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unit 2 is this your pencil 单元测试题新目标(人教版七年级上)doc--初中英语 .doc

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unit 2 is this your pencil 单元测试题新目标(人教版七年级上)doc--初中英语 .doc

1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数初一英语上册Unit 5 Is this your pencil? 单元测试题 语音题(10分)A 找出每组单词中划部读音与其它三个不同的选项1、( )A is B this C in D white2、( )A and B gate C that D at 3、( )A pencil B yet C zero D seven4、( )A zero B not C no D phone5、( )A three B mother C these D father B、找与所给音标读音相同的选项6、/ ( ) A black B case C era

2、ser D last 7、/e/ ( ) A evening B pen C the D seven8、/u:/ ( ) A good B afternoon C book D look 9、/:/ ( ) A her B teacher C father D sister 10、/h/ ( ) A white B what C who D when 一、 词形转换(10分)1 last( 反义词) 2 I ( 所有格) 3 this (对应词) 4 be (第三人称单数形式) 5 she (宾格) 6 what is (缩写形式) 7 boy (复数) 8 Tom (所有格) 9 black

3、(对应词) 10 name (音标) 二、 单词拼写(10分)根据所给汉语、音标、首字母提示补全单词,使句子意思完整。1、 Is this your ruler ? No, its _( 她的) ruler.2、 _ /Ikskju:z/ me. Is that my eraser?3、 Is that your dictionary? Please c_ me at 5769844.4、 Whats this _ English ? Its a _( 手表)。5、 Is that your computer game in the lost and f_ case ?6、 Please an

4、swer my _/kwestn/7、 Whats your _/f:st / name?8、 My phone n_is 1236985.9、 How do you _(拼写)pen? P-e-n.三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)1、 Is this _pencil?(you)Yes, its _pencil.(I )2、_that her backpack? ( be) No, it_( be )3. Hello! I _Mary. What _your name ? ( be )4. How _you ? ( be ) I am fine. _ (thank )5. My nam

5、e is Allen Green Smith. My _name is Allen. And my _name is Smith.6. 完成句子(10分)a) How do you do? _(很高兴见到你)2、_(你的电话号码是什么?) Its 8564231.3、_?(这是你的双肩背包吗?) _。(不是,它是辛迪的)4、_?(怎样拼写你的名字?) C-i-n-d-y.5、Whats this_(用英语)?Its a ruler.6、_。(请给Alice 打电话,她的电话号码是4563289。)7、_?(你姓什么?) _。(史密斯)8、Is that your E-mail _?( 在失物招

6、领箱里)9、_?(那是钢笔吗?) _(不,它是只铅笔)10、_。(请以8796565给Grace 打电话)六、选择填空题(10分)1、 Is this a pencil?-_,it is.A Yes B No C Sure D I dont know2、 Whats this?A Its my packbag. B Its a packbag. C Its p-a-c-k-b-a-g.3、 Is that a dictionary?-_,its her dictionary.A Yes B No C Sure D OK4、 Whats this in English?A Yes, it is.

7、 B No, it isnt. C Its an eraser. D Its a eraser.5、 How do you spell “watch”? _A W-a-t-c-h B Its a watch. C Yes, I do.6、 Please call me _5296331.A in B at C on D up 7、 Is this your computer game? Yes, it _.A is B Is C are D am8、 Whats your name? _name is Lily.A Your B My C Her D His 9、_is the pencils

8、harpener? Its red. A What B How C This D What color10、_apple is bigger than _book. A An , a B A , an C / , a D An, /七、完型填空题根据首字母或所给的图片完成单词(10分)My name is Kate. I like to go to s_. I like watching b_ game. I like playing c games too. Look! This is my packbag. There is (有)a p_in the packbag. And there

9、 is an e_and a p _in the pencilbase. Oh ,whats this ? Its my_.And this is my _ Here is a s_ of keys . T_ you, goodbye.八、阅读理解下面是张洪的介绍,请认真阅读,然后根据短文内容完成名片: (10分)Its Zhang Hongs ID card. She is my classmate(同学). She is nine. Her phone number is seven zero eight eight six two one. First name: _ Last name

10、 : _ Sex: (性别)_ Age(年龄): _ Tel:九、选择合适的选项补全对话,使对话意思完整。(5分)Tom: Excuse me, Kate._1_? Kate: Yes, _2_, its my pencil. And _3_? Tom: No, it isnt. _4_. Kate: _5_, Jane. Is this your ruler?A Is this you r ruler?B Excuse me.C I think its Janes ruler.D Is this your pencil?E thank you .F What is this ?E How d

11、o you spell it? Jane: Yeah, its my ruler. Thank you .十、书面表达(15分)Emily 的一本英语书丢了。这本书是大的并且是红色的。请帮助她写一个寻物启示,要说明物品的特征。她电话号码是1236547。附:答案一. A 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A B 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 C 二. 1 first 2 my 3 that 4 is 5 her 6 whats 7 boys 8 Toms 9 white 10 /neIm/三. 1 her 2 Excuse 3 call 4 in watch 5 found 6 qu

12、estion 7 first 8 number 9 spell 四. 1 your 2my 3 Is isnt 4 am is 5 are thanks 6 first last 五. 1 Nice to meet you.2 whats your telephone number?3 Is this your backpack? No, its Cindys .4 How do you spell your name? 5 in English6 Please call Alice , her telephone number is 4563289.7 whats your last nam

13、e? Smith 8 in lost and found boxes9 Is that a pen? No, it is a pencil.10 Please call Grace at 8796565六.1 A 2 B 3A 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 A 七.1 school 2 baseball 3 computer 4 pencil 5 eraser 6 pencil 7 watch 8 notebook 9 set 10 Thank 八.1 Hong 2 zhang 3 girl 4 9 5 7088621九.1 D 2 E 3 A 4 C 5 B 十.略 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数


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