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冀教版普通高中教科书·英语必修 第二册.pdf

1、普通高中教科书英 语普通高中教科书必修第二册英语必修第二册定价:9.95 元普通高中教科书英 语必修第二册中 国 河 北 教 育 出 版 社加拿大 DC加拿大国际交流中心合作编写出版者的话亲爱的同学们:欢迎使用冀教版高中英语教科书。这套教材由国内外富有英语教育经验的学者、科研人员及一线教师根据 2017 版普通高中英语课程标准编写。本套教材必修阶段共 3 册,满足高中毕业基本要求;选择性必修阶段有 4 册,满足高考升学要求;提高类阶段有 3 册,满足有意继续提高英语能力的发展需求。让我们了解一下教材的结构。每册教材有 5 个单元,每个单元包括 4 个板块。第 1 板块(Reading for

2、Meaning)为同学们提供了地道、优美的语篇,文章体裁丰富多样、内容有趣且富有时代特色;第2板块 (Learning through Practice) 提供了有意义的语言探究和语言实践活动,同学们通过完成任务可以体验语言并归纳知识,提高语言运用能力;第 3 板块(Using English in Context)设计有专题调查、访问纪实、讨论汇总、活动设计等多种形式的项目活动,帮助同学们发展听、说、读、看、写等语言技能,为真实语言交际打下基础。第 4 板块(Expanding Our Horizons)为同学们提供了更多与单元主题相关的经典、有趣的文章。另外,教材中的评价部分(Evalua

3、te yourself)可以帮助同学们积极反思学习过程,及时调整学习策略,提高学习效率;单元反思(Unit Reflection)帮助同学们对整个单元进行回顾;链接部分(More Connection)便于同学们拓展相关主题知识。本套教材内容涉及人文、社会、自然、科学等多个领域,注重中外文化的介绍与比较。通过学习本套教材,同学们会在提高语言能力的同时,增强对中华优秀传统文化和社会主义先进文化的认识,成长为新时代有文明素养和社会责任感的人。同学们,中学时代是人生美好的一段时光,相信在使用这套教材的过程中,你们通过自己不懈的努力和老师的正确引导,能够顺利完成教科书中的学习任务,为终身学习打下良好基

4、础。愿同学们在英语学海中徜徉,感受英语学习带给你们的新奇、充实与快乐。Contents1UNIT2UNITFAMILYSCHOOL LIFESECTION 1 READING FOR MEANING Helen and Her Father 2SECTION 2 LEARNING THROUGH PRACTICETask One Sharing Your Story of Family Gathering 6Task Two Describing the Person in Your Family You Admire Most 7 (Grammar: attributive clauses

5、with “who”, “whom” and “whose”)SECTION 3 USING ENGLISH IN CONTEXTProject Making Your Family Values Poster 10SECTION 4 EXPANDING OUR HORIZONSFamily Names 14Reading for Love: Family 15Family The Beating Heart of Chunyun 17SECTION 1 READING FOR MEANING Bob Smith, a National Teacher Award Winner 20SECTI

6、ON 2 LEARNING THROUGH PRACTICETask One Describing a Teacher You Will Never Forget 24Task Two Talking about Things You Like about School 25 (Grammar: attributive clauses with “where”, “why” and “when”)SECTION 3 USING ENGLISH IN CONTEXTProject Proposing a New School Club 28SECTION 4 EXPANDING OUR HORI

7、ZONSProfessor Zhangs Lecture: Being a Student 32“Less Is More” in Finlands Education 333UNIT4UNITBE ACTIVE AND HEALTHY!WAVES OF TECHNOLOGYSECTION 1 READING FOR MEANING Physical Inactivity: A Global Public-health Problem 38SECTION 2 LEARNING THROUGH PRACTICETask One Focusing on Benefits of Physical A

8、ctivity 42Task Two Inspiring a Classmate to Get Active 44 (Grammar: the infinitive)SECTION 3 USING ENGLISH IN CONTEXTProject Surveying Physical Activities in Your Class 46SECTION 4 EXPANDING OUR HORIZONSAn Ancient Game Is Alive and Well in Beijings Hutong 50Running 51Different Countries, Similar Pra

9、ctices 53SECTION 1 READING FOR MEANING Technologies in Everyday Life 56SECTION 2 LEARNING THROUGH PRACTICETask One Writing an Email about a Social Media Platform in China 60Task Two Describing Your Favourite Technological Device 62 (Grammar: the v-ing form as attributive)SECTION 3 USING ENGLISH IN C

10、ONTEXTProject Reporting Influences of Technology on Our Daily Life 64SECTION 4 EXPANDING OUR HORIZONSTeens Are Addicted to Cell Phones 68How Does Technology Affect Society? 705UNITSAVE THE PLANETSECTION 1 READING FOR MEANING We Have Only One Planet 74SECTION 2 LEARNING THROUGH PRACTICETask One Makin

11、g a “Green-home Card” 78Task Two Writing a Suggestion Letter about Clean Energy 79 (Grammar: the v-ing form as adverbial)SECTION 3 USING ENGLISH IN CONTEXTProject Making a Design of Earth Day Activities 82SECTION 4 EXPANDING OUR HORIZONSTop 6 Things You Can Do to Help 86Talking about Recycling 87The

12、 Unity of Man and Nature 89APPENDICESWRAP IT UP! 93PRONUNCIATION 103VOCABULARY (I) 105VOCABULARY (II) 110LIST OF PROPER NAMES 116GRAMMAR 118IRREGULAR VERBS 123If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper. Chinese proverbIn time of test, home is best. Burmese proverbOne father is more tha

13、n a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert, English poet1UNITFAMILY1READING FOR MEANING1BEFORE YOU READ1 Have you read about Helen Keller before? What do you know about her?2 Have you had an experience of communicating with blind or deaf people? What was it like?3 Based on the title, what would you e

14、xpect to read about in this text?Helen and Her FatherI was born on June 27, 1880, in a little town of northern Alabama. My father, Arthur H. Keller, was an officer in the army. The family consisted of my father and mother, two elder half-brothers, and, afterward, a little sister, Mildred. In Februar

15、y of 1882, came the illness which closed my eyes and ears and threw me into the unconsciousness of a new-born baby. The doctor thought I could not live. Early one morning, however, the fever left me as suddenly and mysteriously as it had come. There was a great joy in the family that morning, but no

16、 one, not even the doctor, knew that I should never see or hear again. Gradually I got used to the silence and darkness that surrounded me and forgot that it had ever been different.Meanwhile the desire to express myself grew. The few signs I used became less and less useful, and my failures to make

17、 myself understood were followed by outbursts of passion. I felt as if invisible hands were holding me, and I made great efforts to free myself. I struggled not that struggling helped matters, but the spirit of resistance was strong within me; I generally broke down in tears and physical tiredness.

18、If my mother happened to be near, I crept into her arms, too painful even to remember the cause of the anger. After a while, the need of some means of communication became Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 June 1, 1968) was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf

19、-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree. The story is adapted from her book The Story of My Life.DO YOU KNOW?2 UNIT 1 FAMILYso strong that these outbursts occurred daily, sometimes hourly.My parents were deeply sad and puzzled. We lived a long way from any school for the blind or the deaf, a

20、nd it seemed unlikely that any one would come to teach a child who was both deaf and blind. Indeed, my friends and relatives sometimes doubted whether I could be taught.My father was most loving to his home. His special pride was the big garden where, it was said, he raised the finest watermelons an

21、d strawberries in the county; and to me he brought the first ripe grapes and the best berries. I remember his gentle touch as he led me from tree to tree, and his eager joy in whatever pleased me. He was a famous story-teller; after I had acquired language, he used to spell his cleverest stories in

22、a very awkward way into my hand, and nothing pleased him more than to have me repeat them at a right moment.When I was about six years old, my father heard of a doctor in Baltimore, who had been successful in many cases that had seemed hopeless. My parents at once determined to take me to Baltimore

23、to see if anything could be done for my eyes.The journey, which I remember well, was very pleasant. I made friends with many people on the train. One lady gave me a box of shells. My father made holes in these so that I could string them, and for a long time they kept me happy. The conductor, too, w

24、as kind. Often when he went his rounds, I held his coat tails while he collected and checked the tickets. His tool, with which he let me play, was an interesting toy. Curled up in a corner of the seat, I enjoyed myself for hours making funny little holes in bits of cardboard. During the whole trip I

25、 did not have one fit If you move in a very awkward way, you are not moving in an easy way. It is not comfortable.QUICK CHECK!3of temper. There were so many things to keep my mind and fingers busy.When we arrived in Baltimore, Dr. Chisholm received us kindly, but he could do nothing. He said, howeve

26、r, that I could be educated, and advised my father to consult Dr. Bell of Washington, who would be able to give him information about schools and teachers of deaf or blind children. Acting on the doctors advice, we went immediately to Washington to see Dr. Bell, my father with a sad heart, I wholly

27、unconscious of his worry, finding pleasure in the excitement of moving from place to place. Child as I was, I at once felt the kindness which endeared Dr. Bell to so many hearts, as his wonderful achievements enlisted their admiration. He held me on his knee while I examined his watch, and he made i

28、t strike for me. He understood my signs, and I knew it and loved him at once. But I did not dream that that interview would be the door through which I should pass from darkness into light, from loneliness to friendship, knowledge, and love.Dr. Bell advised my father to write to Mr. Anagnos, and ask

29、 him if he had a teacher able to begin my education. This my father did at once, and in a few weeks there came a kind letter from Mr. Anagnos telling that a teacher had been found. This was in the summer of 1886. But Miss Sullivan did not arrive until the following March. The most important day I re

30、member in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. UNIT 1 FAMILYIf something

31、endears you to someone or if you endear yourself to them, you become popular with them and well liked by them.QUICK CHECK!4AFTER YOU READ UNIT 1 FAMILY Reading Comprehension1 How old was Helen when she became blind and deaf? What caused the loss of her sight and hearing?2 What was the main cause of

32、Helens frustration? Why did Helens outbursts keep on increasing?3 Who were the members of Helens immediate family? Can you list the qualities of Helens father?4 Helen writes: “During the whole trip I did not have one fit of temper” Explain the reason.5 How was Helens excitement at travelling on thei

33、r way to Washington in sharp contrast to her fathers distress?6 What was Helens reaction to Dr. Bell? How did Helens father manage to find a teacher for her? Post-reading Activities1 Helen said that she has two elder half-brothers. Half-brother is a kinship term. Please compare and contrast similari

34、ties and differences of kinship systems in Chinese and English with examples. 2 In the text, Helen described a family trip that she would never forget. Have you ever gone on a memorable family trip? Share a family trip with a partner. Include where you went on your trip and what things you enjoyed m

35、ost during the trip.3 Helens father managed to find a teacher, Miss Anne Mansfield Sullivan. Helen and her teacher found a learning style that worked for her. Her success has served to inspire thousands of people around the world. When you look back at your own schooling or education in general, is

36、there one person, teacher, relative or friend who has helped to inspire you and develop your learning? Share your experiences with your group members.4 There are two sayings in English, “Blood is thicker than water” and “You can choose your friends, but you cant choose your family”. Discuss the subj

37、ect of family relations as it applies to you and your family in groups.5LEARNING THROUGH PRACTICE2Task One Sharing Your Story of Family Gathering A family gathering is an event where family members get together. Read about Pats happy family gathering and share your familys story in your group.Step 1

38、 Pre-task ResourcesRead the passage and learn about Pats family gathering.I love long weekends because they are usually a time when my family gets together. I get the chance to see not only my immediate family, but also my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. I always feel happy when Im surround

39、ed by family.Dad and I were busy all week getting ready for the weekend, because Mom was busy at work. We had to make up the spare beds and pull out the sleeping bags for all the young cousins who always sleep on the floor in the family room downstairs. After we completed the sleeping arrangements,

40、Dad and I went shopping for groceries. It sounds like a lot of work, but with my dad, everything is fun.Everyone arrived on Saturday morning. My aunt Donna made her famous treat cookies with honey and spring rolls. They were so delicious! My other aunts brought food as well. I helped Mom organize al

41、l the food and prepare the vegetables and snacks.My cousin Michael is 16 years old and a very good musician. He brought his guitar this time. We sat around singing with him for several hours. He played some current hits and many old songs.I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family. We all had a

42、 good time on the weekend and now its time to get back to our regular routines.6Step 2 Exploring the LanguageRead the following sentences and pay attention to how the qualifiers in red modify the nouns. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful family. Its time to get back to our regular routines.Now

43、 read the same sentences with the qualifiers removed. What do you notice about the meaning of the sentence? How does it change? I am very lucky to have such a family. Its time to get back to our routines. As we can see through comparison, qualifiers can limit or enhance another words meaning. They a

44、dd more specific information and vividness to a sentence. Here are some of the major types of qualifiers:Quality: big, great, really, regular Quantity: all, few, most, noneTime: often, occasionally Certainty: completely, particularlyStep 3 Task Cycle1 Read Pats story in Step 1 again. Make sure you u

45、nderstand every word. 2 Recall a happy family gathering experience and focus on the following questions: How often do you have a family gathering? Who usually organizes the family gathering? What activities do you usually do in a family gathering? Did you enjoy your recent family gathering? What mad

46、e you feel that way? 3 Report your experience to your group. Share your story and hear others stories. Remember to properly use qualifiers to describe your thoughts. Task Two Describing the Person in Your Family You Admire MostIn a family, each member can be different from the others in many ways. B

47、ut in almost every family, there is a KEY person who plays the important role of managing the family. Read the passage, and write your own to describe the person in your family you admire most. UNIT 1 FAMILY7Step 1 Pre-task ResourcesRead the passage below and pay attention to the words and sentence

48、structures that the author uses to describe his father.My Father, the Person in My Family Whom I Admire MostA family is made up of people who will do anything for you without expecting something in return. To me, a family refers to the people who are always with me and give me a sense of belonging.

49、In my family, my father is the person whom I admire most. He is the key person in my family who always keeps us close. He is my hero. My family has four members: my parents, my sister, and me. My father is about 50 years old. He graduated from college at a time when getting a formal education was no

50、t peoples first choice in my hometown. At that time, most people would rather start working to earn money than go to school. However, my father always believed that getting an education was the most important part of a persons life. Now that were older, both my sister and I have learned to appreciat


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