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1、翠园中学英语单词竞赛试题(注意:本卷共九大题,每小题1分,共100分,考试时间45分钟。第I至VII大题的答案要填在答题卡上,其余部分写在答案卷上。)I. Choose the proper letters to make the words complete. (补全单词)1. p_rm_n_nt A. e; e; e B. a; a; a C. a; e; a D. e; a; e2. ph _n_m_n_ A. e; o; e; o B. e; a; e; a C. e; o; e; a D. a; o; e; o3. _l_m_nt A. e; e; e B. e; a; a C. e

2、; a; e; D. a; a; a;4. s_p_r_tion A. a; a; a B. e; a; a C. e; a; e D. e; e; e5. ind_p_nd_nce A. e; e; e B. e; a; a C. e; a; e D. e; e; a6. d_m_nstr_tion A. e; e; a B. e; o; a C. e; a; a D. e; a; o7. r_d_c_lous A. i; i; u B. e; e; u C. i; e; u D. e; i; u8. p_r_d_se A. e; e; i B. a; e; i C. a; a; i D.

3、e; a; i9. ach_vement A. i B. e C. ie D. ei10. _nst_t_te A. e; i; u B. i; e; u C. e; e; u D. i; i; uII. Match the Chinese translation with the word and choose the right order of the matching according to the order of the English words. (单词汉义配伍)11. (1) present (2) parent (3) peasant (4) percenta. 农民 b

4、. 父母 c. 百分之d. 现在 A. abcd B. bcad C. daba D. dbac12. (1) model (2) medal (3) modal (4) metal a. 奖章 b. 金属 c. 模型 d. 情态的 A. acbd B. cadb C. bcad D. cdba13. (1) experience (2) experiment (3) expectation (4) expensivea. 昂贵的 b. 经历 c. 实验 d. 预期 A. bcda B. bcad C. cbad D. bdac14. (1) fair (2) hair (3) pair (4

5、) aira. 头发 b. 空气 c. 集市 d. 一对 A. abcd B. bcad C. cadb D. cdab15. (1) towel (2) tower (3) towards (4) total a. 朝向 b. 毛巾 c. 总共 d. 塔 A. bdac B. badc C. dbac D. adbc16. (1) block (2) black (3) blank (4) blooda. 血液 b. 空白 c. 黑色 d. 封锁 A. abcd B. dacb C. dbca D. dcba17. (1) pill (2) bill (3) till (4) kill a.

6、 账单 b. 杀死 c. 药丸 d. 直到 A. cdab B. cadb C. cbad D. bdca18. (1) fiction (2) function (3) action (4) fashion a. 行动;行为 b. 时装;时尚 c. 小说 d. 功能 A. dcba B. cabd C. cdab D. cdba19. (1) contact (2) contract (3) contrast (4) construct a. 合同 b. 对比 c. 联络 d. 建筑 A. cabd B. cdab C.bcda D. dbac20. (1) proper (2) prosp

7、er (3) purpose (4) propose a. 目的 b. 建议 c. 繁荣 d. 适当的 A. dbac B. bacd C. dcab D. dcbaIII. Find out the spelling mistake from the underlined words in each sentence.(辨别拼写错误的单词)21.The headmastor encouraged the candidates for the natural mathematics competition. A B C D22. The book discusses the diffirent

8、 approaches to the treatment of cancer. A B C D23. Voluntary work often opens up opportunities for young people because employers and Aeducation leaders know that it builds confedence, self-awareness, good communication skillsB C D and leadership ability.24.The New Cultural Movement aimed to introdu

9、ce westen learning to the Chinese youth and Apromote their concepts in China, such as democracy, equality, and liberty. B C D25. Yang Liwei, a colonel in the peoples Liberation Army, became the first Chinese astrenaut A Bwhen he reached outer space in the Shenzhou V capsule. C D26. The goverment wil

10、l take measures to reduce unemployment in order that the country can A B Cdevelop with great speed.D27. The Prisedent has started using look-alikes during some public appearances concerning his A B C safety.D28. At the end of the journey they looked extrimely worn out although he was in excellent he

11、alth. A B C D29. Many unversity graduates have been lured to the coastal city with the promise of high wages. A B C D 30. The trainers also go to college one day a week where they study other characteristics of the A football indastry such as pitch maintenance and office administration. B C DIV. Mat

12、ch the definition of the words and choose the right order of the definitions according to the order of the English words. (词义配伍)31. (1) equipment (2) transportation (3) majority (4) knowledge (5) destination a. a number of people or things that form more than half of a group b. information and under

13、standing about a subject. c. a place you are going to d. a means or way of carrying passengers or goods e. the things needed for a particular activity A. bdeac B. ceadb C. abdec D. edabc32. (1) rub (2) recommend (3) fold (4) recognize (5) pat a. to know who someone is because you have seen him or he

14、r before b. to press something against something else and move it c. to tap someone gently with the open hand d. to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc. by laying or pressing one part over another e. to advise someone to do something especially because you have special knowledge of a subject A. abced B

15、. bedac C. abcde D. becad33. (1) oval (2) flexible (3) conventional (4) selfish (5) painful a. easily bent not breaking b. caring only about yourself and not about other people c. a shape like a circle, but longer than it is wide d. making you feel very upset, or very hard and unpleasant for you e.

16、always following the opinions and behaviors that most people in a society consider to be normal, right but sometimes slightly boring A. cbaed B. aecdb C. caebd D. daebc34. (1) challenging (2) tiresome (3) universal (4) kind (5) basic a. forming the main or most necessary part of somethingb. not simp

17、le in an interesting or enjoyable wayc. involving or understood by everyone in the worldd. making you feel annoyed or not patiente. saying or doing things that show that you care about other people and want to help them or make them happyA. bdcea B. dbcea C. becda D. bcdae35. (1) thunder (2) sorrow

18、(3) hospital (4) excuse (5) toilet a. a large bowl that you sit on to get rid of waste liquid or waste matter from your body b. the loud noise that you hear during a storm, usually after a flash of lightning c. a feeling of great sadness, usually because someone has died or because something terribl

19、e has happened d. a reason that you give to explain careless or bad behaviour e. a large building where sick or injured people are looked after and received medical treatment A. dbeca B. bceda C. cbead D. cbead36. 唁搀非qo9静qo9唁靕qo9唁吀靐qo9靌qo9靈qo9栀唁瀀靃qo9栀霾qo9栀唁霺qo9栀唁怀霵qo9栀唁霱qo9栀霭qo9栀唁簀霨qo9栀唁霣qo9栀唁霟qo9栀頀霛qo9栀唁霖qo9栀霒qo9栀唁蠀霍qo9栀唁霈qo9栀唁吀霅qo9栀唁需qo9栀唁電qo9栀唁瀀雸qo9栀唁雳qo9栀唁雯qo9唁怀雪q


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