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麦肯锡中国物流2001报告(DOC 16页).doc

1、ews EXAMPLE 180297LN/FIG/BT/SOCP 12 SYSTEMS PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS RecruitmentTrainingDevelopment Sources Analysts from top undergraduate schools Associates from top business schools, other investment banks, consulting firms and industry Few VPs/EDs and MDs recruited externally Interviews 10+ in

2、terviews per recruit with staff at all levels Evaluated using same criteria used to measure staff performance Value proposition to recruits Steep learning curve Senior industry management exposure Strong colleagues Generous compensation Hard work Initial training Global training programmes on joinin

3、g or on promotion typically covering Functional skills How organisation works How support functions work Ongoing training On the job experience in local offices Monday morning coverage meetings with product specialists Briefing voicemails each week from Equity Capital Markets Debt Capital Markets Ab

4、out key deals Corporate Finance meetings every 1-2 weeks with all professionals Coverage meetings every few months, rotating through countries Personal efforts by staff to upgrade their own product skills Overall development Recruitment into Coverage after significant execution experience in Corpora

5、te Finance, M&A and specialist product areas Coaching Coaching from project manager and colleagues on deal teams Job rotation Temporary transfer encouraged Job rotation (within office) Mobility transfer (another office) Permanent transfers rare Mentorship Formally assigned a mentor on arrival Other

6、mentor relationships grow over time and cover Development needs Assignments Counselling as required Source:Interviews EXAMPLE 180297LN/FIG/BT/SOCP 180297LN/FIG/BT/SOCP 13 SHARED VALUES ENTREPRENEURIAL AND COLLEGIAL CULTURE Flexibility to break the coverage model when appropriate e.g., product specia

7、lists going straight to clients Revenue splashed around for evaluation purposes Encouragement of internal networking Heavy emphasis on 360 degree feedback (including cross-divisional) in evaluation Source:Interviews 37 (5) 4-37 (6) 4-37 (7) 4-37 (8) 4-38 (1) 4-38 (2) 4-38 (3) 4-38 (4) 4-38 (5) 4-38

8、(6) 4-38 (7) 4-38 (8) 4-38 (9) 4-38 (10) 4-38 (11) 4-38 (12) 6-1 6-26-36-46-5 sells in Cuba, Jamaica, Bermuda, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Europe by 1916 First bottling franchise established in 1901 Repositions Coke as non- medicinal product Coke bottle invented in 1916 Devotes personnel to ma

9、intaining good relations with bottlers in 1922 Establishes pioneering market research agency 1930s-1960s Advertising targets minorities starting in 1950s World War II catapults Coke into world market, creating first U.S. multinational Fanta innovated by Coke in Germany, driven by ingredient constrai

10、nts during WWII Opens 15-20 plants worldwide during 1950s Merges with Minute Maid in 1960 Merges with Duncan Foods in 1964 Acquires Belmont Springs Water Co. in 1969 Expands product line in response to PepsiCo competition in 1960s Fanta in U.S. in 1960 Sprite, Tab, Fresca introduced Diet versions in

11、troduced 1970s-1980s Acquires Aqua-Chem (desalting machines) in 1970 Acquires Taylor Wines and other wineries in 1977 Introduces Coke in Russia and China in 1970s Acquires Columbia Pictures in 1982 for $750 million Reformulates Coke in 1985; unfavorable customer reaction Divests entertainment busine

12、ss in 1987 Focuses on core, profitable business and doubles net income to $1 billion in 1988 Enters bottling business in mid 1980s 1990s Launches “Always Coca- Cola” theme in 1993 CEO articulates priorities in 1993 creation of stock holder value, brand building long-term focus Top 16 markets account

13、 for 80% of volume; the markets comprise 20% of world population Bottling business plays important role in profitability Invention Repositioning and marketing Expansion, acquisitions, and diversification Diversification and rationalization Marketing Source:International Directory for Company Histori

14、es 6 Source:Annual report; Standard McKinsey analysis HIGHLIGHTS OF COKES BOTTLING BUSINESS Breakdown of worldwide unit case volume produced/distributed Bottlers owned and controlled by Coke Independently owned bottlers Bottlers in who Coke has non-controlling ownership Percent Historically, Coke in

15、vested in undervalued bottlers worldwide, provided financial and managerial support, and improved operating efficiencies which generated increased sales; Coke benefited from growth, improved cash flows and increased owner value; at times, Coke sold these bottlers after turning them around, for sound

16、 profits 11 SELECTED LOCATIONS Coke is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S., but has subsidiaries located over a wide geography. NOT EXHAUSTIVE 12 CONTENTS Company overview Japan market entry strategy Products Capabilities Organization 13 STORYLINE In order to enter and succeed in Japan, Co

17、ke realized that it needed to adopt a partnering strategy. Coke allied with 17 locally owned and managed bottlers and leveraged these relationships to set up a direct distribution channel as well as gain manufacturing and marketing capabilities It followed its bottlers advice and expanded its produc

18、t offerings to include specialized beverages (e.g., milk-based drinks, coffee drinks, teas). In addition, Coke introduced new product categories (e.g., canned soups, Coo, a flavored juice product) and new flavors in existing brands (e.g., Fanta Golden Pineapple) to increase its market share in trend

19、-oriented Japan The company was also innovative in its alliance strategy (e.g., supply alliance with McDonalds), its marketing techniques (e.g., introduced reclosable PET bottles), and its acquisitions (e.g., acquisition of Kanebos vending machine operations). Cokes sales channel (930,000 vending ma

20、chines, over twice as many as its nearest competitor) is a distinct competitive advantage in Japan where vending machines are the most popular sales channel Coke realized that it needed top talent to compete effectively in Japan and sent strong managers like Doug Daft (current CEO) and Stephen Jones

21、 (current Chief of Marketing), to Japan in leadership roles. Thus, Japan was seen as a progression 同。就算是全国性运作的公司也应该考虑地区优先排序,然后再扩展到其余部分。考虑到中国的市场规模,在一部分地区取得成功可能带来可观的回报,相当于在其它亚洲国家的取得全国范围性的成功。 专注于发展信息流和物流解决方案,而非资产的所有权 许多核心资产掌握在国内公司手中,但是以国际标准来衡量,这些资产并不是很好。这些资产需要更好的配置使用才能取得更高的协作、应用和其它运营上的协同效益。如何使用它们来为客户创造

22、价值的各种解决方案需要仔细琢磨。聪明的企业会应用他们的知识,用创建各类解决方案来利用各类资产,而不是仅仅全部买下它们。 积极追求联盟 联盟能有效地控制潜在的竞争,建设运输网络和建立各种各样的关系。领先进入的企业应该锁定一些有希望的协作项目。一个拥有资产实力但寻求全球化投资和管理的本土公司,可能是拥有强大全球网络、充足资金的外资公司的“绝配”。 更为重要的是,在发展运输网络这个问题上是有“先发优势”的。在发展运输网络的时候,主动地去掌控竞争、化敌为友,是非常必要。相似的,由于供应链解决方案的市场还比较小,而且集中在较少的产业中,所以主动地掌控竞争就成为决定赢利与否的关键因素。 像关注战略或运营一样关注组织的建设 从长期来看,物流服务的成功与否将取决于解决方案的质量、人的技术和决心。员工们的内在驱动力,创新和投入会使服务质量和解决方案的效果截然不同。在中国这些因素更是双倍的重要,因为任何一个成功的公司都需要强力团队的支持,特别是那些知道如何在各类限制性因素下工作的团队,在中国尤其是。还有,就像大多数成功的物流企业依靠联盟一样,设立合理的薪酬激励、业务结构和管理流程是取得服务质量的前提条件。中国最大的免费课件资源库更多免费资料下载请进:http:/


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