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Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.P3.ppt

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Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.P3.ppt

1、Unit 8 Id like some noodles. Section B 学习目标 1.学习更多的食物、饮料名称的词汇。学 会运用下列词语: juice, dumping, porridge, tea, green tea, rice, soup, fish, Tel(=telephone) , RMB. 2.能简单描述自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物。 3.训练, 提高阅读能力和写作能力。 1. The specials, for 5 dollars, _ over there. 2. There _ some rice in the bowl. 3. Where _ my tea? - Here

2、 it _. 4. - I would like some dumplings. - Here you _. 5. There _ some potatoes under the table. 6. There _a bowl of rice on the table. 7. There _ two bowls of rice on the table. 8. I _ an actor. 温故知新:用am, is, are 填空 are is is are is are is am are am 预习检查:补全下列单词 1.n_ _dle 2. cabb_ _ _ 3. b_ _f 4.po_

3、 _to 5. spe_ _ _ _ 6. b_ w_ 7. l_ _ ge 8. dr_ _ k 9. s_ z_ 10.j_ _ce 11.d _ _ pling 12. t _ _ 13. fi_ _ 14.r_ ce 15. s _ _p 16. porri_ _ _ o o a g e e e t ac i a lo l a ri ni e u i u me a s hio u d g e What is this? orange juice What are these ? dumplings porridge green tea soup rice onion fish What

4、 is this? A:What kind of food (fruits,meat vegetables,drink) would you like? noodles dumplings rice hamburgers B:Id like some noodles/rice. 1. _orange juice 2. _dumplings 3. _ porridge 4. _ green tea 5. _rice 6. _soup 7. _onions 8. _fish 1a Match g f b d a e h c 1. orange juice 2. dumplings 3. porri

5、dge 4. green tea 5. rice 6. soup 7. onion 8. fish 2a Circle the words you hear in 1a. ORDER FORM Address Telephone number Order 15 Peace Road 3982845 Chicken, fish and cabbage.16 mutton and carrot dumplings. Tomato soup. One large green tea and one small orange juice 2b Listening A: Hello, House of

6、dumplings! B: Hello! I want to order some food, please. A: Sure. B: Id like chicken, fish and cabbage, please. A: Uh-huh. B: And sixteen dumplings. A: What kind of dumplings would you like? B: Mutton and carrot dumplings, please. A: OK. Anything else? B: Oh, yes. Id like some soup. Tapescript A: OK.

7、 Then. What kind of soup would you like? B: Tomato soup. A: OK. Would you like any drinks? B: One large green tea and one small orange juice. A: OK. Whats your address, please? B: 15 Peace Road. A: And whats your telephone number? B: 398-2845. A: 398-2845? B: Yup. A: Thatll be thirty-two RMB. I like I dont like (or) Practice: I like . I dont like . onions green tea I like noodles and soup. I dont like noodles or soup.


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