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1、s one by one, because_ A. he wanted to teach his son a lesson. B. he wanted his son to do more exercise.C. he wanted his son to eat them all. D. he wanted to laugh at his son.( )60. From the story, we can learn that_A. cherries are so delicious that most of us like to eat them.B. a horseshoe is so e

2、xpensive that it can bring us a lot of money.C. if we want to eat cherries, we must pick up a horseshoe.D. if we dont worry about the little things, we cannot do the great things.五、根据所给汉语或首字母提示填写单词。(10分)61. We s_ the floor just half an hour ago.62. Jim h_ eating junk food. He never goes to the KFC.6

3、3. Could I b_ your CD player? Our class is going to have a dancing competition.64. Dont forget to f_ the baby every three hours.65. Can I use your CD player? M_ is at home.66. _ (青少年) always enjoys sports and pop music.67. Thank you for _ (邀请) me to your birthday party.68. Mike takes out the _ (垃圾)

4、twice a day.69. Could you please buy some _ (快餐) for me?70. He takes good _ (照顾) of his dad because he is ill.六、书面表达(10分) 作为90后的新一代少年,我们应该如何把自己培养成一个德智体美劳全面发展的人,请根据所给的提示词并结合自己的实际写一篇英语小短文,谈谈怎样做个充满朝气的阳光少年。要求: (1) 请用第一人称写。(2) 词数80个左右,意思连贯、条理清楚。 提示词:work hard, do some sports, habit, make friends, favorit

5、e hobby, help others听力材料A) 请听句子, 根据其内容回答下面的问题。句子读两遍。1. Jill is too young. Jenny often helps her put on her clothes. 2. Allan has no dictionary. She wants to borrow one from Betty. 3. Susan is tired today. She did the laundry this morning. 4. Phillip cant go fishing with his friends. Hes going to swe

6、ep the floor. 5. Grace wants to play with her brother. But hes doing chores now. B) 请听句子, 根据其内容在下列句子的空白处填写一个适当的词。句子读两遍。6. Mike is taller than Jack but shorter than Dick. 7. He has much money, so he wears the best clothes. 8. They bought a camera in the Bargain Barn. 9. The meeting began at two and f

7、inished at five. 10. Im too busy and I dont often exercise. 参考答案1. Because Jill is too young. 2. Bettys . 3. This morning. 4. Sweep the floor. 5. Doing chores. 6. Dick 7. rich 8. cheap 9. three 10. to1115 ADDAD 1620 BABBA 2125 CBABA 2630 CDDBB31. think 32. survey 33. what 34. friendliest 35. service

8、36. and 37. plays 38. popular 39. delicious 40. best 4145 BBCBA 4650 CCCDA 5155 CBCAD 5660 BCBAD61. swept 62. hates 63. borrow 64. feed 65. Mine 66. Teenagers 67. inviting 68. trash 69. snacks 70. careOne possible versionI am a middle school student. I work hard every day. I always finish my homewor

9、k on time. After class I like to do some sports to keep myself fit and active. I keep running every morning. I 芪椀瀀栀琀洀氀暏怀/Mk前台访问/p-2899990.html220.181.108.1160追彠愀紀漀漀欀刀攀愀搀愀猀瀀砀椀搀暏葒豖/Mk前台访问/p-2933740.html220.181.108.1730迿悌最瀀栀琀洀氀暐甗賶遟/Mk前台访问/p-2933738.html220.181.108.1580送悌%欀瀀栀琀洀氀暐葒豖/Mi前台访问/p-2933744.html




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