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1、 Unit4 Then and now一、单词默写1、以前 ago 2、使用;利用 use 3、电话 telephone 4、办公室 office 5、到处;随处 everywhere 6、收音机 radio 7、报纸 newspaper 8、观看 watch 9、电子书 e-book 10、收音机 radio 11、仍然 still 12、拼读 spell 13、用(介词) with 14、昨天 yesterday 15、新闻 news 16、sleep(过去式) slept 17、feel(过去式) felt 18、sit(过去式) sat 19、sing(过去式) sang 20、swi

2、m(过去式) swam 21、drive(过去式) drove 22、write(过去式) wrote 23、go(过去式) went 24、see(过去式) saw 25、can(过去式) could 26、do/does(过去式) did 27、get(过去式) got 28、have(过去式) had 29、say(过去式) said 30、come(过去式) came 31、tell(过去式) told 32、give(过去式) gave 33、eat(过去式) ate 34、put(过去式) put 35、fly(过去式) flew 36、find(过去式) found 37、mee

3、t(过去式) met 38、bring(过去式) brought 39、become(过去式) became 40、lose(过去式) lost 41、fit(过去式) fit / fitted 42、make(过去式) made 43、run(过去式) ran 44、take(过去式) took 45、think(过去式)thought 二、词组默写1、过去和现在 then and now 2、六年前 six years ago 3、读和写 read and write 4、做许多事情 do many things 5、写信给他们的朋友们 write letters to their fri

4、ends write to their friends 6、使用电话 use a telephone 7、给人们打电话 call people 8、一部手机 a mobile phone 9、随处给人打电话 call people anywhere 10、写电子邮件 write emails 11、三十年前 thirty years ago 12、听收音机 listen to the radio 13、看报纸来了解新闻 read newspapers for news 14、写信给她 write to her 15、在网上观看新闻 watch news on the Internet 16、看

5、电子书 read e-books 17、交朋友 make friends 18、从商店买东西 buy things from shops 19、有来自全世界的网友 have e-friends from all over the world 20、全世界 all over the world 21、购物 do shopping 22、贴两张照片 stick two photos 23、边指边说 point and say 24、努力工作 work hard 25、度假中 on holiday 26、发明飞机 invent the aeroplane 27、发明火车 invent the tra

6、in 28、一节英语课 an English lesson 29、朝窗外看 look out of the window 30、朝外看 look out of 31、听我说 listen to me 32、听老师说 listen to the teacher 33、继续 go on 34、星期几 what day 35、拼写它 spell it 36、变得生气 get angry 37、造句 make a sentence 38、等待答案 wait for the answer 39、一岁 one year old 40、三岁 three years old 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.

7、(do) you like the show?Yes.It was (fun)2.What you (do) last month.3.My father (go)to the Summer Palace three years ago. 4.My family (have) a big lunch yesterday.5.We (catch)a lot of fish in the river yeaterday. 6.Who (buy)these oranges this morning.7.Twenty years ago,we telephones (call) people. 8.I

8、 (visit)a farm last week.9.What your father usually (do) He usually (play)chess with my grandpa.10.Where you last Sunday. I on the farm(be)an) No swimming? Yes, it .3.Where you go holiday? I (go) to Xian.4.Jim and I _ (be) in the same_ (class) two years ago.5.What_(do) No_(park) mean? It you your ca

9、rs here.6.What are you doing? We_(talk) about the _ (run) race.7. Mum, where my bread? They on the table this morning. But they there now.(be)八、Read and judge. 根据短文内容判断句子正(F)误(F)。(10分)I have a cousin. Hes only four years old. Today I go to a library with him. He doesnt know the signs. I tell him abo

10、ut the signs. This sign means “Be quiet”. We should not shout in the library . That sign means “No eating or drinking”. We cant eat or drink here. My cousin knows a lot about the signs in the signs in the library after I tell him. 新课 标 第 一 网( )1、My cousin is five years old .( )2、We are in the superm

11、arket.( )3、We shouldnt smoke in the library.( )4、We can eat and drink in the library.( )5、We shouldnt shout in the library.新课 标第 一 网 译林版小学英语六上Unit5单元试卷听力部分(30%)一、 Listen and number.听录音,给下列图片排序.(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Listen and order。听录音,给下列短语排序(10分)( )at a shopping centre ( )be carefulX| k | B|

12、 1 . c|O |m( )wet floor ( )want some juice ( )cant litter ( )take your juice into the shop ( )eat some noodles ( )dont smoke ( )look for ( )in the forest三、(Listen and complete. )听录音,完成句子。(10分)1、 Be _, the floor is wet.2、 What does that sign _?3、 We shouldnt _here.4、 The shopping centre is so clean. Dont here, please.5、 We are on an_.笔试部分(70分)一、Read and choose.选出画线部分读音不相同的一项。(5分)( )1、A. bird B. thirty C. farmer ( ) 2、A. smoke B. go C. shop ( )3、A. great


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