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1、ential projects ? Selling process ? Monitoring of distributor performance ? Project implementation (order fulfillment) ? After-sales service ? Review of project completed ? Performance assessment of sales personnel Reporting and controlling system Roland Berger will develop a tailor-made reporting a

2、nd controlling system for Marketing & Sales. This includes budgeting, reporting and review processes. Each process will be described according to the initiator, standard forms, frequency, person in charge and actions to be taken if irregularities arise. Salary and incentive systems To develop a perf

3、ormance based competitive salary and incentive system, Roland Berger will analyze the existing system used at GSHA and GDAI to understand the structure of the current system. In addition, face to face interviews will be conducted with top and mid level managers as well as sales personnel in order to

4、 draw a picture of their opinions and suggestions. Since each company is - 5 - facing a competitive environment, Geberits current system will be then benchmarked with direct and indirect competitors from construction related industries. Based on the internal and external assessment Roland Berger wil

5、l develop a new salary and incentive system which has a clear performance orientation and more powerful retention component. As a result Roland Berger will deliver a ready-to- implement system with detailed suggestions concerning salary groups and levels, performance indicators and performance evalu

6、ation system, calculation scheme of bonus, key components of the retention system and suggestions for the implementation. Job description For the key positions of Marketing & Sales a detailed job description will be developed. The positions to be described include Business Unit Manager, Sales Engine

7、er, Application Engineer, Project Manager, Account Manager and marketing staff. The job description itself will cover the overall roles, responsibilities, authorities, performance measurement and requirements on the position holder. 2. Distributor assessment The distributor assessment will be carrie

8、d out in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing to evaluate the existing distributors and to identify potential new distributors. The existing distributors will be assessed according to: ? Historical performance record ? Company background and financial status ? Credit worthiness ? Image in the market ? Nu

9、mber of showrooms and geographic coverage ? Management quality and corporate culture ? Business infrastructure (office, warehouse, delivery vehicles etc.) ? Cooperation with Geberit up to now In addition Roland Berger will identify potential new distributors in these three cities. We will start with

10、 the screening of all major distributors for piping and - 6 - sanitary products by using Roland Bergers in-house database, online research, interviews with industry experts and industry associations. They will then assessed by the same criteria as used for the existing distributor. The most promisin

11、g ones will be contacted to ensure that they are interested in cooperation with Geberit. The assessment described above will be conducted by our consultants, supported by Geberits local sales personnel. The relevant information on the existing distributors should be provided as complete and accurate as possible by Geberit. To ensure the accuracy of our assessment, Roland Berger will cross- check the result of our second research with on-side investigation and individual interviews as much as possible. In case of identifyin


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