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鹤壁0910 上期教学质量调研测试.doc

1、广东省东莞市2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题一、完型填空1. Weoften watch movies about the future. What will the future and our life be like in 20 years? Our world _ much more beautiful than now. There will be less _ There will be more robots in our life. They can help us _ the housework and do some simple jobs. Fewer pe

2、ople will do such jobs because these jobs are _ . The robots even can talk with humans and have their own feeling such as sadness and happiness. Some will look like humans and _ may look like animals.Howabout me? Maybe in 20 years, I think I will be a pilot. As a pilot, I can _ all over the world an

3、d meet many interesting people. I will keep a dog as a pet in my home. And I also have _ robot helper. _ I leave my city because of work, the robot can help me to look after it. During the holiday, my robot will make different plans for me and tell me _ money each plan needs. Then I can choose the _

4、 plan.Noone knows what will happen in the future? So Lets wait! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)A.travelingB.travelC.traveledD.to travel (7) (8) (9)A.how farB.how longC.how manyD.how much (10)2. LiuRui, a 15-year-old boy from Guangdong, began to wear glasses at the age of five. Most students in Lius class we

5、ar glasses. In fact, half of Chinese teenagers are near-sighted (近视). But young people arent the only ones with eyesight (视力)_ in China. This is _because of the long-time use of the eyes when people are studying or working. Many people spend a lot of time _ books and electronic devices (电子设备). It ma

6、kes eyes tired. Also, many people know that reading under dark light is _ for their eyes.Manypeople wonder why eating too much sugar is another reason. Scientists _ that eating too much sugar can do bad to your eyes too. Thats because too much sugar in the body brings a shortage(缺乏)of vitamin B1. It

7、 is very bad for your eyes. How to protect your eyes? Many scientists give _ on how to better protect your eyes:Follow the 20-20-20 _ : Every 20 minutes, take away any electronic devices you are using. Then, watch 20-meter-away trees for _ 20 seconds.Astudy shows that kids spending more time outside

8、 are not easy to _ near-sighted. when youre outside, your eyes have _ time to watch greens.Atthe same time, your eyes can get more sunlight. 1t can help your eves grow and stay healthy as well. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)A.at leastB.at lastC.at onceD.at most (9) (10)二、阅读单选3. Itis important to so

9、rt(分类)your rubbish. If you sort your rubbish, you are helping to protect the environment and save our earth. If you dont do this, the rubbish will be everywhere and we cant plant things on them. Some kinds of rubbish will pollute the soil(泥土)and the water. For example, the bad things in phones can r

10、un out and pollute the ground. Other rubbish, like some parts of pens, can be used to make other things.Hereare four kinds of rubbish:Recyclable(可循环的):Things that can be reused, such as paper, metal (金属), glass and old clothes.Wet: It is also called household waste You dont want these things but pigs can eat, Guangzhou Daily saidHarmful(有害的): such as medicine, batteries(电池)and phones.Ifyou throw them away, they may pollut


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