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1、.杨浦区2016学年第二学期高三模拟质量调研 英语学科试卷 2017.4II .Grammar and VocabularySection A I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in _21_ 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier greeted her by name and asked her how she was doing. The woman looked down, _22_(shake)her head and said:“

2、Not so good.”My husband just lost his job and my son is up to his old tricks again. The truth is, I dont know how Im going to get through the holidays.” Then she gave the cashier food stamps. My heart ached. I wanted to help but didnt know how.(23)_I offer to pay for her groceries or ask for her hus

3、bands resume? As I walked into the parking lot, I saw the women _(24)(return)her shopping cart. I remembered something in my purse(25)_I thought could help her. It wasnt a handful of cash or an offer of a job for her husband, but maybe it would make her life better. My heart pounded as I approached

4、the woman. “Excuse me,”I said, my voice trembling a bit.“I couldnt help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like youre going through a really hard time right now. Im so sorry. Id like to give you something.” I handed her the small card from my purse. When the woman read the cards onl

5、y two words, she began to cry. And through her tears, she said:“You have no idea(26)_ this means to me.” I was a little startled by her reply.(27)_(not do)anything like this before, I didnt know what kind of reaction I might receive. All left for me (28)_(say)was:“Oh. Would it be OK to give you a hu

6、g?” (29)_we embraced, I walked back to my car -and began to cry, too.The words on the card?“You Matter.”A few weeks earlier, a colleague gave me a similar card(30)_ encouragement for a project I was working on. When I read the card, I felt a warm glow spread inside of me. Deeply touched, I came home

7、 and ordered my own box of You Matter card and started sharing them.Section BA. technology B. contemporary C. stretched D. hidden E. recognizedF. discovery G. updated H. extensive I. countless J. estimated K. definition Most of us learn at primary school that there are seven continents, but the next

8、 generation of kids may be adding one more to that list. According to a recent paper published in the Geological Society of American Journal by a group of researchers,“Zealandia” is a new continent thats _31_ beneath the ocean. Zealandia is _32_ to be five million sq km. Most of this massive area is

9、 covered by water, but its highest mountains already have their own name:New Zealand. The small country is the only part of Zealandia that isnt underwater, but the papers authors want the huge landmass to be _33_ worldwide as its own continent. “The scientific value of classifying Zealandia as a con

10、tinent is much more than just an extra name on a list,”the researchers wrote in their paper.Scientists discovered Zealandia all the way back in 1995, then started _34_ research on the area using underwater and satellite mapping _35_. After completing their work, they were finally able to write a rep

11、ort suggesting that Zealandia be named a continent.But who decides on what is a continent and what isnt? There is, in fact, no official organization that does. Some countries schools teach that there are six or even five continents. This changes depending on where in the world school is.Due to their

12、 _36_ as a “continuous expanse of land”,some classify Europe and Asia as the same continent - known as Eurasia. Schools in Russia and parts of Eastern Europe teach this.And to make things even more confusing, France and Greece, as well as other countries, classify North America and South America as

13、simply America.This argument over how land is defined has even _37_ into outer space. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union(IAU)decided that Pluto was no longer a planet, 76 years after its _38_ in 1930. Experts argued that it no longer met the requirements needed to be called a planet along

14、side the eight others in our solar system. It was therefore renamed a “dwarf planet(矮行星)”,meaning that _39_ books, models and museum exhibits all over the world had to be _40_.But will the world take the same notice of Zealandia? The best way to tell is to keep an eye on our textbooks.Reading Compre

15、hensionSection A Good news for awkward teenagers around the world. As time goes by, you could _41_ up like a completely different person. This comes from the longest running personality study ever _42_ by scientist. According to researchers from the University of Edinburgh in the UK, our personality

16、 changes so much from youth to old age that most peoples personalities in older age are barely _43_ compared to their younger selves. The researchers analyzed results from a study in 1947, which gathered 1,208 teenagers in Scotland aged 14 and asked their teachers to _44_ their personalities based o

17、n six traits(特征) . Now, more than six decades later, the University of Edinburgh team has managed to contact 635 of the _45_ students, and 174 agreed to have their personalities tested once more. At an average age of 76.7 years old, the group were asked to _46_ themselves on the same six personality

18、 traits, then pick a close friend or family member to do the same. By _47_ the then-and-now test results, the researchers found that there is hardly any relationship between traits people had as teenagers and those in their older years. It was “as if the second tests had been given to _48_ people,”t

19、he studys researchers wrote in their report, which was published in journal Psychology and Aging. The results were a surprise because research in the past found personality _49_ in people tested from childhood to middle-age, and from middle-age to older age. As the team explained, our personality ap

20、pears stable over short intervals - _50_ so throughout adulthood. _51_, the longer the interval between two tests of personality, the _52_ the relationship between the two tends to be. Its clear that more studies are needed to find out whats going on here. But it could be the first _53_ that its not

21、 just our cells that are being _54_ throughout life the way we think, feel and behave might no be as _55_ as we once thought.41. A. hold B. wake C. end D. cheer42. A. carried out B. applied to C. participated in D. made up43. A. incredible B. accessible C. changeable D. recognizable44. A. assembleB.

22、 assessC. assumeD. access45. A. alternativeB. individualC. original D. separate46. A. scoreB. rateC. commentD. remark47. A. comparingB. reviewingC. presentingD. observing48. A. youngB. similarC. amateurD. different49. A. combinationB. stabilityC. transformationD. flexibility50. A. increasinglyB. strangelyC. subsequentlyD. obviously51. A. ThereforeB. MoreoverC. HoweverD. Otherwise52. A. strongerB. closerC. furtherD. weaker53. A. optionB. signC. symptomD. cause54. A. replacedB. exposedC. dividedD.


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