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QPT Charts Bar.ppt

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QPT Charts Bar.ppt

1、Quick Presentation Toolkit Version 4.0 Horizontal Bar Charts Quick Presentation Toolkit 1 Hints for drawing charts Editing charts Double-click on a chart to edit it If the data table does not appear click on the table icon Adding graphic elements or text to a chart There are two ways to add graphica

2、l elements: Double-click on the chart to work in the chart module, click on the draw icon in the top menu bar and start drawing Draw or write the text in PowerPoint an place it over the chart module Be careful if you are using the chart module to draw. Occasionally all graphic elements move a bit if

3、 you leave the module Resizing Before you resize the chart, make sure that you double-clicked on it and a wider gray line surrounds the chart, otherwise all letters and graphic elements will bend if you resize the chart Take care that the text is still readable after resizing Discontinuous axis mark

4、s To create a discontinuous axis in a chart, copy one of the marks on the right and place it over the chart axis (in PowerPoint, not in the Chart Module) Both marks consist of several grouped elements therefore take care that those elements are still grouped before you resize them Quick Presentation

5、 Toolkit 2 Deviation bar chart Hints: 1Insert rows as required (each will adopt a different color) 2Double-click on a bar to change the color 3Drag data values outside the rows manually 4Add labels manually Quick Presentation Toolkit 3 Range bar chart Hints: 1Enter the number for the space between t

6、he y-axis and the bar in the “Space“ row 2Enter the width of the bar in the “Group 2“ row Quick Presentation Toolkit 4 Sliding bar chart Hints: 1Insert rows as required (each will adopt a different color) 2Double-click on a bar to change the color 3Drag data values outside the columns manually 4Add

7、labels manually 5To change the width of the rows select Chart Options and turn on the x-axis, then use Format Axis/Scale to set the length of the x-axis. Once the scale is set, use Chart Options again to remove the x-axis Quick Presentation Toolkit 5 Paired bar chart Hints: 1This chart is made of tw

8、o graphs. Start with the left one, it contains the axis titles 2To change the width of the rows select Chart Options and turn on the x-axis, then use Format Axis/Scale to set the length of the x-axis. Once the scale is set, use Chart Options again to remove the x-axis Quick Presentation Toolkit 6 Su

9、b-divided bar chart Hints: 1Calculate the total and enter it in the Sum row (which is in a transparent bar) 2Left align the total value (which is in a transparent bar) 3Add the legend names manually 4To change the width of the rows select Chart Options and turn on the x-axis, then use Format Axis/Sc

10、ale to set the length of the x-axis. Once the scale is set, use Chart Options again to remove the x-axis Quick Presentation Toolkit 7 Sub-divided 100% bar chart Hints: 1Select Format Series Lines to add/remove trend lines 2Add legend names manually Quick Presentation Toolkit 8 Grouped bar chart Hints: 1Select a data series by clicking with the right mouse button on the bar 2Choose an overlap in the options menu 3Add group names manually Quick Presentation Toolkit 9


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