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远卓—清华万博—proposal to YZ.doc

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远卓—清华万博—proposal to YZ.doc

1、Work Plan for Timesheet SystemObjectiveThe goal of Phase I is to build a resource ( e.g. consultant labor, equipment usage) entry application, which periodically collects usage records of employee and equipment for project-based companies, for the purpose of internal control and project management.T

2、echnical CapabilitiesAs discussed in the previous meeting dated on 1 April 2000 and 9 April 2000, the resource entry application will cover the following functions: Database Definition1. Project2. Employee and equipment3. Department4. Period5. TimesheetMaintenance (add, change, remove)1. Employee (e

3、quipment is treated as a special “human resource”)- Code- Name- Rate- Etc.2. Department- Code- Name- Etc.3. Period (YY/MM/DD)- Code- Date Range (1st 15th and 16th 30th or 31st)- Standard Unit - Etc.4. Project- Code- Name- Chargeable/Non-chargeable- Etc.Entry ScreenWhile users enter amount of hours,

4、the system automatically summarizes data vertically and horizontally. Screen scrolling is needed to convenient entry.Equipment occupation and usage fee are treated as “resources”, which will be processed similar to that of processing employee usage hours.Reports1. Individual Timesheet Print2. Period

5、ical Timesheet Summarization Report3. Other as defined through Bexcels later discussion with its client and the final requirement reportTerms & ObligationsThe tasks mentioned above are fully depend on the accurate requirement analysis report provided by Bexcel at its client. Any later additional or

6、revised requirements are not included in this proposal. We will ensure the implementation as Bexcels first client, who will deploy the timesheet system. A user guide (i.e., operating processes) will also be provided and handed over to the Bexcels client. Bexcels client is supposed to agree upon this

7、 work plan, and provide required data (e.g., equipment daily occupation rate).We will not transfer the license in the current stage, which can be negotiated further at the completion of the first delivery.Time & FeeThe tasks listed in Phase I will be delivered in 3 weeks time, starting from the fina

8、l definition for clients requirements. The fee is CNY 70,000, with a dun payment of CNY 35,000 to start work. Considering the future business opportunities, a free copy of the timesheet entry application will be given to Bexcel. However, this will not involve any tremendous modification to comply with the operation differences at Bexcel.


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