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unit 2 one how do you study for a test 教案(鲁教版八年级下) (6)doc--初中英语 .doc

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unit 2 one how do you study for a test 教案(鲁教版八年级下) (6)doc--初中英语 .doc

1、 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数Unit2 one How do you study for a test课题分析:本课围绕“怎样学习英语”为话题,以学生谈论自己学习英语的方法为主线,向学生展示了如下句型:“How do you study for a test? I study by listening to the radio.”教学目标: 知识目标:词汇目标: flashcard, vocabulary, aloud ,pronunciation语言目标:A: How do you study for tests? B: I study by working with m

2、y classmates.A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 能力目标:通过词汇、语言目标的学习,学生学会谈论自己如何进行英语学习,并能发表自己的看法或独特见解。情感教育目标:教育学生要在培养自己的独立思想的同时注意寻找适合自己的英语学习方法。3、重点和难点:本课重点在于新单词及目标语言,语法为by doing sth。难点在于学生运用目标语言进行自由表达及对 by doing sth的掌握。4、教学策略分析:以素质教育为指导思想,促进学生个性发展,注意对学生进行思

3、想引导,培养学生正确的英语学习方法。教学方法:听说读写相结合,循序渐进;设计合理并具有挑战性任务,让学生在完成任务时练习使用目标语言,体验成功之快乐。Uint1 How do you study for a test?Section A (1a-2c)Task 1 .Revision and Lead inTask 2 Learn and Use the LanguageTask 3 Listening PracticeTask 4 Summary and Consolidation.5、设计思路: 教学准备:课件、录音机教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Task 1 Revision and

4、 Lead in.T: What do you do to improve your English?Step 1 Chatting RoomT:OK. We can also say:How do you improve your English?I improve my English by listening to the tape.I improve my English by listening to the English songs.I improve my English by watching English movies.T shows the dialogues:T: H

5、ow do you study for a text?T goes around the classroom. And give Ss some help.T encourages Ss.Step 2 Phrases club1a Check the ways you study for an English test. Then let the students find the words they dont know .Then add other ways you use sometimes.The words they dont know should be “flashcards、

6、 vocabulary”. T shows the real flashcards and a vocabulary list to the students to learn the new words.The phrases :_ by working with friends_by making flashcards._by reading the textbooks_ by making vocabulary lists._ by listening to tapes._ by asking the teacher for help.Step 3 Listening Room 2a L

7、isten and check the questions you hear.T play the sound document2b Listen again and match each question above with an answer below.Step 4 Chatting Room 2T: Have you ever studied with a group?Ss practice the similar dialogues in pairT goes around the classroom and give them some help.Step 5 Grammar R

8、oomT: How do you study for a test?Then teacher types the sentence they say ,then show the these sentences to Ss.Let the students read the sentences they say. Then sum up the same point.If the students cant tell ,T gives them some help.by + v-ing 形式,by意为通过或凭,后面接动名词,该结构表示通过某事得到某种结果。Step 6 Consolidatio

9、nT shows them some exercises教师在电脑上可以看到每位学生的答题情况。S1:I listen to the tape to improve my English.S2:I listen to the English songs to improve my English.S3:I watch English movies to improve my English.Ss repeat these sentences. S1:I study by working with a group.Read this dialogue in pair.Then make thei

10、r own conversations in pairs.Show their dialogues.Read the sentences .Then check the ways they study for an English test. Find the words they dont know.They add other ways they use sometimes.Learn the new words.Show their ways of studying English test Then show their sentences .Listen The first time

11、 they only listen.The second time they write the answers.The third time they check their answers.Listen The first time they only listen.The second time they write the answers.The third time they check their answers.Ss answer the questions.S1: Yes, I have .Ive learned a lot that way.S2: No, I havent.

12、 I have learned English by listening to tape.Ss practice the dialogues in pairs.Then show their dialogues.Ss answer the questions.Students read the sentences the say .Then sum up the sentences structure.Do some exercises.多媒体出示问题,让学生讨论,从而引入新课。多媒体出示句子,以便学生朗读句子。根据这些例句学生可以说出自己的句子。从而锻炼了学生的口语能力。(多媒体出示)操练让


14、节的加深,由浅入深。此次口语训练,是对听力部分的语言进行巩固。(网页形式出现口语训练内容,而且此张网页上为学生提供了口语练习的材料。)给学生展示的机会提高学生的口语表达能力。让学生通过问答的形式说出本节课的重点句型,有利于口语的训练,对所学知识起到了进一步的巩固的作用。教师引导学生找出句子中的相似点。(教师在多媒体上把相似点用其他颜色的字体出示出来,以便学生快速总结出相似点,这样一目了然。) 进一步巩固所学知识。(学生在网页上答题,答完后系统直接出示正确答案,和讲解)附练习题:1. I study English by _ _(制作抽认卡)2. In class you must read E

15、nglish _(大声地) to practice _ (发音).3. Reading can improve my _(speak)skills.4. You can also make _(词汇)lists.5. _you_ ever (study) with a group?二.Chose the right answers.( )1.-How do you study for a test? -I study _ A. for practicing conversations B. to practice conversations C. by practice conversatio

16、ns D. by practicing conversations ( )2. Can you think of another way _the problem? A. of working out B. to working out C. by working out D. work out( )3. She said that the best way _new words was _English magazines. A. to learn, to reading B. to learn, by readingC. of learning, read D. of learning, read( )4. How do you study _ a test? A to B. for C of D in( )5.Mary studies English _ reading the books. A to B by C with D in( )6.Tom studies English by _ vocabulary list. A making B make C made D to make 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数


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