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1、的做的就比较好,但是省里的人眼红了,就把黑龙江的负责人给弄下去了。后来我们又发展他做了私营的点儿。是标杆就要扶持,这种人可靠,知道不能因小失大,盗版的事情不会去做。Q:能否申请书号? A:不能申请一系列的。各书要申请一个号,很多书店已经看好我们这块了,有的的还提出优惠条件,但是我们如果要书号,就必须去找出版社。以前每年都请下面各站的人找一个好玩的地方让大家放松放松,一个是为了下达精神,另一个是要把私人的东西引进来,各个标准站都请来,还请了编制人员参加。我们也从中学到了很多东西。重庆的点儿才卖30多万,只能说明重庆的盗版很严重,还有就是西南标码得很严。我希望建3个站,重要得是要反馈信息。新图投放


3、希望我们能解放出来,权利方面,人事权和财务权要下放,尤其是财务方面让我们恨得直咬牙。所里是独立的法人,编制是收入的大户。奖金要跟院里申请工资额度,但是长久不是办法。所里觉得大家的工资要提高,但是不能没有标准地提高,很重要的是岗位就要定那么多。所里真正的改制还没有动。还要看发行室的。所里的问题大都是管理方面的,发行室虽然小,但是内外具全。以后要成立发行公司,还可以搞批发,但现在有股份的问题,国标公司有问题,可能是成本方面的问题。司越多发现:1、 自己以前也用的是华北标,说明国标图的信息等方面的不足2、 所里觉得需要提高大家工资,但不知道如何提高,这次咨询可能具有这方面的意思3、 外部招聘的人工作

4、效果比所里正式工效果好her user. This is merely an added control feature.Alternatives (if any):Work estimate:Status:Modification #9:Asset Code should be a Required Field on Requisition ScreensExplanation:If an asset is requisitioned it should be marked as Non-Stock (“N” in the Type field), but does not have an

5、asset code it will not be brought into FA Tracking nor will Lawson bring it into the Fixed Asset Module.Benefits:Asset are properly tracked.Alternatives (if any):Work estimate:Status:Modification #10:Add Description Line/Field to RW50.1 (Report Writer screen used in both Cost Allocations and Flexibl

6、e Budgeting)Explanation:The client has requested the ability to add text comments to compute statements to enable unfamiliar users to easily identify the assumptions made in creating the compute statement. Benefits:See explanation.Alternatives (if any):Work estimate:Status: Other Modifications needi

7、ng consideration within Lawson:Bar-codingMac capabilitySetting defaults for requisitioners by locationOther Modifications being considered outside of Lawson:Link to Remedy (program that currently addresses RMAs)Trigger upon release of Receiving Process to update FA Tracking tables that creates a sep

8、arate asset for each item, copies item description, and allows bar-coding of each asset OTS link to Lawsons Inventory moduleods, and terrorism.The recommended directions for this area are:o The disaster recovery plan should cover all automated and non-automated functions. This plan should be produce

9、d at least once per year and should be tested at least once per year.o Within the production environment there will be an increasing reliance on on-line facilities. If these facilities are not available, the majority of MAS Aerotechnologies staff will not be able to perform their work司的最高行政负责人,负责日常事

10、宜及部门经理的任用。组织机构设置如下:图1-3 公司组织机构图(需要根据具体项目方补充)2、劳动定员项目建成后劳动定员为135人,其中:技术人员15人,管理人员10人,操作工人90人,销售人员20人。管理人员由董事会指派或公开招聘,其余人员均向社会公开招聘,择优录用。3、人员培训公司将建立固定的员工培训机制,通过邀请外部专家和自身培训师相结合的方式开展员工培训,为员工创造良好的知识学习环境。公司将从三方面加强员工培训工作,包括基本知识培训、技能技巧培训和工作态度培训。具体安排如下:基本知识培训:对全体车间上岗人员由人事部门组织集中培训,时间为期两周,主要是车间管理、生产安全教育等一些基本的生产

11、知识。技能技巧培训:主要由各车间主任组织,时间为期一周,主要针对上岗人员所在的班组,由各个不同车间的专业培训师对员工进行技能培训及岗位技术工作要求培训教育等。工作态度培训:对各车间上岗人员的培训成果进行考试检测,由人事部门统一组织进行,对没有达到培训要求的,实行进一步强化,培养员工不断学习、精益求精的工作态度。另外,公司本着实用、实效、实际的原则,还将通过举办培训班、现场会、印发资料、播放录像等方式提高管理人员的组织管理水平和生产工人的生产操作技能。十、职业安全、卫生1、依据建设项目(工程)劳动安全卫生监察规定(劳动部3号令); 工业企业设计卫生标准(TJ36-79);建筑设计防火规范(GBJ

12、16-87);室外给水设计规范(GBJ13-86);建筑物防雷设计规范(GB50057-900);采暖通风和空气调节设计规范(GBJ19-87);工业企业照明设计标准(TH39-79)。2、范围本次规划针对X X生物科技有限公司建设项目中的工艺及公用配套设施在生产过程中所涉及的职业安全、职业卫生进行设计。3、职业安全(1)工程消防项目的建设过程消防工作将本着“以防为主,防消结合”的原则,在工程建设中严格审查设计,把好消防系统、设备、设计关,建立经常性的消防检查制度,会同消防管理部门对工程消防的设施进行严格检查,并定期对现场人员进行安全教育。(2)防火防爆设计本厂区设置两个直通厂区外的消防及运输




16、序公开。公平原则。应给予所有投标人平等的机会,使其享有同等的权利,并履行共同的义务。公正原则。评标时应按事先公布的标准对待所有的投标人。诚实信用原则。招标人应以诚实、守信的态度行使权利,履行义务,以维护招投标双方的利益平衡,以及自身利益与社会利益的平衡。独立原则。招标人应是独立的法人,在招标过程中应自主决策,不受任何外界因素的干扰。接受行政监督原则。遵守有关法律法规以及有关规定,接受有关行政监督部门依法实施的监督。2、招 标招标程序根据有关规定,项目工程招标应按下列程序进行:建设单位向招标主管部门提出招标申请,经批准后,编制招标文件。或委托经建设行政主管部门批准的具有相应资质的招标代理机构办理



19、e recommended directions for this area are:o All development projects within the MAS Aerotechnologies should use a standard methodology.o Given the magnitude of changes anticipated, MAS Aerotechnologies needs to adopt a methodology consistent with the above guidelines.o Both users and data processin

20、g staff should be trained in the application of the methodology.Development ToolsDevelopment tools are essential for improving the productivity of developers. Tools should be available covering all phases, that is , planning, analysis and design, implementation, and production systems support. Addit

21、ionally work done in one phase should be usable by subsequent phases. All tools must access and update an integrated repository of design objects to facilitate this process.The types of workbenches/tools useful within each phase are:o Planning workbench - which includes tools such as a data model di

22、agram, decomposition diagram, data flow diagram, matrix/table diagram, and general document facility.o Design workbench - which includes tools such as a data model diagram, decomposition diagram, winder painter, screen/report painter, procedure diagram, and general document facility.o Programmer wor

23、kbench - which includes tools such as a program, screen, copybook generator, conversation flow generator, DBMS table generator, and program version control facility.o Testing workbench - which includes tools such as an interactive test tool, test data generator, test data version facility, and migra

24、tion facility/version control.o Project managers workbench - which includes tools such as a project monitoring facility, project scheduling facility, estimating facility and a facility to manage change requests. The recommended directions for this area are:o Automated development tools are essential

25、 to improve development productivity.o The tools must support the methodologyo The tools must have a central repository to enable leverage of previous phase work. The term in the data processing industry for these types of tools is Integrated CASE.o The tools must support the proposed technical envi

26、ronment (UNIX, and client/server processing) and must support the development of the proposed integrated tax applications.Project ManagementProject Management is the critical component to ensuring systems are delivered on-time, on-budget, and to specification.The recommended directions for this area

27、 are:o All projects must be properly defined. That is, a project definition must be produced for each project containing: project scope deliverables project mandays (both users and EDP) start and end date budgeto Each project should be led by a project manager who reports to a steering committee. Th

28、e chairman of the steering committee should be the system owner. For major projects, the steering committee should ideally be chaired by the President of MAS Aerotechnologies.o All projects must be tracked by mandays (actual versus budgeted), by deliverables, and by project budgets. These tracking p

29、arameters should be reported to the steering committee regularly.o A quality assurance program should be established and followed for all projects.o Change requests should be recorded, prioritized and tracked.4.3Protection of ResourcesThe ongoing protection of all the environment discussed is vital

30、to ensuring MAS Aerotechnologies fulfills its mission. This section discusses three of the major areas to be addressed to ensure protection:o Securityo Disaster Planningo Capacity PlanningSecuritySecurity covers three major areas of concern - physical security, access security and data security.Phys

31、ical SecurityPhysical security addresses the location of computing resources and the physical access to these resources. It needs to totally restrict access from the public and ensure restricted access from internal MAS Aerotechnologies staff.The recommended directions for this area are:o Physical s

32、ecurity must ensure access to equipment is restricted from the general public as well as from the majority of internal MAS Aerotechnologies staff.o Secure facilities need to be provided for the UNIX servers. Access should be restricted to these areas. At a minimum locked rooms are required to ensure

33、 restricted access.Access securityAccess security needs to ensure that the only users that get access are those requiring access. It must consider access from external parties as well as internal ITR access. Additionally it must consider the application access requirements for the different types of

34、 users.The recommended directions for this area are:o All access to MAS Aerotechnologies computers should be through a security gateway.o Access to the local server operating system should be severely restricted.o An integrated security system that operates across hardware platforms needs to be deve

35、loped. This system should force the user to login once and take care of all subsequent authority and security administration.o Each user must be made accountable for heir actions and made aware of their security and confidentiality requirements.o Each person should be allocated one user-id. There sh

36、ould be no sharing of these user-ids with any other person.o Each person should be allocated access to authorized functions on a “need to know” basis. The system owner should determine which users get access to applications.Data securityData security ensures that only authorized users can access and

37、/or modify MAS Aerotechnologies data. It needs to consider the confidentiality of data, the integrity of data, what data can be transferred/ported, and what data needs to be encrypted.The recommended directions for this area are:o Transfers from the PCs to the local server should be restricted in or

38、der to restrict the spreading of viruses.o There should be restricted access to a download facility from the local server to the PCs in order to ensure confidentiality and minimize the risk of leaking data.o The system owner should determine which user can access the owners data and the type of acce

39、ss they are allowed.o Encryption should be utilized where appropriate.Disaster PlanningDisaster planning ensures that critical business functions can continue to operate even after disaster situations. The major disasters that MAS Aerotechnologies needs to protect against are fire, floods, and terro

40、rism.The recommended directions for this area are:o The disaster recovery plan should cover all automated and non-automated functions. This plan should be produced at least once per year and should be tested at least once per year.o Within the production environment there will be an increasing reliance on on-line facilities. If these facilities are not available, the majority of MAS Aerotechnologies staff will not be able to perf


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