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1、the two young boys their brothers,” Krystal said.A few days later, the Stewarts sat down with two social workers and the boys parents. They had many choices to choose from, but felt strongly about wanting the boys to join the Stewarts family.The agreement has been signed and adoption procedure(程序)sh

2、ould be finished before long.24. Where did the Stewarts first see the two homeless boys?A. In their car. B. Outside the church.C. Near their home. D. At the police station.25. What can we learn from the text?A. The couple met the two homeless boys in a rainstorm.B. At first the boys parents turned d

3、own the Stewarts offer.C. The two boys have been living with the Stewarts since they first came.D. The Stewarts three kids welcomed the two boys as their family members.26. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Husband and Wife are to Adopt 2 Homeless BoysB. Living Arrangements for the Homele

4、ss ChildrenC. The Stewarts Family is Increasing in NumberD. Let Every Homeless Kid Have a Warm Bed【答案】24. B 25. D 26. A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是一对丈夫和妻子偶然碰到两个无家可归的男孩,随着男孩的父母再次请求将两个男孩送到这对夫妇家里睡觉,这对夫妇决定收养两个无家可归的男孩的故事。【24题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段中Ronnie Stewart and Krystal Stewart were running to their car in the park

5、ing lot of Refuge Church when they noticed two young homeless boys with their parents on the sidewalk.可知,斯图尔特一家最初是在教堂外面见到那两个无家可归的男孩的。故选B。【25题详解】推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中They may not have known at that time, but our three kids were already calling the two young boys their brothers可知,斯图尔特家的三个孩子欢迎这两个男孩成为他们的家庭成员。故

6、选D。【26题详解】主旨大意题。根据最后两段A few days later, the Stewarts sat down with two social workers and the boys parents. They had many choices to choose from, but felt strongly about wanting the boys to join the Stewarts family.和The agreement has been signed and adoption procedure(程序)should be finished before lo

7、ng.可知,本文讲述的是丈夫和妻子将收养两个无家可归的男孩。故选A。【点睛】概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。根据最后两段可知,本文讲述的是丈夫和妻子将收养两个无家可归的男孩的故事。所以最后一题选A项作为标题。CHi Judy!You often complain to me that you always buy goods unreasonably on sale p

8、romotion(促销)and feel it shameful after going back to your school dormitory with new things not needed, considering all the money you spend is your parents income.In fact, this is a common phenomenon, called impulsive buying, a buying unplanned and hard to control. It usually happens when a store off

9、ers discounts(打折)or sales promotiona special way used by stores to get more customers, which means you may fall into its traps even without notice.Stores, with a good knowledge of customers psychology(心理), make use of it to drive business. Avoiding all the impulsive buying is a hard thing. However,

10、knowing our psychology behind it and reducing the times when influenced by sales promotion may be useful. So you should keep calm when facing the sales pro20以内加减法口算题(练习)姓名( ) 时间( ) 对( )题 2+18= 18-6= 16-9= 2+12= 5+11= 17-7= 5+11= 20-4= 12+5= 11-2= 15+1= 19-11= 10+9= 16-7= 2+15= 16-15=15+3= 19-4= 20-1

11、= 16-8=2+15= 11-10= 2+16= 10+8=13+4= 20-1= 12+7= 15-12=11+2= 20-3= 17-12= 9+11=19-6= 5+12= 14-1= 13+7=19-4= 3+15= 17+3= 14+3=13-8= 18-4= 4+12= 11+5=1+14= 19-8= 19-18= 6+13=13-3= 3+14= 14+3= 13+5=10+2= 12+5= 17-3= 13+7=12-8= 19-4= 20-13= 17-3=12+3= 15-6= 13+6= 16-7=5+12= 17-7= 12-11= 5+8=15-5= 20-5=

12、18-12= 17+1=20-6= 18-6= 3+13= 1+19=11+6= 2+10= 7+13= 15-2=20以内加减法口算题(练习)姓名( ) 时间( ) 对( )题17-16= 11+8= 14+2= 1+12=9+5= 11-10= 3+13= 18+2=8+12= 3+17= 18-4= 11+4= 12-1= 18-9= 19-5= 20-18= 18-7= 20-3= 17-10= 15-6= 1+16= 9+11= 19-10= 6+14=10-2= 18-17= 18-6= 19-6= 18-8= 13+2= 19-12= 17-12= 17-5= 16-4= 11+

13、9= 2+12= 13-1= 16-8= 15-8= 19-16= 12+8= 14+3= 13+4= 15+5= 19-4= 15-1= 19-10= 17-1= 19-17= 6+13= 11-3= 20-15= 20-1= 10+4= 17-6= 19-16= 16-3= 15-8= 20-19= 11+8= 11+7= 9+7= 19-6= 17-9= 17-7= 18-4= 14-13= 14+3= 5+13= 13-2= 16-5= 15-2= 18-5= 12-2= 19-5= 13-5= 13+5= 12+8= 11+7= 16-5= 20以内加减法口算题(练习)姓名( ) 时

14、间( ) 对( )题18-13= 15-5= 14-5= 13+4= 16-7= 12-1= 17-2= 15+3= 15-2= 15+5= 12+1= 19-16= 4+12= 14-6= 17-8= 16-6= 13+7= 11-9= 13-7= 19-18= 3+16= 20-9= 1+18= 4+11= 7+13= 11+7= 13+2= 17-8= 17-7= 12+5= 13-2= 7+10= 16-10= 15-6= 11-10= 18-16= 14-2= 18-2= 11+7= 10-8= 16-10= 15-7= 11-10= 18-16= 7+12= 19-13= 20-1

15、5= 16-9= 20-8= 20-11= 20-5= 20-18= 14+2= 14-10= 6+11= 12+7= 12-10= 14+5= 18-4= 19-8= 16+3= 16-4= 18-12= 4+15=14+2= 14+4= 16-2= 14-6= 12-6= 12+6= 15+2= 5+13= 11-3= 12+3= 16-14= 9+6= 11+8= 4+12= 3+13= 17-6= 20以内加减法口算题(练习)姓名( ) 时间( ) 对( )题14-3= 18-5= 19-15= 12+1= 12-1= 18-1= 13-11= 16+1= 19-2= 16-7= 16-15= 16+4= 18-14= 18-5= 20-19= 17-5= 20-16=


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