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1、- 1 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP Presentation Brussels, February 4,1997 Roland Berger & Partner GmbH - International Management Consultants Barcelona - Beijing - Berlin - Brussels - Bucharest - Budapest - Buenos Aires - Dsseldorf - Frankfurt - Hamburg - Helsinki - Hong Kong - Kiev - Lisbon - Lond

2、on Madrid - Milan - Moscow - Munich - New York - Paris - Prague - Riga - Rome - So Paulo - Shanghai - Stockholm - Stuttgart - Tel Aviv - Tokyo - Vienna Source: Roland Berger & Partner - 2 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 1.What is SALES UP? 2.Why SALES UP? 3.How to organize SALES UP? 4.8 Golden rules to bring

3、 SALES UP Source: Roland Berger & Partner - 3 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP is a tool to realize substantial sales increases within a very short period of time Source: Roland Berger & Partner SALES UP focuses on sales performance. It has nothing to do with product planning, product performance or

4、strategic pricing SALES UP realizes sales potentials. It focuses on ideas to increase sales through new customers or customers with high sales potentials SALES UP aims for explosive results. The objective is to increase sales to selected customers by 30 % rather than 5% SALES UP is a pragmatic tool.

5、 Its emphasisis on doing and on easy-to-implement actions, not on theory or concepts SALES UP is designed for the short term. It will lead sales increases tomorrow rather than next month. The SALES UP planning period is short, the feed back period is short, the implementation time is short - 4 -VIE-

6、9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP focuses on sales performance Revenues Budget 1997 Product Price Place? Promotion? Costs Operations Sales Administration etc. Source: Roland Berger & Partner - 5 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP realizes sales potentials Market Share poor after sales support existing regiona

7、l market Source: Roland Berger & Partner potential regional market inappropriate products/ services reactive promotional activities insufficient market presence other sales deficiencies loose customer contact SALES UP effect (up to 30% increase) - 6 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP aims for explosive

8、 results Everyday businessSALES UP Sales to selected customers JanFebMarJanFebMar Sales to selected customers Explosive ideas Explosive results Source: Roland Berger & Partner - 7 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP is a pragmatic tool Implementation Classical approachActivity oriented approach Design o

9、f sales activities Analysis Time to implement Implementation Short analysis Time to implement Design and redesign of sales activities Focused-Analyses Processes Systems Target/ Parameters Promotions Incentive schemes Acquisition Source: Roland Berger & Partner - 8 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP is

10、short term designed Traditional approachShort term approach Accumulated Sales 123456789101112 Accumulated Sales 123456789101112 How to reach the accumulated budget in April? We will reach the budget (at the end of the year) Accumulated budget MonthsMonths Accumulated budget Accumulated actual sales

11、Source: Roland Berger & Partner - 9 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 SALES UP is not about organisational change What SALES UP is not Not dependent organisational changes Not concerned with restructuring Not about reduction in the sales force Not focused on strategy Not theoretical Not about the past Source:

12、Roland Berger & Partner - 10 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 1.What is SALES UP? 2.Why SALES UP? 3.How to organize SALES UP? 4.8 Golden rules to bring SALES UP Source: Roland Berger & Partner - 11 -VIE-9965-97000-965-01 Six reasons to start SALES UP SALES UP is value adding rather than resource cutting. It e

13、xploits existing marketing advantages within the given resources. It does not tackle organisational changes or cut jobs SALES UP makes sales potentials transparent. Without SALES UP sales potentials will not be identified SALES UP will be accepted by the sales force. It shows positive results and motivates sales employees SALES UP ha


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