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1、esist the temptation of ads of newly released productD Comparing options when purchasing helps save money in the long runII. Grammar and vocabularySection A (10分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks wit

2、h a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.14(10分)People are being lured(引诱) onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service, (1) realizing that theyre paying for it by giving up plenty of personal inf

3、ormation Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send(2) (target) messages Most Facebook users dont realize this is happening Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea (3) theyre paying for Facebook, because people dont really

4、 know what their personal details are worth The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules Early on, you could keep everything private That was the great thing about Facebook you could create your own little private network Last year, the company changed its privacy rules

5、 (4) many things your city, your photo, your friends names were set, by default(默认), to be shared with everyone on the Internet According to Facebooks vice president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people dont share information, they have a (5) (sa

6、tisfying) experience Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money Its original business model, (6) involved selling ads and putting them at the side of the page, totally failed Who wants to look at ads when they are connecting with their friends online? So far the privac

7、y issue (7) (land) Facebook in hot water in Washington In April, Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy He also urged the Commission to set regulations for socialnetworking sites I suspect that whatever Facebook has done (8) (invade) our privacy is only the beginning

8、, which is why Im considering (9) (cancel) my account Facebook is a handy site, but Im upset by the idea that (30) information is in the hands of people I dont trust That is too high a price to paySection BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used o

9、nly once. Note that there is one word more than you need.15(10分)A combining;B analyzed;C concern; D tremendously;E effective;F applied;G actually;H common;I limited; J assessing;K testGetting help with parenting makes a difference at any age New Oxford University study finds that parenting intervent

10、ions(育儿干预)for helping children with behavior problems are just as effective in school age, as in younger children There is a dominant view among scientists and policymakers They believes, for the greatest effect, interventions need to be (1) early in life, when childrens brain function and behavior

11、are thought to be more flexible However, according to the new research, its time to stop focusing on when we intervene with parenting, and just continue helping children in need of all ages Just published in Child Development, the study is one of the first to (2) this age assumption Parenting interv

12、entions are a common and effective tool for reducing child behavior problems, but studies of age effects have produced different results until now A team led by Professor Frances Fardner (3) data from over 15,000families from all over the world, and found no evidence that earlier is better Older chi

13、ldren benefited just as much as younger ones from parenting interventions for reducing behavior problems There was no evidence that earlier interventions are more powerful This was based on (4) data from more than 150 different experiments Whats more, their economic analysis found that interventions

14、 with older children were(5) more likely to be costeffective Professor Gardner commented: When there is(6) about behavioral difficulties in younger children, our findings should never be used as a reason to delay intervention, otherwise, children and families will suffer for longer She continued, As

15、 for (7) parenting interventions for reducing behavior problems in childhood, we should stick to the principle, its never too early, never too late, rather than earlier is better The study draws the conclusion that it makes sense to invest in parenting interventions for children at all ages with beh

16、avioral difficulties, because they are no more likely to be (8) in younger than older children, at least in the preadolescents Of course, theres more work to be done The experiments conducted were (9) to preadolescents, to shorterterm effects, and parentreported assessment of child outcomes Future s

17、tudies are needed that focus on adolescents, longerterm outcomes, and using multiple sources for (10) child behavior problemsIII. Reading ComprehensionSection A (15分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the

18、word or phrase that best fits the context.16(15分)Marmoset monkeys exist on a branch of the evolutionary three that is distinct from the one that led to humans But they constantly astonish researchers with (1) behavior that seems pretty highly evolved Their social organization and (2) practices could

19、 have been the model for the phrase It takes a village A dominant male and female breed, and their babies are carefully looked after by extended family members who then arent free to breed themselves A new study further (3) the marmosets reputation for admirable community values Researchers report t

20、hat these caregivers share their food more generously with little ones(4) than when theyre surrounded by the watchful eyes of other community members In complex societies where individuals band together for (5) protection, researchers have come up with a few widely accepted explanations for selfless

21、 behavior But specific acts, like sharing a delicious cricket(蟋蟀)with a begging baby marmoset, seem to need more(6) explanation One possibility is that an individual practices (7) as a means of enhancing his status among peers By (8) that he is so well gifted with material goods that he can give som

22、e away, this dogooder enhances his power within the group That, in turn, may(9) prospective mates The other explanation for charitable behavior (10) that kindnesses extended to others are simply the fees of group membership, which offers some future promise of a chance to mate Failure to share would

23、 result in exclusion from the group and a loss of (11) partners Scientists call this the pay to stay model Importantly, for both of these models to work, acts of kindness must have a(n)(12) That suggests you would see more sharing in group settings; away from judging eyes, a caregiver might be more

24、likely to keep food for himself or herself And yet, in 2,581 tests conducted with 31adult and 14baby marmosets, the (13) appeared to be true Anthropologists(人类学家)from the University of Zurich carefully documented how often ,in groups and in conditions that found caregiver and baby separated from the

25、 crowd, an adult would share his or her cricket When alone with a baby begging for a taste, adult marmosets shared their cricket 85% of the time When in a group, caregivers offered up their cricket 67% of the time Our results show that helping in common marmosets is not driven by reputation manageme

26、nt or(14) avoidance, the study author reported Rather, it is driven by a deepdown motiva.2017年安徽省初中学业水平考试物理试题及参考答案注意事项:1物理试卷共四大题23小题,满分90分物理与化学的考试时间共120分钟。2试卷包括“试题卷”(4页)和“答题卷”(4页)两部分。请务必在“答题卷”上答题,在“试题卷”上答题是无效的。3考试结束后,请将“试题卷”和“答题卷”一并交回。一、选择题(每空2分,共26分)1. 在音乐中 ,中音C调“1”(“do”)的频率是262 Hz,D调“1”(“do”)的频率是2

27、94 Hz,由此可知,D调“1”比C调“1”的_高(选填乐音的三要素)2. 如图所示,在蹄形磁铁的磁场中放置一根导体棒AB,它的两端跟电流表连接使导体棒快速向右运动,观察到电流表的指针发生偏转从能量转化的角度来分析,该实验过程中是_能转化成了电能第2题图3. 当晶体被加热时,其分子运动更加剧烈,分子间的束缚随之减弱,以致有的分子能较自由地“游动”,呈流动性,其宏观表现就是晶体的_(选填物态变化名称)4. 摩擦起电实际上是电子在物体之间的转移与丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒带正电,是因为在摩擦过程中玻璃棒_了电子(选填“得到”或“失去”)5. 力可以用带箭头的线段表示:线段是按一定比例(标度)画出的,它的长

28、短表示力的大小,箭头的指向表示力的方向,箭尾通常表示力的作用点,此即为力的图示如图所示,物体A同时受到水平向右的拉力F140 N和水平方向成30角的斜向右上方的拉力F260 N的作用请参照图中力F1的图示,用相同的比例(标度)在图中画出力F2的图示第5题图6. 一个质量为500 g的货物,随“天舟一号”货运飞船升入太空与发射前相比较,该货物的惯性_(选填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”)7. 农作物的秸秆可以回收加工制成秸秆煤完全燃烧0.5 kg的秸秆煤可放出_J的热量;若这些热量完全被质量为100 kg,初温为20 的水吸收,则可使水温升高到_已知q秸秆煤2.1107 J/kg,c水4.2103

29、 J/(kg)8. 如图所示,将一把薄木尺的长度用多层报纸紧密地覆盖在水平桌面上已知报纸的上表面积为0.25 m2,则大气对报纸上表面的压力为_N;在木尺右端快速施加竖直向下的力F,要将报纸掀开,则力F至少为_N(假设报纸对木尺的压力全部作用在木尺的最左端,大气压取1.0105 Pa,报纸和薄木尺的重力忽略不计)第8题图9. 如图所示,电源电压保持不变,a是从电压表的负接线柱引出的导线接头a与b处相接时,电压表示数为6.0 V;使a与b处断开,然后与c处相接,闭合开关S后,电压表示数为4.5 V,这时灯泡L2两端的电压为_V.第9题图10. 车床照明灯的额定电压是36 V,它正常工作时灯丝的电

30、阻是24 ,则该照明灯正常工作时,消耗的电功率是_W,工作30 min,电流通过灯丝产生的热量是_J.二、选择题(每小题3分,共21分;每小题给出的四个选项中只有一个选项符合题意)11. 冬季,在家里洗澡时会发现浴室墙壁上的镜子很快模糊起来,洗澡结束一段时间后,镜子又变得清晰这个过程中发生的物态变化情况是A. 热水的蒸发,水蒸气在镜面上的液化,镜面上水滴的汽化B. 热水的蒸发,水蒸气在附近空气中的凝华,冰晶的熔化和水滴的汽化C. 热水的蒸发,水蒸气在镜面上的凝华,镜面上冰晶的升华D. 热水的蒸发,水蒸气在镜面上的凝华,镜面上冰晶的熔化和水滴的汽化12. 物理学中,一些物理量间的变化关系,常用图

31、像来表示下列图像表示正确的是13. 如图所示,物块A静止在固定的斜面上此时物块的重力产生两方面的作用效果:使物块压紧斜面以及使物块有沿斜面向下滑动的趋势,因而可将物块的重力沿斜面方向和垂直斜面的方向进行分解实际解决问题时,就可以用这两个方向上的分力来等效替代物块的重力下列说法正确的是第13题图A. 物块受到斜面的支持力和物块的重力是一对相互作用力B. 物块受到斜面的支持力和物块的重力沿垂直斜面方向的分力是一对相互作用力C. 物块受到斜面的摩擦力和物块的重力是一对平衡力D. 物块受到斜面的摩擦力和物块的重力沿斜面方向的分力是一对平衡力14. 带电体之间的静电力是通过电场产生的如图所示,两个相距一

32、定距离的带同种电荷的物体A和B,可以这样分析A带电体所受的静电力:A处于B激发的电场中,就受到了由B指向A的作用力关于B带电体受到的静电力,下列分析正确的是A. B处于A激发的电场中,就受到了由A指向B的作用力B. B处于自身激发的电场中,就受到了由A指向B的作用力C. A处于B激发的电场中,就对B产生了由B指向A的作用力D. A处于自身激发的电场中,就对B产生了由B指向A的作用力第14题图15. 如图所示的装置中,当开关S闭合后,下列判断正确的是第15题图A. 通电螺线管外A点的磁场方向向左B. 通电螺线管的左端为N极C. 向左移动滑片P,通电螺线管的磁性减弱D. 小磁针静止后,其N极的指向

33、沿水平向右16. 如图所示,当水平拉力F50 N时,恰好可以使物体A沿水平地面向右做匀速直线运动已知物体重为200 N,所受地面的摩擦力约为80 N,假如在5 s时间内,物体水平移动了0.6 m,不计绳和滑轮的自重,则在此过程中A. 拉力F做功为30 JB. 物体重力做功为120 JC. 拉力F做功的功率为12 W D. 该装置的机械效率约为60%第16题图17. 如图所示,滑动变阻器的滑片P处于中间位置,闭合开关S,两个灯泡均能发光(假设灯丝电阻不变),此时,将滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动,则第17题图A. L1和L2都变亮 B. L1变暗,L2变亮C. L1变亮,L2变暗 D. L1和L2都

34、变暗三、实验题(每空2分,共22分)18. 同学们通过以下实验步骤测量未知液体的密度:第18题图(1)取一只烧杯,向其中倒人适量的待测液体,用托盘天平测出此时烧杯(包括其中的液体)的质量为76.4 g;(2)另取一只100 mL的量筒,将烧杯中的部分液体缓慢倒入量筒中,如图a所示量筒内液体的体积为_mL;(3)再用托盘天平测量此时烧杯(包括剩余液体)的质量,如图b所示托盘天平的读数为_g;则该液体的密度_kg/m3.19. 如图所示的实验装置,可以用来研究光从水中斜射到与空气的分界面时所发生的光现象第19题图(1)使入射角i在一定范围内由小变大,会发现折射角_(填写变化规律),且折射角总是大于

35、相应的入射角;(2)当入射角i增大到某一值时,折射角会达到最大值,该最大值是_;(3)若继续增大入射角i,将会发现不再有_光线,而只存在_光线20. 如图所示,现要组装一个由热敏电阻控制的报警系统,要求当热敏电阻的温度达到或超过60 时,系统报警提供的器材有:热敏电阻(其阻值随温度的升高而减小,在60 时阻值为650.0 ),报警器(内阻很小,通过的电流Ic超过10 mA时就会报警,超过20 mA时可能被损坏),电阻箱(最大阻值为999.9 ,在此范围内可调节出准确可读的电阻值),电源(输出电压U约为18 V,内阻不计),滑动变阻器R(最大阻值为1 000 ),单刀双掷开关S,导线若干第20题

36、图(1)根据系统工作要求,电路接通前,应先将滑动变阻器的滑片置于_(选填“a”或“b”端),再将电阻箱调到一定的阻值,这一阻值为_;(2)将开关S向_(选填“c”或“d”)端闭合,缓慢移动滑动变阻器的滑片,直至_;(3)保持滑动变阻器的滑片位置不变,将开关S向另一端闭合,报警系统即可正常使用四、计算题(第21小题6分,第22小题6分,第23小题9分,共21分;解答要有必要的公式和解答过程,只有最后答案的不能得分)21. 已知物体的重力势能表达式为Epmgh,动能表达式为Ekmv2;其中m为物体的质量,h为物体距离水平地面的高度,v为物体的运动速度,g为常量,取10 N/kg.如图所示,将一质量

37、为0.4 kg的物体从距离地面1.5 m的高度沿水平方向以2 m/s的速度抛出不计空气阻力,物体从被抛出到落地前的瞬间,整个过程中机械能守恒求:(1)物体被抛出时的重力势能Ep和动能Ek1;(2)物体从被抛出至落地的过程中,其重力所做的功W;(3)物体落地前瞬间的动能Ek2.第21题图22. 如图a所示,一长方体木块质量为0.12 kg,高为4.0 cm;将木块平稳地放在水面上,静止时木块露出水面的高度为2.0 cm.如图b所示,利用金属块和细线,使木块浸没于水中且保持静止状态已知水的密度水1.0103 kg/m3,g取10 N/kg.求:(1)木块的密度木;(2)细线对木块的拉力F.第22题

38、图23. 现有一只满偏电流Ig3 mA的电流计G,已知其电阻Rg100 .现在需要把它改装成一只量程Ic3 A的电流表,如图a所示(1)求电阻Rx的阻值;(2)求改装后的电流表电阻Rc的阻值;(3)如图b所示,将改装后的电流表接入电路中已知电源电压U10 V,电阻R15 ,闭合开关S,移动滑动变阻器的滑片P,使电流表的示数I1.0 A求此时滑动变阻器接入电路中的阻值R2,以及通过原电流计G的电流I1.第23题图2017年安徽省初中学业水平考试物理试题及参考答案1. 音调【解析】音调跟物体的振动频率有关,频率越高,音调越高由于D调“1”比C调“1”的频率高,所以D调“1”比C调“1”的音调高2.

39、 机械(动)【解析】导体棒AB向右运动具有机械(动)能,切割磁感线产生感应电流,电路中具有电能,从能量角度分析,产生感应电流的过程是机械(动)能转化为电能的过程. 3. 熔化【解析】晶体属于固体,当晶体被加热时,其分子运动更加剧烈,分子间的束缚随之减弱,以致有的分子能较自由地“游动”,呈流动性,变为液体,其宏观表现是晶体的熔化现象4. 失去【解析】丝绸和玻璃棒摩擦,玻璃棒束缚电子的本领弱,失去电子带正电;丝绸夺得电子的本领强,得到电子带负电5. 如答图所示第5题答图【解析】由于标度为20 N,拉力F260 N,所以应该用三个标度长来表示F2的大小,力F2的作用点和力F1的作用点相同,方向与水平

40、方向成30角,斜向右上方,如答图所示6. 不变【解析】一个质量为500 g的货物,将它送到太空中去,位置发生变化,物质多少没有变化,所以质量不变,仍然为500 g而惯性只与物体的质量有关,质量不变,所以货物的惯性不变7. 1.0510745【解析】秸杆煤完全燃烧产生的热量Q放m秸杆煤q秸杆煤0.5 kg2.1107 J/kg1.05107 J;水吸收的热量Q吸Q放,所以由Q吸c水m水(tt0)知,tt020 45 .8. 2.51041.25104【解析】大气对报纸上表面的压力为F上压pS1.0105 Pa0.25 m22.5104 N;要将报纸掀开,则薄木尺对报纸向上的力的大小就等于大气对报

41、纸上表面向下的压力;设杠杆的总长度为L,O为支点,则根据杠杆平衡条件得:FLF上压L,代入数值得FL2.5104 NL,解得F1.25104 N.9. 1.5【解析】a与b处相接时,电压表测量电源电压:U6 V,a与c处相接时,电压表测量灯泡L1两端电压:U14.5 V,灯泡L1、L2串联,由串联电路的电压特点可知,灯泡L2两端电压为:U2UU16 V4.5 V1.5 V.10. 549.72104【解析】由欧姆定律可知,照明灯正常工作时的电流I1.5 A,消耗的电功率为:PUI36 V1.5 A54 W;工作30 min,电流通过灯丝产生的热量为:QI2Rt(1.5 A)224 3060 s

42、9.72104 J.11. A【解析】冬季在浴室洗热水澡时,热水蒸发,使室内空气中有大量温度较高的水蒸气,遇到温度较低的玻璃发生液化现象,形成液态的小水滴附着在玻璃上,使玻璃变得模糊;过一段时间后,玻璃上的小水滴吸热汽化,玻璃会重新变得清晰故选A.12. C【解析】匀速直线运动的vt图像是一条平行于时间轴的直线,而图甲是一条倾斜的直线,与匀速直线运动的vt图像不相符,故A错误;电阻一定时,电流与电压成正比,由图可知,图示电流I与电压U成反比,与电阻一定时电流与电压的关系不相符,故B错误;同种液体内部的压强与其深度之间的关系成正比,是过原点的斜向上的一条直线,故C正确;凸透镜成实像时,物距增大时

43、像距减小,故D错误故选C.13. D【解析】物块受到斜面的支持力与物块受到的重力作用在同一物体上,不属于一对相互作用力,A错误;物块受到斜面的支持力与物块的重力沿斜面方向的分力作用在同一物体上,不属于一对相互作用力,B错误;物块受到的摩擦力方向沿斜面向上,物块的重力的方向竖直向下,两个力的方向不作用在同一条直线上,不是一对平衡力,C错误;物块受到斜面的摩擦力方向沿斜面向上,重力沿斜面方向的分力的方向沿斜面向下,两者大小相等,方向相反,作用在同一物体的同一条直线上,是一对平衡力,D正确故选D.14. A【解析】由于A带电体所受的静电力:A处于B激发的电场中,就受到了由B指向A的作用力,那么B带电

44、体受到的静电力为:B处于A激发的电场中,就受到A指向B的作用力故A正确15. B【解析】由安培定则可判断出,通电螺线管的左端为N极,右端为S极,因此A点的磁场方向向右,故A错误,B正确;向左移动滑片P时,滑动变阻器接入电路中的电阻变小,由欧姆定律可知,电路中的电流变大,因此通电螺线管的磁性增强,故C错误;由于通电螺线管的右端为S极,根据磁体间的相互作用规律可知,小磁针静止时,其N极的指向沿水平向左,故D错误故选B.16. C【解析】由图可知,n2,拉力做的总功为:W总Fs绳50 N20.6 m60 J,故A错误;物体在重力的方向上没有移动距离,因此重力对物体没有做功,即做功为0 J,故B错误;

45、拉力的功率为:P12 W,故C正确;该装置的机械效率:100%100%100%100%100%80%,故D错误故选C.17. B【解析】将滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动时,滑动变阻器接入电路中的电阻变大,因此总电阻变大,由欧姆定律可知,电路中的总电流变小,灯泡L1两端的电压变小,L1的电功率变小,因此L1变暗;L2两端的电压变大,由P知,L2的电功率变大,L2变亮故选B.18. (1)60(2)28.2(3)0.8103【解析】(1)由题图可知,量筒内液面对准60 mL刻度线,则液体体积为60 mL;(2)托盘天平读数等于砝码质量游码左侧对应的刻度数25 g3.2 g28.2 g;(3)量筒中液体

46、的质量m液m总m剩76.4 g28.2 g48.2 g,由密度公式可得0.8 g/cm30.8103 kg/m3.19. (1)变大(2)90(3)折射反射 【解析】(1)由折射规律可知,折射角随入射角的增大而增大,则当入射角在一定范围内由小变大时,折射角随之变大,由于光是从水中斜射到空气中,则折射角大于相应的入射角;(2)由于折射角大于入射角,当入射角增大到某一值时,折射角达到最大值90;(3)若继续增大入射角,折射光线将消失,发生全反射现象,只存在反射光线20. (1)b650.0(2)c报警器报警 【解析】(1)接通电路前,滑动变阻器应置于最大阻值b处;这里用电阻箱等效代替热敏电阻在60 报警时的电阻,所以电阻箱的阻值为650.0 ;(2)将电阻箱接入电路进行调试,所以开关向c端闭合,移动滑动变阻器滑片使系统报警,此时电阻箱等效替代热敏电阻报警时的电阻;保持滑


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