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9 人体重要的含氮营养物质——氨基酸.ppt

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9 人体重要的含氮营养物质——氨基酸.ppt

1、受到侵害时,要善于运用法律武器维权, 善于同侵权行为做斗争;当国家、集体、他人的权益受到非 法侵害时,我们也要加以维护。同违法犯罪作斗争,是全体 公民义不容辞的责任。 一天放学,李智独自背着书包往家走 。突然身后有人说:“嘿,哥们儿, 等会儿!”李智回头一看,是个陌生 人。还没等他开口,陌生人就说:“ 最近哥们儿手头有点紧,借点钱用。 ” 假如此时你是李智,你会怎么办? 遇事一定要冷静, 寻求帮助是良策, 保全自己真聪明, 不可硬拼要智斗, 法律武器记心中, 时刻不忘110。 : 法律小博士告诉你:只有积极报案,才有可能获得 社会援助,才能有效地惩罚坏人。同时你要了解下列知识: A 你该向 报

2、案。 B 如果你报案的机关不给你立案,你可向 提出。 C 如果在侵害案件的处理过程中,你可能希望罪犯得到应有 的处罚,或自己的财产及精神损失得到补偿,这是可直接 向 提出诉讼。 D 如果你需要法律服务而又没有钱时,可以请求法律援助。 可为你提供免费、诚实的法律帮助。 (提示:人民法院是我国的审判机关,依法审理民事案件、刑 事案件、经济案件和行政案件,依法独立行使审判权。 人民检察院是我国的法律监督机关,依法独立行使检察权。 公安机关是国家的行政机关,在刑事案件中负责侦查、拘留、 执行逮捕和预审,作出治安管理处罚。) 公安机关 人民检察院 人民法院 法律援助中心 当我们的合法权益受到侵害时,既当

3、我们的合法权益受到侵害时,既 不能忍气吞声,更不能私下报复。首先不能忍气吞声,更不能私下报复。首先 向有关维权机构投诉、反映,以求帮助向有关维权机构投诉、反映,以求帮助 解决,因为解决,因为非诉讼手段非诉讼手段是维护权益常用是维护权益常用 的有效手段。如果得不到解决,就通过的有效手段。如果得不到解决,就通过 诉讼手段诉讼手段(打官司),因为这是最正规(打官司),因为这是最正规 、最权威、最有效的手段。、最权威、最有效的手段。 小芳和小明在放学途中路过一家电子游戏 厅,小芳眼睁睁地看着小小明受到游戏厅老 板的拉拢,走进了电子游戏厅。 提问:小芳对此可以采取哪些行动? 1 1、小芳可以对小明进行劝

4、阻。、小芳可以对小明进行劝阻。 2 2、可向老师、家长反映。、可向老师、家长反映。 3 3、可向有关部门举报游戏厅老、可向有关部门举报游戏厅老 板的行为。板的行为。 -记住亲朋好友的名单、电话,这样在遇到侵害时,可以及时寻求 他们帮助。 -拒绝不正当要求,不与坏人同流合污。如去打群架、赌博、看黄 色录像等等,我们坚决不要去,并劝说朋友也不要去。 -独自在家时,不要给陌生人开门;如有人撬门趴窗,应大声呼救 并报警。可拿起家里的菜刀、锤子作为武器,来震慑歹徒。 -如在路上遇到陌生人尾随,应想办法跑到人多的地方,居民家。 -遭到坏人绑架、劫持、伤害等暴力侵害时,要大声呼救,如坏人 过于凶狠,一般不要

5、与其硬拼,要镇静、机智地与之周旋,寻找 机会脱身并报警。 -遭遇违法犯罪行为侵害时,及时报警,并记住坏人的身份特征和 一些突出的特征,以有利于公安机关破案。 对号入座 在外面遭遇到了小偷,或者看到小偷在偷东西; 买到过期了的零食; 三江超市里说没有零钱找零,用糖果代替一毛钱找零; 爸爸妈妈在家里由吵架升级为打架; 爸爸妈妈国家规定的节假日还在上班、加班; 身边认识的同学朋友被别人打了一顿; 居民委员会或村委会 劳动仲裁、争议委员会 消费者协会、工商局 公安局 买菜、买水果短斤缺两; 有一个流浪女在大街上受人欺负; 妇联 善 于 斗 争 求助有路 法律服务所 律师事务所 公证处 法律援助中心 投

6、诉 咨询 妇联、 新闻媒体等 最正规、最权 威、最有效的 手段。 刑事诉讼 敢打官司 (非诉讼手段) (诉讼手段) 省时、省 力,可避 免不必要 的浪费。 民事诉讼 行政诉讼 善用法律保护自己 1我们维护权益的最有力的武器就是法律。 2能够为我们提供法律帮助的机构有哪些? 法律服务所、律师事务所、公证处、法律援助中心等。 3维护我们合法权益的途径有哪些? 1)非诉讼手段;2)诉讼手段。 4非诉讼手段是我们维护合法权益常用的有效手段。它 包括哪些? 向政府有关部门、司法机关、人民团体、有关社会团体等 等方面反映问题,寻求帮助,以解决问题; 通过调解、仲裁等方式,解决争议、纠纷,保障公民权益 打官

7、司保护自己 5诉讼的含义是什么? 它是指人民法院主持有利害关系人参与的处理纠纷的程序 。 6诉讼是维护我们的合法权益最正规、最权威、最有效 的一种手段,是保护我们权益的最后屏障。 7诉讼通常分为哪三种类型? 刑事诉讼、民事诉讼、行政诉讼。 8什么是刑事诉讼? 是指由国家机关在当事人和其他诉讼参与人的参加下,依 法揭露犯罪、证实犯罪、罪犯的活动。 9什么是民事诉讼? 是人民法院在当事人和其他诉讼参与人的参加下,依法审 理案件的解决纠纷的活动。 10、什么是行政诉讼? 俗称打官司,是人民法院在双方当事人的参与下,依照 司法诉讼程序解决行政争议案件的活动。 揿揿烦同事 n 舍得,要乐于助人 多创造沟

8、通合作机会 珍惜关心他人的机会 恰当赞美和恭维他人 孤芳自赏不可取 巧妙指出他的不足 多参加集体活动 避免参与非正式团体 拒绝情绪和流言蜚语 65 大雁迁徙的启示同心协力 一次南飞几万公里,一天飞越几百公里 秋天,当你看到雁群为过冬而朝南方迁徙的时候 牠们排成字队形平行飞行,前雁展翅,后雁跟进 相互间给予强烈的激励,真诚而热情 n 相互鼓励,使团队保持了速度和力量 n 偶尔脱队,是那样的吃力与孤独 n 必须回到队形,继续借用前雁的浮力,同伴的鼓励 头雁累了 n 另一只雁主动接替飞在最前端 一只雁生病或受伤 n 其他两只会飞下来帮助和保护她,直到康复或死亡 自动组成V形或形 n 努力去追赶上原来

9、的雁群,共同实现团队的目标 66 4、提升执行力之八招 绝对支持、团队第一 快速行动、持续超越 以身作则、承担责任 关爱鼓励、滴水穿石 授权信任、培训指导 有效监控、关注结果 制造竞争、危机意识 争做明星、自我激发 67 谢 谢! 量身定制 创建知名品牌 高瞻远瞩 谋求共同发展 上海微尚管理咨询有限公司 Shanghai Wish Management Consultants Co. , Ltd. 熅熅 on the trade relationship. 7. It was three years ago when I started online learning; at that tim

10、e I had no knowledge about the technology. (know about) It was three years ago when I started online learning; at that time I did not know about the technology. 8. To celebrate the 100 anniversary of the university, they are to host a huge dinner party for about more than 1,000 people. It has been a

11、 headache for the university authorities as to who would financially support the party. (pay for) To celebrate the 100 anniversary of the university, they are to host a huge dinner party for about more than 1,000 people. It has been a headache for the university authorities as to who would pay for t

12、he party. 艁蜃蝠溨膾溇鎂溷萡!蜄虮蟇躷艮璇皇鎂墷İ謀谀!蜉蝴蝶蝘!皇鎂谿;H言踀諼腰怀偠【偐蜉蝶螃怀偠【醿!醿1!Section B 用定语从句完成下列句子用定语从句完成下列句子. . 1.1. The man is my brother. He is standing under the The man is my brother. He is standing under the tree. _.tree. _. 2.2. I like music. I can sing with them. I like music. I can sing with them. _._. 3.

13、3. He missed the train. He usually catches this train. He missed the train. He usually catches this train. _._. 4.4. I prefer music. The music isnt too loud I prefer music. The music isnt too loud _._. The man who is standing under the tree is my The man who is standing under the tree is my brother.

14、brother. I like music that I can sing I like music that I can sing with.with. I prefer music that isnt too loud.I prefer music that isnt too loud. He missed the train that he usually catches .He missed the train that he usually catches . I likeprefer music that has great lyrics. I likeprefer music t

15、hat I can sing along with. I likeprefer music that isnt too loud. I likeprefer music that I can dance to. -What kind of music do you likeprefer? 1 1 Whats your favorite band?Whats your favorite band? 1 1 Whats your Whats your favoritefavorite book? book? 1 1 Whats your Whats your favoritefavorite mo

16、vie? movie? My 10 Best Childrens MoviesMy 10 Best Childrens Movies 10. Rugrats (TV series) 10. Rugrats (TV series) 淘气小乒乒淘气小乒乒 9. Mighty Ducks 9. Mighty Ducks 巨鸭奇兵巨鸭奇兵 8. Little Rascals 8. Little Rascals 捣蛋俱乐部捣蛋俱乐部 7. Matilda 7. Matilda 玛蒂尔达玛蒂尔达 6. Hook 6. Hook 虎克虎克 5. Cinderella 5. Cinderella 灰姑娘灰姑娘

17、 4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate 4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Factory 欢乐糖果屋欢乐糖果屋 3. Sound of Music 3. Sound of Music 音乐之声音乐之声 2. Annie 2. Annie 安妮安妮 1. ET 1. ET 外星人外星人 1 1 Fill in the chart. Write names of your favoriteFill in the chart. Write names of your favorite band, book, and movi

18、e.band, book, and movie. BandBand BookBook MovieMovie Why do you look unhappy? My mother bought My mother bought me a T-shirt that I me a T-shirt that I dont like.dont like. discussion What clothes do you like ? Talk with your partners. A: What clothes do you like prefer?A: What clothes do you like

19、prefer? B: I likeprefer clothes that are comfortable. B: I likeprefer clothes that are comfortable. How about you?How about you? A: I like clothes _.A: I like clothes _. cheap / in style/ colorful/ expensive /original / cool / comfortable/ 2a2a Listen and write down the three things in Listen and wr

20、ite down the three things in the picture that Michael and Ali talk the picture that Michael and Ali talk about.about. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. jacket book movie poster Listen ! And write what Michael likes and why he likes each thing. 2b2b Listen again. Write what Michael likes Listen again. Write what Mic

21、hael likes and why he likes each thing.and why he likes each thing. What Michael What Michael likeslikes Why he likes itWhy he likes it jacketHe likes clothes that are unusual. He likes writers He likes movies book who explain things well. moviethat about monsters. TapescriptTapescript Boy1: Wow, yo

22、u sure have lots of cool stuff. Boy1: Wow, you sure have lots of cool stuff. What a great jacket!What a great jacket! Boy2: Yeah, its new. I really like it. I like Boy2: Yeah, its new. I really like it. I like clothes that are unusual.clothes that are unusual. Boy1: Yeah, me too. Say is that a new B

23、oy1: Yeah, me too. Say is that a new book over there?book over there? Boy2: Yes, it is. Its a book about volleyball. Boy2: Yes, it is. Its a book about volleyball. It tells about how to become a good player.It tells about how to become a good player. Boy1: Is it good?Boy1: Is it good? Boy2: Yeah, it

24、s great. I like writers who Boy2: Yeah, its great. I like writers who explain things well.explain things well. Boy1: Me too. Ummmm, Michael?Boy1: Me too. Ummmm, Michael? Boy2: Yes?Boy2: Yes? Boy1: Uhhh Where did you get that movie Boy1: Uhhh Where did you get that movie poster?poster? Boy2: Oh, the

25、Monster Lizard poster? My Boy2: Oh, the Monster Lizard poster? My brother got it for me. He works at a movie brother got it for me. He works at a movie theater. theater. Boy1: Its a great poster.Boy1: Its a great poster. Boy2: Yeah, it is. I love movies that are Boy2: Yeah, it is. I love movies that

26、 are about monsters, dont you?about monsters, dont you? Boy1: I sure do. Say Michael Do you Boy1: I sure do. Say Michael Do you think your brother could get a Monster think your brother could get a Monster Lizard poster for meLizard poster for me Boy2: Probably. Ill ask him.Boy2: Probably. Ill ask h

27、im. Boy1: That would be great. Boy1: That would be great. 2c2c Discuss your favorite things from activity1.Say Discuss your favorite things from activity1.Say why you like each thing.why you like each thing. I like movies that are sad.I like movies that are sad. I love “Sinking Ship”.I love “Sinking

28、 Ship”. Oh, I dont. I like movies that Oh, I dont. I like movies that have scary monsters. I really likehave scary monsters. I really like I like writers who explain I like writers who explain things well.things well. Oh, I dont. I like writers that Oh, I dont. I like writers that describe feelings

29、well.describe feelings well. 3a3a Read the reviews. Circle the things the reviewers Read the reviews. Circle the things the reviewers like, and underline the things the reviewers like, and underline the things the reviewers dont like.dont like. Yellow River Fisherman This is Hong Taos latest movie.

30、I like Hong Tao. Hes made some great movies over the years. Unfortunately, this is his worst movie. If youre looking for entertainment, stay at home and watch TV. Yellow River Fisherman is too long, and its really boring. It does have a few good features, though. I thought the fishermans wife was re

31、ally funny. 3a3a Read the reviews. Circle the things the reviewers Read the reviews. Circle the things the reviewers like, and underline the things the reviews dont like, and underline the things the reviews dont like.like. Amy Kim, PhotographyAmy Kim, Photography Be sure to see this exhibition at t

32、he Lido Gallery. Amy Kim is one of the best known Chinese photographers in the world today, and some of her best loved photos are on display in this exhibition. She really has something for everyone. There are many great photos of people and of the countryside. The few city photographs are less succ

33、essful. I see the same things every day and they dont interest me as much. But this is a great show from a world class photographer. Whatever you do, dont miss this exhibition. 1.What does the writer think of the director and his movies? 2.What does the writer advise us to do? Why? He is a great director and has made some great movies. But this is his worst movie. Stay at home and watch TV because the movie is too long and boring. 3. Where can we see the exhibition? 4. What can we know about Amy Kim? At the Lindo Gallery. She is one of the best-known Chinese photographers in the world. 5.


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