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1、听说训练6Part A模仿朗读听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。Earth is a planet of immense variety,but every form of life depends on one thingwater.And water gets everywhere.whether we like it or not! The water on Planet Earth is shared between all living things.But theres only a limited amount to go around.So wheres a

2、ll it from,and wheres it all going?To find out,hop aboard the Earth ride for a blast through natures greatest spectacles as you take the roll-coaster ride of life! All creatures,including you,depend on water.None can survive without it.You are two-thirds water and the water thats inside your body ri

3、ght now has had a remarkable history.Earth is a planet of immense variety,but every form of life depends on one thingwater.And water gets everywhere.whether we like it or not! The water on Planet Earth is shared between all living things.But theres only a limited amount to go around.So wheres all it

4、 from,and wheres it all going?To find out,hop aboard the Earth ride for a blast through natures greatest spectacles as you take the roll-coaster ride of life! All creatures,including you,depend on water.None can survive without it.You are two-thirds water and the water thats inside your body right n

5、ow has had a remarkable history.答案:planet plnItimmenseImensvarietyvraItIamountmntspectaclesspektklzroll-coasterrl-kst(r)creatureskrit(r)zsurvivesvaIvremarkablerIm􀱷kblPart B听录音回答问题1.听第一段对话,并回答录音提问的第12题。对话仅播放一遍,注意做好记录。W:Hi,Jerry.I am so upset!M:Whats wrong,May?W:I just found out that I failed

6、 last weeks math test! I only got 59% of the questions right.I studied so hard for it!M:Thats too bad.I only got a 79%.The good thing is that 70% is a passing grade.We should study together for the next test.W:Definitely! I really want to raise my grade.Lets start tomorrow!听提问,回答第1个问题。提问读两遍:Question

7、 1:Why is May upset?Question 1:Answer 1:听提问,回答第2个问题。提问读两遍:Question 2:What score did Jerry get on the test?Question 2:Answer 2:2.听第二段对话,并回答录音提问的第35题。对话播放两遍,注意做好记录。W:Please have a seat,Tom.I received your resume last week,and was very impressed.Now tell me something you know about our company.M:This i

8、s a company trading mostly in womens clothing.Your company has a very impressive reputation and I want to work for this company.W:Thats good to hear.Our company is mainly concerned with a persons ability,like diligence and communication skills.M:I see.I think Im the right person for the job.I have a

9、 lot of experience in the clothing market.W:Well,you might just be the person weve been looking for.The job wont be easy.You will work with two other salesmen.听提问,回答第3个问题。提问读两遍:Question 3:Is the company famous for trading?Question 3:Answer 3:听提问,回答第4个问题。提问读两遍:Question 4:Does the woman think the man

10、is right for the position?Question 4:Answer 4:听提问,回答第5个问题。提问读两遍:Question 5:How many people will the man work with?Question 5:Answer 5:答案:1.Question 1:Why is May upset?Answer 1:She failed the math test.Question 2:What score did Jerry get on the test?Answer 2:79%.2.Question 3:Is the company famous for

11、 trading?Answer 3:Yes.The company is famous for trading mostly women clothing.Question 4:Does the woman think the man is right for the position?Answer 4:Yes.The woman thinks he may just be the person they are looking for.Question 5:How many people will the man work with?Answer 5:The man will work wi

12、th two other salesmen.Part C故事复述My nephew,Jack,has a money box but it is always empty.Very few dollars can be found in it.So I gave him twenty dollars yesterday and advised him to save it.However,to our surprise,twenty dollars brought him some trouble.This morning,Jack took twenty dollars with him.O

13、n his way to the sweet shop,he dropped his twenty dollars and it bounced along the pavement and then disappeared down a drain.Jack took off his jacket and pushed his right arm through the drain cover,but he could not find it anywhere.And whats more,he could not get his arm out.Fortunately,a lady who

14、 owns the sweet shop helped Jack.She rubbed his arm with soap and butter and it worked.Jacks right arm only got slightly hurt.Jack was not too upset by his experience because the lady heard about his troubles and rewarded him with a large box of chocolates.梗概:Jack不小心把20美元掉进了水沟。他将胳膊伸进水沟盖找钱,结果发生了小意外。多

15、亏糖果店老板的帮忙,Jack才得以脱险。关键词:bounce(弹起,跳起)drain(排水沟)rub(擦,擦上)slightly( 轻微地)(一)听第一遍,速记以下要点:1.不小心把钱掉了?2.怎样找钱?3.什么小意外?4.糖果店老板怎样帮忙?5.结果?(二)听第二遍,速记以下细节,并做好复述准备:Jack This morning,On his way to the sweet shop,And whats more,Fortunately,At last,(三)复述故事根据速记的内容口头复述故事。答案:Jack got twenty dollars from me.But the twen

16、ty dollars brought him a trouble.This morning,Jack took the twenty dollars and went to the sweet shop.Unfortunately,he dropped the twenty dollars,and it disappeared down a drain.Jack pushed his right arm through the drain cover but found nothing.To make things worse,he could not get his arm out.Thanks to the help of the sweet shop owner,Jack was saved.At last,the sweet shop owner gave Jack a large box of chocolates.Part D问题翻译1.我该向谁报告工作?2.公司为我提供什么福利?3.什么时候可以知道我的面试结果?答案:1.Who should I report to?2.What kind of benefits do your company offer?3.When will I know the result of the interview?


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