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1、nsoli-date and Develop-ment1. Ask what we have learned at this section.2. Ask them do the exercises of part 2 in page 33. Discuss: How do you arrange your time reasonably and efficiently.1. Answer the questions.2. Do the exercises of part 2 in page 3.3. Discuss: How do you arrange your time reasonab

2、ly and efficiently.To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what theyve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue.Home-work1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly.2. Copy the new words, one for two lines.3. Copy the di

3、alogue. 4. Try to make a time table .Module 1Unit 2 What should Jiamin do?一、 Teaching Content:Module 1(Unit 2) What should Jiamin do?二、Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task:1 Can say these words correctly: worried, be worried about, tired, hand in, on time, do well in, should, worry, catch up with, together,

4、seldom, shouldnt = should not2. Can talk about the simple ways of asking and answering about ones daily routines.3. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly.4. Can use these daily expressions in communication:A. May I speak to Mr Li?B. This is Ben speaking.(二)、Difficult point: 1、New words of thi

5、s dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 2.3、The simple present tense.(三)、 Affects: 1、Learn how to arrange their time reasonably and efficiently. 2、Learn how to study consciously.3、 Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue4、 The time t

6、eachers need: 3 long-periods.5、 Teaching Process:ItemsTeaching activitiesLearning activitiesPurposeLeading-in1.Greeting 2. Review the daily expression in communication with the pupils: May I speak to Mr Li?This is Ben speaking.3. Help the pupils reinforce the simple present tense.1.Greeting2. Use th

7、e daily expression in communication with the teacher: May I speak to Mr Li?This is Ben speaking.3. Reinforce the simple present tense.Review the old knowledge and the old sentences.Presen-tation1. Tell them what we will learn this lesson.2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun).Let them listen and watch careful

8、ly twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words.worried, be worried about, tired, hand in, on time, do well in, should, worry, catch up with, together, seldom, shouldnt = should not Let them read by themselves in groups.4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words.5. The teache

9、r read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation.7. Let them find out the sentences or the words which they couldnt understand and then discuss in

10、 groups. The teacher help them. 8.Let them poin out the tense of the dialouge and go over the simple present tense. 1. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 1, Unit 1 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 2. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words.Read by themselves in groups a

11、nd speak Voluntarily.3. Read after the teacher and the tape.4. Listen to the teacher carefully.5. Try to read the dialouge in paris and read the dialogue one by one.One for each sentence.6Find out the sentences or the words which they couldnt understand and then discuss in groups.7. Poin out the ten

12、se of the dialogue and go over the simple present tense. 1.Learn the new content.2. Check and correct their pronunciation and intonation.3. Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselves.4. Go over the tense.Practice6、 Ask them read the new words in groups, check and correct each other.

13、 7、 Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs.3、 Read the new words in groups, check and correct each other.4、 Read the dialogue follow the tape. Read the dialogue in pairs.To help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue an d the words. Consoli-date and Develop-ment1. Ask what

14、we have learned at this section.2. Ask them do the exercises of part 2 in page 83. Discuss: How do you study by yourself consciously?6. Answer the questions.2. Do the exercises of part 2 in page 8.3. Discuss:How do you study by yourself consciously?To help the pupils to get a clear idea of what they

15、ve learned and help them to learn something from this dialogue.Home-work1. Read the new words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly.2. Copy the new words, one for two lines.3. Copy the dialogue. Module 1Unit 3 Lets Go Further一、 Teaching Content:Module 1(Uni

16、t 3) Lets go further二、Teaching aim:(一)、 Main Task:1. Can say these words correctly: sleepy, kid, more, boring, interesting, horrible, funny, either, asleep, 2. Can read the dialogue fluently and correctly.2. Can use these daily expressions in communication:A. Its boring/ horrible/ interesting.(二)、Di

17、fficult point: 1、New words of this dialogue. 2、The comprehension of the dialogue of Unit 3.(三)、 Affects: 1、Learn how to keep good habits in both daily life and study. 2、Learn how to study consciously.8、 Teaching Tools:Computer, CD Rom (King Sun), projecting apparatus, the tape of the dialogue9、 The

18、time teachers need: 3 long-periods.10、 Teaching Process:ItemsTeaching activitiesLearning activitiesPurposeLeading-in1.Greeting 2. Have them do the exercises about the simple present tense.1.Greeting2. do the exercises about the simple present tense.Review the old knowledge and the old sentences.Pres

19、en-tation1. Have Ps look at the pictures and say what they hink the story will be about.2. Show the CD Rom(King Sun).Let them listen and watch carefully twice, try to understand what its meaning. 3. Teach the new words.sleepy, kid, more, boring, interesting, horrible, funny, either, asleep, Let them

20、 read by themselves in groups.4. Check their Pronunciation of the new words.5. The teacher read the dialogue and ask them pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.6. Let them try to read the dialogue in pairs and read the dialogue one by one. The teacher correct their pronunciation.7. Let t

21、hem find out the sentences or the words which they couldnt understand and then discuss in groups. The teacher help them. 1. Look at the pictures and say what they hink the story will be about.3. Watch and listen the dialogue of Module 1, Unit 3 twice. Try to understand what its meaning. 4. According the Phonetic symbol to learn these new words.Read by themselves in groups and speak Voluntarily.5. Read after the teacher


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