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2019 年西安电子科技大学通信工程学院 .pdf

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2019 年西安电子科技大学通信工程学院 .pdf

1、1 国家留学基金委与利物浦大学联合奖学金 (自然科学与工程学院): 2019 年度博士生项目招生宣传 国家留学基金委与利物浦大学 (UoL)2019 年度的博士及访问学者项目-自然科学与工 程学院-招生正在进行,该项目以中国国家留学基金管理委员会(CSC)和利物浦大学(UoL)之 间已签订的合作协议为基础,旨在为中国大学/研究机构的符合资格的学生、学者提供优质 的研究培训与合作,为中国大学及研究机构的研究生和访问学者提供独特的机会和良好的 平台,在这一世界领先的研究机构中进行科学研究、开发应用,在最高级别的期刊上发表 研究成果,并在化学、材料、药物、生物化学等相关领域获得全新研究技术方面的丰富

2、经 验。 1. 计划概述 CSC/UoL联合奖学金项目将在以下三个项目类别中展开合作: 1.1化学、材料、药物、生物化学及相关领域全日制攻读博士学位学生 所选中国学生将参加 CSC/UoL 的指定博士计划,时长不超过 48 个月。如果所选中国学 生成功完成指定项目的要求并为论文答辩,UoL 将依据其正常资格授予规则和程序向该等学 生授予博士学位。此类学生人数不限制名额。 1.2化学、材料、药物、生物化学及相关领域的定期访问学者 访问学者将加入 CSC/UoL 的指定研究项目, 时长在 6 个月至 12 个月之间。此类访问 学者的人数不限名额。 2. 合作领域 遴选的参与2019年的CSC/Uo

3、L 联合博士生项目的导师包括: 1. Hardwick 教授 (Stephenson 再生能源研究所主任)电化学以及电化学反应界面机 理研究,金属-空气电池/锂、钠-离子电池 (Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy (SIRE) is leading edge fundamental energy technology research. As a specialist energy technologies research institute, SIRE focuses on the physics and chemistry that wil

4、l transform the future of energy generation and storage. We are bridging the gap between fundamental science and applied engineering by combining both academically, as well as industrially relevant questions. Prof Hardwicks research focus on 1) understand the chemistry of energy materials; 2) Establ

5、ishment of surface sensitive spectroscopic techniques to probe interfaces; 3) Development of advanced materials for lithium 2) Batteries: Avoiding oxygen, Hardwick L. Nature Commn. 2016, 1, 16115; 3) Solvent-Mediated Control of the Electrochemical Discharge Products of Non- Aqueous Sodium-Oxygen Ele

6、ctrochemistry, Aldous I. et al Angew. Chem. Int Ed. 2016, 55, 8254; 4) Mechanistic Insight into the Superoxide Induced Ring Opening in Propylene Carbonate Based Electrolytes using In Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy Padmanabhan V. et al JACS, 2016, 138, 3745; 5) A Highly Active Nickel Ele

7、ctrocatalyst shows Excellent Selectivity for CO2 Reduction in Acidic Media Gaia N. et al Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 1521. 2 (相关链接:https:/www.liverpool.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/laurence- hardwick/) 2. ONeil 教授药物化学,药理化学 (Prof ONeils research interests include synthetic methodology including catalytic oxidation

8、processes, fluorine substitution in bioorganic chemistry, drug metabolism and the medicinal chemistry of antimalarial and antimycobacterial drugs and novel drugs for the treatment of filariasis, pancreatitis and neuropathic pain. His group also has been involved in a project focused on the rationale

9、 redesign of resistance breaking vector control agents. He have published over 150 papers and reviews and fifteen patents. His research has led to a drug candidate (Isoquine) entering clinical trials in 2008 and they also have recently candidate selected three additional antimalarials (RKA 182, FAQ4

10、, E209) for full preclinical testing on route to Phase 1 clinical trials in humans. More recently, they have also candidate selected a new potential drug, AWZ1066, for the treatment of the filarial diseases lymphatic filariasis (elephnatisais) and ochocerciasis (River blindness). They have also init

11、iated research into superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) that are relevant to its involvement in motor neuron disease with Hasnain and Antonyuk. He currently run the Medicinal Chemistry Group at Liverpool which is one of Europes leading academic groups focused on early stage drug discovery. Through the esta

12、blishment of public private partnerships with major pharma and organisations such as the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and TB Alliance many of our early stage projects have been developed to the point of candidate selection and clinical trials in humans. His group works on a wide range of ther

13、apeutic areas focussed on antimalarial, antibacterial (Anti-Wolbachia), anti- tuberculous agents with more recent studies focused in the pain, pancreatitis and anti-fungal areas. There are four main research themes that include: (1) Drug Design of New Antimicrobial Agents; (2) Molecular Modelling an

14、d Cheminformatics; (3) Safe-Drug Design; (4) Semi-synthetic Natural Product Drug Design.1)M. J. Capper, Gareth. S.A. Wright et al., The cysteine-reactive small molecule ebselen facilitates effective SOD1 maturation, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 1693。 2)Johnston, K. L.; Cook, D. A. N.; Berry, N. G

15、.; Hong, W. D.; Clare, R. H.; Goddard, M.; Ford, L.; Nixon, G. L.; ONeill, P. M.; Ward, S. A.; Taylor, M. J., Identification and prioritization of novel anti-Wolbachia chemotypes from screening a 10,000-compound diversity library. Science Advances 2017, 3 (9). 3)ONeill, P. M.; Amewu, R. K. et al., A

16、 tetraoxane-based antimalarial drug candidate that overcomes PfK13-C580Y dependent artemisinin resistance. Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 15159。 4)Hong, W. D.; Gibbons, P. D. et al., Rational Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Heterocyclic Quinolones Targeting the Respiratory Chain of

17、Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 60, 3703-3726. 5)Ismail, H.M.; Barton, V.E.; Panchana, M.; Charoensutthivarakul, S. et al., A Click Chemistry-Based Proteomic Approach Reveals that 1,2,4-Trioxolane and Artemisinin Antimalarials Share a Common Protein Alkylation Profi

18、le, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2016, 55, 6401-6405。 6)Ismail, H. M.; Barton, V.; Phanchana, M.; Charoensutthivarakul, S.; Wong, M. H. L. et al., Artemisinin activity-based probes identify multiple molecular targets within the asexual stage of the malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum

19、3D7. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 2016, 113, 2080-2085。 7)Wong, M.N.L.; Bryan, H.K.; Copple, I.M.; Jenkins, R.E. et al., Design and Synthesis of Irreversible Analogues of Bardoxolone Methyl for the Identification of Pharmacologically Relevant Targets and Interaction Sites, J. Med. Chem. 2016, 59

20、 , 2396-2409。 (相关链接:https:/www.liverpool.ac.uk/chemistry/research/medicinal- chemistry/) 3.Brust 教授功能化界面化学,纳米金属表面化学及成膜 (Prof. Mathias Brust has 25 years of experience in the chemistry of metal nanoparticles. His best-known work is the development of a simple two-phase liquid/liquid route for the preparation of thiolate-protected gold nanoparticles. Thi


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