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1、- 1 - Roland Berger + +: positive impact; +: no impact; =: not strong/positive Back-up Hard-CopyOffice-productsMulti MediaStorage Media Quality+ + Criteria + +0 Price+ + + + + Image/Brand+ + + + + Availability+ +0+ + + Additional remarks + all products with nearly same quality and price + one rack s

2、trategie successfull + all products with nearly same quality BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 23 - The boeder Group provides relevant market requirements Overall Assessment boeder Group Source: Roland Berger & Partners-analysis Full assortment Existing contracts/contracts to suppliers Existing contracts/cont

3、racts to sales channels Brand name Broad range of services for customer group Standardized SAP-interface No critical procurements and sales volume Deficits in organization and management No marketing power Expensive group structure No strategic alliances with suppliers/customers No technical compete

4、ncies BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 24 - 3. Content of restructuring concept BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 25 - boeder Group plans turnover growth only with foreign subsidiaries boeder Germany with stringing turnover Turnover development boeder-Group Mio. DM Source: boeder, Roland Berger & Partners-analysis boe

5、der Germany boder foreign subsidiaries 166,1 179,5 2.7% 14.7% 8.1% Austria, Benelux and Spain are growing with a ratio over 30% International, Italy and France are expecting turnover increasing in a range from 7-18% UK and Switzerland with decreasing turnover Decreasing turnover by reducing sales of

6、 Storage Media and Vobis/Comtech- Struggle Assumptions BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 26 - Turnover-development boeder-Group m DM Source: boeder, Roland Berger & Partners-analysis Back-up Interna- tional 19981999/2000 AsiaAustriaBeneluxFranceItalyPolandUKSpainSwitzer- land boeder Germany 6.9% 34.3% 31.2% 1

7、8.2% 13.3% -5.8% 35.9% -3.2% -1% change % BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 27 - Gross-margin-development boeder-Group m DM Source: boeder, Roland Berger & Partners-analysis Back-up Interna- tional 19981999/2000 AsiaAustriaBeneluxFranceItalyPolandUKSpainSwitzer- land boeder Germany 70%23.5% 6.3% 7.0% 6.9% -11

8、.6% 3.8% 14% -4.8% -100% change % BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 28 - Due to planned turnover in sales channels two main risks are identified Turnover Plan by sales channels boeder-Group % Source: boeder, Roland Berger & Partners-analysis 1998 Food-Discounter 100%100% However retail business in Top 27 cust

9、omers evaluation is planned with 19% less turnover boeder assumes only decreasing turnover of -3% Against market-trend in Food-Discounter with growth-rate from 2% boeder plans an increasing in turnover of 11% Assumptions Rest Stationary C&C 1999/2000 (Plan boeder) BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 29 - Gap of

10、 DM 5 m turnover in retail business no clear measurements how to close gap Results Top 27 customer-evaluation boeder-Germany m DM Source: boeder, Roland Berger & Partners-analysis Unknown who are new customers (not in budget) Unknown how to achieve 20.2% more turnover with current retailers Assumptions Retail 1998 in Budget Top 27 Retail 1999/2000 to achieve Retail goal Rest of retail customers 1999/2000 20.2% BER-0072-04798-01-04b - 30 - Measure description: Reduction of Personnel-costs Source: boeder, Roland Berge


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