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1、 5、buy(过去式) 6、draw(过去式) 7、sleep(过去式) 8、feel(过去式) 9、sit(过去式) 二、词组默写。1我们的家人 2、去农场 3、在星星湖边 4、摘了一些橘子 5、去钓鱼 6、抓到/钓到一条大鱼 7、想要做某事 8、把鱼给你 三、根据中文提示完成下列句子。1.你假期去哪里了? Where you go the ?2.我很喜欢吃鱼。昨天我吃了很多。I like very much.I a lot yesterday. 3.你去年参观故宫了吗?是的。 you the last year.我看到了许多有趣的东西。Yes. I interesting things.4

2、.海伦为什么打电话给你? Why Helen you?因为她想要给我一些邮票。 she some stamps.5学生们上周末去哪里了?Where the go last weekend?他们去了一个农场。They to a .6.他们在那里做了什么? they do there?他们摘了橙子也去钓鱼了。They and .Unit3 Holiday fun(第二次回作默写)班级: 姓名: 学号: 日期: 错 个一、单词默写。1、wear(过去式) 2、am;is(过去式) 3、are(过去式) 4、drink(过去式) 5、buy(过去式) 6、draw(过去式) 7、sleep(过去式)

3、8、feel(过去式) 9、sit(过去式) 二、词组默写。1我们的家人 2、去农场 3、在星星湖边 4、摘了一些橘子 5、去钓鱼 6、抓到/钓到一条大鱼 7、想要做某事 8、把鱼给你 三、根据中文提示完成下列句子。1.你假期去哪里了? Where you go the ?2.我很喜欢吃鱼。昨天我吃了很多。I like very much.I a lot yesterday. 3.你去年参观故宫了吗?是的。 you the last year.我看到了许多有趣的东西。Yes. I interesting things.4.海伦为什么打电话给你? Why Helen you? 因为她想要给我一些

4、邮票。 she some stamps.5学生们上周末去哪里了?Where the go last weekend?他们去了一个农场。They to a .6.他们在那里做了什么? they do there?他们摘了橙子也去钓鱼了。They and .Unit3 Holiday fun(第三次回作默写)一、单词默写。1、sing(过去式) 2、swim(过去式) 3、drive(过去式) 4、write(过去式) 5、go(过去式) 6、see(过去式) 7、can(过去式) 8、do/does(过去式) 9、get(过去式) 二、词组默写。ew many people. The only

5、thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. 产品优势 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION I walked through many mountains, walked thro

6、ugh many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many

7、mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment.

8、I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. 添加此处原有标题 产品优势 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that r

9、eally makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. 简短的绪论 I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. 简短的绪论 I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew

10、many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. 简短的绪论 研发过程 the moment. Iwalked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. the moment. Iwalked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. Part three

11、 研发过程 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really ma

12、kes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The onl

13、y thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. DESIGEND BY MUYUESHOP 研发过程 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through man

14、y mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. I walked through many “ I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really I walked through many mou

15、ntains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. 添加此处原有标题 I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. 添加此处原有标题 I walked through many mountains

16、, walked through many waters, and knew many people. 添加此处原有标题 DESIGEND BY MUYUESHOP 感谢观看 I walked through many mountains, walked through many waters, and knew many people. The only thing that really makes me tempted is that you see me at the moment. But there is not too much extravagant hope, but I hope to have your heart, not to leave. DESIGEND BY MUYUESHOP MANY MOUNTAINSWALKEDTHROUGH MANY


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