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1、luding cab drivers and service personnel who may carry your luggage. 在美国旅行,有很多场合都要付小费,包括出租车司机、行李 搬运工。 Tipping in a nontipping culture can offend the people of that culture. In Japan, tipping is frowned upon; the Japanese consider carrying your luggage a gesture of hospitality. 在没有小费的文化中支付小费会得罪该文化中的人

2、。在日本人 们不喜欢小费;日本人认为,给你搬运行李是好客的表现。 In many places (Europe) a service charge is added to your restaurant/hotel bill; you need not leave an additional tip. 在欧洲很多地方,服务费已经包括在餐厅/酒店的的费用中了, 你无须额外支付小费。 Tipping:Tipping:给小费给小费 Gift Giving:Gift Giving:送礼送礼 Each country has its seasons and occasions for giving gi

3、fts. Gift giving in some cultures is an art and is an integral part of building intercultural professional/social relationships. 每个国家都有需要送礼的时节。在有些国家送礼是一种艺术,而 且是建立跨文化专业/社会关系不可缺少的一个部分。 U.S. business gifts are modest in price; the rule because of tax regulations is to limit the price to $25. 美国的商务礼品价格不

4、高;由于税收的规定一般限制在25美元。 Gifts in the U.S. are opened in front of the giver, admired, and thanks are expressed orally and in writing. 在美国,礼物要当着送礼人的面打开,并且用口头或书面的形式 表示赞扬和谢意。 Avoid gifts of liquor or wine in Islamic cultures; alcohol is illegal. 在伊斯兰教文化中,要避免送酒,因为酒是非法物品。 Avoid gifts of a handkerchief or knif

5、e in Latin America. The knife is interpreted as a wish to sever a relationship; the handkerchief is associated with tears. 在拉美国家要避免送手绢或刀。刀被理解为割断友谊。手绢 是和眼泪联系在一起的。 Gift Giving:Gift Giving:送礼送礼 In Korea business gifts are usually given at the beginning of formal negotiations. 在韩国,商务礼品一般在正式谈判之前送。 In Ger

6、many business gifts are seldom exchanged at the beginning of negotiations but may be given at their conclusion. 在德国,很少在谈判前交换商务礼品,礼品可以在谈判结束时 送。 In Latin American countries, present gifts only at the conclusion of negotiations. 在拉丁美洲国家,礼物只在谈判结束时送。 Gift Giving:Gift Giving:送礼送礼 Gift Giving in Japan:Gift

7、 Giving in Japan:在在日本送礼日本送礼 Gift giving is very important; they give gifts to customers as appreciation for business. They reward employees at two major times July 15 and December with large bonuses. 送礼是很重要的。日本人送礼物给顾客感谢他们关照生意。 Wrapping of the gift and presentation are important. The color of wrappin

8、g should be consistent with the occasion: red, gold, and white for happy events; black and purple or black and white for other occasions. 礼物的包装也是很重要的。外包装的颜色要和礼物的时节一 致。对于愉快的场合用红色、金黄色和白色;对于其他的场 合用黑色、紫色或白色。 Japanese do not open a gift in front of the giver; dont open your gift in their presence. 日本人不当送

9、礼人的面拆开礼物;你也不要当着他们的面拆开 礼物。 Avoid giving a gift with someone else present. 避免当着别人的面送礼物。 Dont surprise your Japanese host; mention the gift ahead of time. 不要突然送礼去;提前告诉对方你有礼物要送去。 Favorite gifts for the Japanese are imported liquor, designer-made products (Gucci), also musical tapes and CDs. 日本人喜欢的礼物有进口酒

10、、名家设计的产品(Gucci),还有 音乐磁带和CD。 Gift Giving in Japan:Gift Giving in Japan:在在日本送礼日本送礼 Case study 案例分析 Mark was in charge of a negotiation team sent to Japan. Upon learning the importance of gift giving to a successful business relationship in this culture, prior to departure he asked his secretary to wra

11、p these gifts: a clock with the company logo, a leather briefcase, a country ham, and a pen and pencil set marked “Made in Japan”. His secretary wrapped the gifts attractively in bright red paper and with matching bows and mailed them to his Japanese host. What rules for appropriate gift giving in t

12、his culture have been followed? Which have been violated? Global Gift-Giving GuidelinesGlobal Gift-Giving Guidelines 适用于全球的送礼指南适用于全球的送礼指南 Avoid giving a clock as a gift in the Peoples Republic of China; it is considered a symbol of bad luck. 在中国要避免将钟作为礼物送,因为它是背时的象征。 Avoid gifts of perfume or wine to

13、 the French; those are their specialties. 不要送香水或葡萄酒给法国人,因为这些都是他们的专长。 Do not give gifts of cowhide to people in India; the cow is sacred. 不要送牛皮做的礼物给印度人,因为牛在印度是神圣的。 When dining in a persons home in Western Europe, present your gift when you arrive so that it does not appear to be intended as payment for the meal. 在西欧人家里吃饭时,在到达的时候拿出你的礼物,这样就不 会让礼物觉得是付饭钱。 G


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