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1、Task D-2 Youth and SocietyLesson planConductor: Zhang XinDate: 6 May, 2009Class: Classes 1 & 2 , Grade 2007Purpose:The students will strengthen their ability of feature writing.Objectives: Students will be able toMake independently their own plans for a feature writing topic.Resources/ Materials:1.

2、Powerpoint: further instructions on feature writing2. Course book Write to Learn3. Handouts after class Activities and Procedures:1. Introduce the major contents of teaching for the session.2. Comment on the sss first feature writing with specific samples from the classes and general guidelines.3. A

3、ppreciate the sample article provided in the coursebook Show Me the Way to Go Home.4. Apprecaite more chain articles from foreign press, i.e. Time, Economist, etc.5. Ask ss how they find the basic features of the articles in foreign magazines.6. Assign the tasks of the following weeks: A Social or C

4、ultural Phenomenon that Arouses My Interest.7. Organize a brainstorming group discussion on the given topic in class.8. Share together the reading and appreciating experience of the sample articles on Homosexual Sub-culture.9. Explain step-by-step the presentation of the sample article, in its langu

5、ge, structure and content.10. With the help of the sample article, further reinforce the major characteristics of feature writing.11. Clarify the tasks for each following week in the whole project, namely, l 1st Week - Reading of sample articles Decision on a focus of topicNecessary desk review of t

6、he topicMake out a question-list for interviewingl 2nd & 3rd Weeks - Field survey: interviewBook-building (书面材料整理)l 4th Week - Composing of the report Deadline: week 14 (27, May)12. Check ss 1st week task by collecting their rough plan of interviews with people to be interviewed and questions to be

7、raised.13. Check ss 2nd and 3rd weeks tasks by group discussion, during which students with same (similar) careers chosen as topics exchange their interviewing experince. 14. Collect ss intervieing record, translated into English if taken in Chinese. (optional)15. Highlight the requirements for the

8、final process of composing the feature:l an in-depth look l a pithy and striking titlel a responsive and illustrative sub-titlel a hook-focus-illustration structure with a clear arrangement of ideas l sufficient illustration with statistics and dialoguesl language: concise, witty, diversified16. Pro

9、vide three more chain feature articles on “Chinese migrant workers” from Time, to help students have a deeper understanding of the techniques of writing features.17. Collect the feature writing, with interviewing record (compulsory).18. Comment on ss writing, providing 10 sss sample articles.For tea

10、chers referenceTask D-2 Youth and society教学要旨:社会调研(续)话题范文:Show me the way to go home 学生佳作赏析:(1) Internet addiction a potential threat to college students (2) Wanna fight, kids?本任务历时四周,其中第一、二周的课堂教学内容可与其他任务穿插进行。第一周:课堂快写:题目为A Current Problem with Youth, 20分钟完成。 然后分组活动,用英语交流自己所看到的问题。课后针对所关注的问题作社会调查,也可同时

11、到图书馆收集信息,并用英文整理出调查综述。这一工作应在一到两周内完成。第二周:让部分已完成调查的同学在班上交流调查综述,从而给尚未完成的同学一些启发。老师也参与讨论,给学生出点子,归纳一些具有报刊文体特色的表达方法。第三周:首先学一篇选自美国刊物的特写体范文Show me the way to go home,是关于已开始独立生活的年轻人又重返父母家中同住的现象的。课堂上分析范文时把握谋篇布局与措辞构句两方面的要点。布置学生课后根据调查到的信息写一篇类似话题的特写,题目自定。第四周:学生将写好的文稿带到教室,由老师在课堂上组织学生分组互评互改,接着各组推选代表发言交流阅稿体会,教师注意表彰一些

12、学生稿中的亮点。课后布置学生对自己的文章进行一次精改,将改好的文章排版上交,由老师评分。阅读范文:Show Me the Way to Go HomeUnexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents First Maggie, then 20, asked Stepmom and Dad if she could store a few boxes with them in Washington while she looked for another place to live. Then Maggie said

13、 she would like to move in to be with her boxes until her boyfriend Joe bought a condominium. Next Maggie asked whether Joe could move in “temporarily” until the condo deal was closed. When Lucy and Pablo Sanchez returned home from vacation last Christmas, they found their small living room crammed

14、with his boxes and a second welcome mat next to their own on the front porch. Lucy Sanchez immediately did what any loving but put-upon parent would do: “I had a migraine,” she says. Such tales are becoming abundantly familiar as American parents are forced to make room for their adult children. “Th

15、ere is a naive notion that children grow up and leave home when theyre 18, and the truth is far from that,” says Sociologist Larry Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Today, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 59% of men and 47% of women between 18 and 24 depend on their parents for

16、housing, some living in college dorms but most at home. In 1970 the figures were 54% and 41%. Also, 14% of men and 8% of women ages 25 to 34 are dependent on their parents for housing, in contrast to 9.5% and 6.6% in 1970. “This is part of a major shift in the middle class,” declares Sociologist All

17、an Schnaiberg of Northwestern University. He should know: Schnaibergs stepson, 19, moved back in after an absence of eight months. Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest. The marriage age is rising, a condition that makes home and its amenities particularly attractive to youn

18、g people, say experts. A high divorce rate and a declining remarriage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally battered survivors back to parental shelters. For some, the expense of an away-from-home college education has become so exorbitant that many students now attend local schools.

19、 Even after graduation, young people find their wings clipped by skyrocketing housing costs. Notes Sociologist Carlfred Broderick of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, who has a son, 31, and a daughter, 27, in residence: “They are finding that the good life is not spontaneously ge

20、nerated out there.” Sallie Knighton, 26, moved back to her parents suburban Atlanta home to save enough money to buy a car. Her job as a teacher provided only enough money to cover car payments and an additional loan she had taken out. Once the loan was paid off, she decided to take a crack at a mod

21、eling career. Living at home, says Knighton, continues to give her security and moral support. “If I had lived away,” she says, “I would be miserable still teaching.” Her mother concurs, “Its ridiculous for the kids to pay all that money for rent. It makes sense for kids to stay at home,” Bradley Ku

22、lat, 25, makes about $20,000 a year as an equipment technician in a hospital. That is enough to support a modest household, but he chooses to live at his parents split-level ranch house outside Chicago, as does his sister Pamela, 20, who commutes to a nearby college. He admits to expensive tastes. H

23、e recently bought an $8,000 car and owns an $800 stereo system, a $300 ten-speed bike and an elegant wardrobe. Says his mother Evelyn: “It keeps you thinking younger, trying to keep up with them.” Sharing the family home requires adjustments for all. There are the hassles over bathrooms, telephones

24、and privacy. Some families, however, manage the delicate balancing act. At 34, Esther Rodriguez dreaded returning to her parents Denver home after three years of law school forced her $20,000 into debt. “I thought it was going to be a restriction on my independence,” she recalls. Instead, she was to

25、uched when her father installed a desk and phone in the basement so she would have a private study. The Sanchez family too has made a success of the arrangement. Says Lucy Sanchez: “Family is family, and we believe and act on that.” But for others, the setup proves too difficult. Michelle Del Turcon

26、, 24, of Englewood, Colo., a Denver suburb, has been home three timesand left three times. “What I considered a social drink, my dad considered an alcohol problem,” she explains. “He never liked anyone I dated, so I either had to sneak around or meet them at friends houses.” Just how long should adu

27、lt children live with their parents before moving on? Lucille Carlini of Brooklyn returned home with her two daughters after a divorce. That was almost twelve years ago. She is now 37 and her daughters 18 and 16. They still live with Carlinis mother Edie, who has welcomed having three generations in

28、 the same house. Still, most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake. Offspring, struggling to establish separate identities, can wind up with “a sense of inadequacy, defeat and failure,” says Kristine Kratz, a counselor with the Personal Development Institute in Los Angeles. And aging

29、parents, who should be enjoying some financial and personal freedom, find themselves bogged down with responsibilities. Says Debra Umberson, a researcher at the University of Michigan: “Living with children of any age involves compromise and obligation, factors that can be detrimental to some aspect

30、s of well-being. All children, even adult children, require accommodation and create stress.” Brief visits, however, can work beneficially. Five years ago Ellen Rancilio returned to the Detroit area to live with her father after her marriage broke up. She stayed only seven months, but “it made us mu

31、ch closer,” she says. Indeed, the experience was so positive that she would not hesitate to put out the welcome mat when her own three sons are grown. Declares she: “If they needed help like I did, yes.”By Anastasla Toufexi评析:本文也是一篇特写,内容讲的是美国成年子女仍继续寄居于父母家里的比例悄然升高的社会现象。文章有正副两个标题。作者巧妙地将“Show Me the Wa

32、y to Go Home”这句话用于文章的正标题,非常贴切地道出成年儿女们想要搬回家住的渴望,同时又能打动读者的心,吸引读者的目光;而副标题则是对这一现象的简要概括,作为对正标题的解释说明。文章的第一段是个导语,讲述的是一个女儿通过三个步骤不但将自己还将男友也搬回父母家住的真实故事。文章一开始就通过“First”,“Then”和“Next”,用三个画面将这三个步骤展示给读者,还特地在“temporarily”上加了引号以暗示这一切都是该女儿精心计划好的“回家行动”。父母度假回来后惊讶地发现自己原本不大的客厅里竟堆满了(作者用了crammed with,比我们通常用的“full of”形象得多)

33、女儿男友的东西,连门口摆放的地毯也多出了一块。这突如其来的一切令父母一下子很不适应,为此母亲还犯了偏头痛(migraine)。本段的描写生动幽默,成功地令读者对于本文的主题有了一个非常直观的感受,从而自然而然地走入了本文的语境。第二段以综述的形式,点出全文的中心话题(focus), 即American parents are forced to make room for their adult children。这个话题由句子开头的“Such tales are becoming abundantly familiar as ”引出,先议后述,显然起到了承上启下的作用,这里的“such”便是

34、衔接手段,将本段与前一段紧密联系在一起。本段分别在第二句和倒数第二句引述了两位从事本专题研究的社会学家的原话,为文章增添了权威性并令读者更易信服;第一位学者的话也是先议后述,先发议论:“There is a naive notion that ”,再叙述:“children grow up and leave home when theyre 18”,随后语气一转,又开始议论:“and the truth is far from that”,从而顺利地带出后面的一连串官方的统计数字,以证明前面的“naive notion”是如何的与事实不符。这些权威数字是对文章的有力支撑,同样也令读者更加信服

35、。因此从这段内容中,我们可以体会到写作时引用权威人物的原话或观点以及权威数字的重要性。最后一句颇有意思,因为“正巧”第二个被引述的社会学家本人的继子就是成年后搬出又搬回父母的住房的活生生的例子。第三段是对该现象的原因进行分析。通过第一句“Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this return to the nest”(该句中的. cite a variety of reasons for也是很值得学习的句式)我们可以发现,这些分析并不是作者的个人观点,而是专家们的权威观点。因为这样的文章如果只凭借作者的个人观点(哪怕其个人观点与专家们的观点完全相同

36、),会显得很单薄,是不足以令人信服的。本段总共列出四方面的原因,其中前两个为社会原因,后两个为经济原因。最后一句又引用一位有亲身经历的社会学家的原话来作本段的合题句(wrap-up):“They are finding that the good life is not spontaneously generated out there.”本段中有个很精彩的表达“ are sending economically pressed and emotionally battered survivors back to parental shelters”,很值得我们揣摩并融会贯通。从第四段起,作者

37、开始用案例“说话”(当然,作为导语的第一段已经用了一个案例)。第四段讲述了一女一男两个案例,都属于成功案例。讲述案例时,信息的选择很重要。因为案例的信息通常来自对真实人物的采访,采访中会收集到各种信息,但并不是所有的信息都适合用到正文中去,必须对信息进行筛选,挑出相关的、针对性强的信息加以采用。本段就是个很好的例子,你会发现这里所给出的信息全部都是与主题相关的,而且根据其相关程度有详有略,重点突出。比如在写Bradley Kulat的案例时,作者只说此人是“an equipment technician in a hospital”,连是哪家医院都不交代,因为医院的名字在这里根本无关紧要,所以

38、能略则略。而Bradley买高档商品所花的钱却能详则详,因为Bradley选择与父母同住的主要原因就是为了省下房租从而有足够的钱购买自己喜爱的高档消费品。另外,在写案例时,不妨顺便采访被访者的亲友、同事或邻居们的看法,从而令我们可以从这些侧面对案例本身有更加全面的了解。本文就引述了两位案例人物的母亲们的看法。如果说第四段中的案例故事都非常顺利的话,第五段则通过具体案例指出“顺利”背后的难处。第一句便定下基调:“Sharing the family home requires adjustments for all”(需要所有人都做出调整),接着指出在诸如洗手间、电话、隐私等方面不可避免地会出现

39、摩擦(作者用到的“There are hassles over”是非常不错的表达法)。在调整中,有成功也有失败。于是,作者设计了两个分主题句:“Some families, however, manage the delicate balancing act.”和“But for others, the setup proves too difficult.”两个分主题都通过举例展开。支持第一个分主题的两个例子都是成功做出调整的,而支持第二个分主题的第三个例子则是未能做出成功调整的。这些案例当中,第一个例子最详细,从Esther一开始怕回去跟父母住,到因上学负债不得不搬回去住,到被父亲的处处体

40、谅所感动,从而回搬成功,交待了整个过程。第二个例子作者选择了简写,因为这正是第一段导语里的案例。第三个例子由于是失败的例子,所以比较详细,细节主要都与失败过程和失败的原因有关。第六段是对主题的进一步深挖,即青年人到底和父母同住多久算合理?本段先提出这个问题,然后举了一个离异后成功与母亲住了12年之久的例子,令读者先感到好像多久都没关系。但随后,作者话锋一转:“Still, most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake”,巧妙地引入专家们对这个问题的不同看法,并通过专家之口,分别从儿女和家长两个角度分析长期同住的弊端。引入这两

41、个角度的阐述分别用“Offspring, ”和“And aging parents, ”作为开头,脉络清晰而且简练。最后一句话回到对段首问句的回答上来,当然给出的是与前半段不同的回答。这样,本段在谋篇上展示了起承转合的全过程。段中的精彩语言点包括:“move on”(通常指在人生受了挫折如失恋后将人生继续下去、重新开始新的生活的意思);“welcome doing sth.”;“be bogged down with sth.”(身陷某种困境);“detrimental”(这个词的用法比较正式,表示“对有害的”)。第七段,即本文最后一段,先回应前文关于不宜长期同住的观点,写道“Brief vi

42、sits, however, can work beneficially”,即短期的同住还是大有裨益的。并且该观点得到了最后一个案例的支持。最后通过案例人物的一句简短,真诚,充满肯定的话“If they needed help like I did, yes”作为全文的收尾,呼应了全文的中心话题。全文共用了七个案例,对这些案例的描写调动了多种修辞手段,而描写中的点睛之笔大多通过引述专家或例中人物的话来完成的。Suggested writing task:Write a composition of at least 500 words to report a current problem w

43、ith young people. Before you start to write, you need to do some investigation about the problem. When writing, try to imitate the style of the sample article. 学生佳作赏析:(1) Internet AddictionA Potential Threat to College Students广外大02级 黄云霞It was nearly half past six in the afternoon. Due to a tediousl

44、y long meeting, Michelle went back to her dormitory a little later than usual. Walking on the campus, she was surrounded by the deafening music from the loudspeaker, which seemed to be welcoming the coming weekend. Michelle stepped into the dormitory but found the atmosphere far different from outsi

45、de. It was pretty quiet. All of her five roommates were in, sitting in front of the monitor, glaring at the screen. Nobody was aware that she had been back. The silence was broken now and then by the tip-tapping sound and laughter. But Michelle was not surprised, she had got used to that. Then she c

46、ame to her desk and took a sip of tea. Her neighbor finally noticed her. They smiled, still, without a word. Everything continued perfectly. Why bother to interrupt it? Michelle certainly was not that foolish. Such tales are becoming abundantly familiar in students dormitories in Guangdong Universit

47、y of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). In recent years, the booming Internet industry has influenced college students life tremendously. More and more students are getting Internet-addicted. To know more, I conducted a survey about Internet addiction and Internet usage. About 20 students (10 boys and 10 girl

48、s), mainly from GDUFS and the Northwestern Polytechnic University were confronted with 12 questions. Although the result is not a scientific barometer of all college students situation, there is something in it. Among all those who were interviewed, 80% surfed on the Internet nearly every day, boys up to 100%. Almost all of them admitted that it was hard to stay away from the Net for several days. The average time they surfed on the Net was 2-3 hours, with a small percentage of them 3-5 hours. But on weekends, the time would usually be prolonged to 3-5 hours or even longer. Although n


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