by masters and mistresses.However,if you want to be a writer,you dont need all this.Key Sentences3.The cheapness of writing paper is,of course,the reason why women have succeeded as writers be

29、fore they have succeeded in the other professions.ToneSarcastic toneThe implied meaning is that in the patriarchal society women have been forced into a lower financial status than men.Para 2lMain IdeaHow she became a book reviewer when she was a girl.Key Sentencesl4.But to show you how little I des

30、erve to be called a professional woman instead of spending that sum upon bread and butter,rent,shoes and stocking,or butchers bills,I went out and bought a cat.Basic daily necessitiesThefigureofspeech-synecdoche(提喻)A good synecdoche is based on an important part of the whole and not a minor part.Mor

31、e Examples of SynecdochelWe need 50 hands for the work.lIt was a fleet of 20 sails.lHave you got any coppers?lHe is a foot soldier.lWalls have ears.l During my stay in Rwanda,when I came across the hungry mouths,big or small,I felt sympathetic and helpless as well.lPeoplelShipslPennies and coinslInf

32、antry infntri步兵lListenerlpeoplePart II(para 3)The first obstacle bstklto becoming a professional woman writer.Main IdeaQuestions1.What is the obstacle?2.What are its characteristics?3.How did it stop the author from her working?4.How did the author deal with it?The Angel in the HouselA poem written

33、by Coventry Patmore(1823-1896)lFor Patmore,his wife Emily represented all that was perfect about a Victorian wife and head of the home.A stereotyped Victorian womanCharacteristics of the angellbe devoted and submissive to her husband.lpassive lpowerless,lmeek,lcharming,lgraceful,lsympathetic,lself-s

34、acrificing,lpious,and above alllpure.Examples?Chicken leg;Sit in a draughtThe angels interferencelBe sympatheticlBe tenderlFlatterlDeceivelUse all the arts and wiles of our sexlNever let anybody guess that you have a a mind of your own.lBe pureThe traditional Victorian ValuesUnderstand the mind of m

35、en and not to disagree with them Not be too harsh in her criticismPraise the book in an insincere way to please the readersNot write what she really thoughtTricks of the female sex,such as charmSuch topics as human relations,morality,sex,cant be dealt with freely and openly by women.Key Sentences5.S

36、he was intensely sympathetic.She was immensely charming.She was utterly unselfish.firmly and seriouslylimitless,vast and hugeTotally and unconditionallyAllofthethreeadverbsareforemphasis.Key Sentences6.In those days-the last days of Queen Victoria-every house had its angel.1Every house had a woman l

37、ike that,who was sympathetic,charming,unselfish and pure.2The belief that every woman should be sympathetic,charming,unselfish,and pure was prevalent in English society.Key Sentences7.She would have plucked the heart out of my writing.Those conventional attitudes would have taken away the most impor

38、tant part of her writing,that is,the essence of her writing.Be sympathetic,charming,unselfish,and pureKey Sentences8.Thus,whenever I felt the shadow of her wing or the radiance of her halo upon my page,I took up the inkpot and flung it at her.A circle of light,radiance surrounding the head of an ang

39、elThrow sth with a lot of forceThus,whenever,I felt the influence of the Victorian attitudes on my writing,I fought back with all my power.The features of phantom?lNot a real personlNo physical formlMental imagelImaginary naturelIt is far difficult to deal with a phantom than a reality.When you thin

40、k you have done away with them,you will find them back again.So the struggle takes a long time.The authors reactionlA severe and fierce struggle against the angel.She did her best to kill her.But she died hard.She was always creeping back.It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.Part III(pa

41、ra 4)FunctionAtransitionallinkbetweentheauthorsfirstandsecondexperiences.How is the transition achieved?Part IV(para 5)MainIdeaQuestions Her 2nd experience in her profession of literature.1.What is a novelist state of mind?2.How to be as unconscious as possible?3.What is the authors experience?4.Wha

42、t is the 2nd obstacle?Key Sentences1.I bought a Persian cat with the proceeds.Moneyorprofitderivedfromasale,businessventureA novelists state of mindlBe as unconscious as possibleA term of psychoanalysis,referring to the sum of all thoughts,memories,impulses,desires,feelings,etc.of which the individu

43、al is not conscious but which influence the emotions and behavior.For Woolf,the description of the immediate flow of her characters thoughts and their feelings of the moment was more important than the realistic depiction of their physical behavior.She conceives of the imagination as shy and hidden

44、so that the writer can only draw the deepest inspiration by suspending everyday rational consciousness in order to liberate an imaginative expression of their deepest creativity.I hope Im not giving away professional secrets if I say thatbe as unconscious as possible.l1.Translate the sentencel2.How

45、to understand“unconscious”l如果我说小说家的主要愿望是尽量处于无意识状态,我希望我没有泄露行业秘密。l-unconscious means not aware of ones existence,not conscious of ones self.l“Sbs unconscious”is a term of psychoanalysis,referring to the sum of all thoughts,memories,impulses,desires,feelings,etc,of which the individual is not conscious

46、 but which influence the emotions and behaviors.two levels of the interpretation of “unconscious”l2 levels of interpretation:l(1)she could be thinking in Freudian terms,that is,expressing a desire to have the subjects of her unconsciousness,which may reflect ancient angers and anxieties,ruse up into

47、 her authorial perspective.l(2)she may be reacting against the notion expressed by Henry James in“the art of fiction”,which explicitly expressed his sense that an author should above all attempt to be fully conscious.The way of being unconsciouslSee the same faceslRead the same bookslDo the same thi

48、ngs day after day,month after monthlA state of perpetual lethargylThe utmost quiet and regularityThe imagination/unconsciousness will not be distracted away from the creative task.lFreudian Terms:Freud postulated(假定)the existence of three internal forces that govern a persons psychic life:l1.The id(

49、本我):the instinctual force of lifeunconscious,uncontrolled,and isolatedl2.The ego(自我):the external force that has contact with the real world.l3.The super-ego(超我):the governing force,or moral conscience,that seeks to control and direct the ego into socially acceptable patterns of behavior.Key Sentenc

50、es2.Be that as it may,I want you to imagine me writing a novel in a state of trance.A state in which you behave as you were asleep but are still able to hear and understand what is said to you,similar to the unconscious state.The authors experienceA fisherman lying sunk in dreams on the verge of a d


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