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【2014茂名二模】广东省茂名市2014届高三第二次高考模拟政治试题 Word版含答案.doc

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【2014茂名二模】广东省茂名市2014届高三第二次高考模拟政治试题 Word版含答案.doc

1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is sciencePeriod 1 : Section A (1a-1c)Teaching goals:1.Master the key words and expressions Favorite ,subject ,science, music ,math, Chinese ,geography ,history 2.Be able to talk about preference 3 Improve students listening and speaking skills Teaching methods :1 Listenin

2、g and speaking practices 2 Cooperative approach Important points:1Master the key words and expressions 2 Be able to talk about preferences 3 Improve students listening and speaking skillsDifficult points:1 Be able to talk about preferences 2 Improve students listening and speaking skillsTeaching too

3、ls:A tape recorder , ppt, one ball Teaching process:Step1 warm-up 1.Greetings T: Good afternoon ,classSs: Good afternoon, teacher T: How are you ,today Ss: Im fine, thank you ,and you ?T: Im fine, too .Step 2 presentation Lead-in 1 (1)Show the pictures in the PPT to lead in the word “favorite ”, exp

4、lain the meaning of “favorite”,Let students report “whats your favorite color/food/sport/teacher/subject? (3)Show two pictures and lead in “ whats his/her favorite?” , “His/Her favorite is ”Teach the two sentences structures, then play a “Guessing game” ,rules: ask one student to come to the blackbo

5、ard , and invite another student to guess “whats his/her favorite.?” ,and say with “His/Her favorite .is ”2 Teach the new words by ppt: subject ,science, art, music ,math, Chinese ,geography ,history3 Activity 1aT: now turn to page 49, have a look at the pictures in 1a and then tell me what you see

6、in each picture SS: Each picture shows a different class in school T: Good ,now mach the words with the pictures Later , ask one student to report his answer, then check the answers together.4 Activity 1b T: now , well listen to a conversation , you need to listen to carefully and circle the subject

7、s you hear in 1a , I ll play the tape twice . the first time , you just listen and circle the words ,the second time ,check your answers and read after the recording .5 Activity 1c(1)First , review “whats your favorite?Next, read through the conversation in the box .Then, let students make conversat

8、ions about subjects in 1a . Leave students five minutes to do it . Finally, invite some pairs to present for the whole class. (2)T:Now lets play “passing ball” game, the rules are: I throw the ball to you , you get the ball and answer my question “Whats your favorite subject?” with “My favorite subj

9、ect is ” do you understand? Ss: Yes. Play the game.Step 3 Exercises:Can you rewrite the sentences?改写句子1. My favorite subject is music. (提问)What is your favorite subject?2.My favorite subject is music. (否定)My favorite subject isnt music.3.His favorite subject is music. (提问)Whats his favorite subject

10、?Step 4 Summary: In this period, we learned how to talk about preference and the words of subjects, review the words and sentence structures.Step 5 HomeworkDo a survey: Whats your Moms/Dads favorite?My Moms/Dads favorite is.Favorite city Favorite food FavoritecolorFavorite TV showFavorite sportMom D

11、ad Board design:Unit 9 My favorite subject is sciencePeriod 1 : Section A (1a-1c)favorite ,subject ,science, music ,math, Chinese ,geography ,historyWhat is your/his/her favorite ?My/his/her favorite subject is教学反思饾馁堖馆堖馆馐馓馱馱逖馷氖馽馿馿馿馿馿駅駉駔駖駖駛駡駡駡駩駫砖駭駯一駽伀駿倀琖騏儀琖騏刀琖騏匀萖騝吀騞唀騞嘀騞圀騢堀驇夀驈娀驈嬀驈尀驊崀驢帀驢开驢怀驣愀驣戀堖驧挀驷搀驾攀骁昀验最验栀骓椀搖骗樀骝欀骝氀骝洀骤渀骵漀鐖髁瀀髆焀髆爀瀖髇猀髑琀髑甀髑瘀髑眀髑砀髓礀髨稀髬笀琖髰簀怖鬄紀谖鬅縀鬍缀尖鬦耀蠖鬧脀蠖鬧舀鬨茀鬳萀鬷蔀栖魖蘀魠蜀魢蠀魦褀魭言魰謀逖魹谀魾贀魾踀鮏退鮏輀鮑鄀萖鮔鈀鮙錀谖鮛鐀鮣销鮰阀吖鮵需鮺


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