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1、【Title】 Decision of the State Administration of Work Safety on Abolishing the Administrative Measures for the Designated Production of Packaging Materials and Containers of Hazardous Chemicals and Five Other Departmental Rules Effective 【法规标题】国家安全生产监督管理总局关于废止危险化学品包装物、容器定点生产管理办法等6件部门规章的决定 现行有效 【法宝引证码

2、】 CLI.4.142086(EN)Date issued: 08-06-2010 发布日期: 2010-08-06 Effective date: 08-06-2010 生效日期: 2010-08-06 Issuing authority: State Administration of Work Safety 发布部门: 国家安全生产监督管理局 Area of law: Legislative Affairs 类别: 法制工作 Document Number: Order No. 32 of the State Administration of Work Safety 发文字号: 国家安

3、全生产监督管理总局令第32号 Order of the State Administration of Work Safety国家安全生产监督管理总局令(No. 32)(第32号) The Decision of the State Administration of Work Safety on Abolishing the Administrative Measures for the Designated Production of Packaging Materials and Containers of Hazardous Chemicals and Five Other Depar

4、tmental Rules, as deliberated and adopted at the directors executive meeting of the State Administration of Work Safety on July 20, 2010, is hereby promulgated, and comes into force as of the date of promulgation.国家安全生产监督管理总局关于废止危险化学品包装物、容器定点生产管理办法等6件部门规章的决定已经2010年7月20日国家安全生产监督管理总局局长办公会议审议通过,现予以公布,自

5、公布之日起施行。Director: Luo LinAugust 6, 2010局长 骆琳Decision of the State Administration of Work Safety on Abolishing the Administrative Measures for the Designated Production of Packaging Materials and Containers of Hazardous Chemicals and Five Other Departmental Rules二一年八月六日In order to further enhance the

6、 administration in accordance with law and maintain consistency in laws and the smooth implementation of policies and orders, the State Administration of Work Safety conducted a comprehensive inventory and review of a total of fifty rules in force as of the end of December 2009. After the inventory

7、and review and with the approval of the Ministry of Health, the Decision of the State Administration of Work Safety on Abolishing the Administrative Measures for the Designated Production of Packaging Materials and Containers of Hazardous Chemicals and Five Other Departmental Rules is hereby promulg

8、ated and comes into force as of the date of promulgation.List of Departmental Rules AbolishedS/NRule NameDocument Number Date of Issuance1Administrative Measures for the Designated Production of Packaging Materials and Containers of Hazardous Chemicals Order No. 37 of the Former State Economic and T

9、rade CommissionOctober 8, 20022Provisions on Basic Conditions for the Occupational Safety of Coal Mine Order No. 5 of the Former National Safety Regulation Bureau and State Administration of Coal Mine Safety July 4, 20033Administrative Measures for the Qualification Accreditation of Occupational Saf

10、ety and Health Testers and InspectorsOrder No. 6 of the Former Ministry of LaborDecember 23, 19964Measures for the Qualification Accreditation of Occupational Safety and Health Testing and Inspection Institutions Order No. 7 of the Former Ministry of LaborDecember 23, 19965Administrative Measures fo

11、r the Pre-evaluation of the Occupational Safety and Health of Construction Projects (Engineering)Order No. 10 of the Former Ministry of LaborFebruary 5, 19986Rules for Qualification Approval and Administration of the Entities Conducting Pre-evaluation of the Occupational Safety and Health of Constru

12、ction Projects (Engineering)Order No. 11 of the Former Ministry of LaborFebruary 5, 1998国家安全生产监督管理总局关于废止危险化学品包装物、容器定点生产管理办法等6件部门规章的决定为进一步推进依法行政,维护法令统一和政令畅通,国家安全生产监督管理总局对截至2009年12月底现行的部门规章共50件进行了全面清理。经过清理,并商卫生部同意,决定废止危险化学品包装物、容器定点生产管理办法等6件部门规章,现予以公布,自公布之日起施行。废止的部门规章目录序号规 章 名 称发文字号发布日期1危险化学品包装物、容器定点生产管理办法 原国家经贸委令第37号2002年10月8日2煤矿安全生产基本条件规定 原国家安全监管局国家煤矿安监局令第5号 2003年7月4日3劳动安全卫生检测检验员认证管理办法 原劳动部令第6号1996年12月23日4劳动安全卫生检测检验机构资格认证办法 原劳动部令第7号1996年12月23日5建设项目(工程)劳动安全卫生预评价管理办法 原劳动部令第10号1998年2月5日6建设项目(工程)劳动安全卫生预评价单位资格认可与管理规则 原劳动部令第11号1998年2月5日 6 / 6


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