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第6卷 伯恩斯诗歌集(哈佛经典50部英文版).pdf

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第6卷 伯恩斯诗歌集(哈佛经典50部英文版).pdf

1、 第第 6 卷卷 伯恩斯诗歌集伯恩斯诗歌集 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 2/696 总目录总目录 第第 1 卷卷 富兰克林自传富兰克林自传 第第 2 卷卷 柏拉图对话录:辩解篇、菲多柏拉图对话录:辩解篇、菲多篇、克利多篇篇、克利多篇 第第 3 卷卷 培根论说文集及新阿特兰蒂斯培根论说文集及新阿特兰蒂斯 第第 4 卷卷 约翰米尔顿英文诗全集约翰米尔顿英文诗全集 第第 5 卷卷 爱默生文集爱默生文集 第第 6 卷卷 伯恩斯诗歌集伯恩斯诗歌集 第第 7 卷卷 圣奥古斯丁忏悔录圣奥古斯丁忏悔录 第第 8 卷卷 希腊戏剧希腊戏剧 第第 9

2、卷卷 论友谊、论老年及书信集论友谊、论老年及书信集 第第 10 卷卷 国富论国富论 第第 11 卷卷 物种起源论物种起源论 第第 12 卷卷 普卢塔克比较列传普卢塔克比较列传 第第 13 卷卷 伊尼亚德伊尼亚德 第第 14 卷卷 唐吉坷德唐吉坷德 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 3/696 第第 15 卷卷 天路历程天路历程 第第 16 卷卷 天方夜谭天方夜谭 第第 17 卷卷 民间传说与预言民间传说与预言 第第 18 卷卷 英国现代戏剧英国现代戏剧 第第 19 卷卷 浮士德浮士德 第第 20 卷卷 神曲神曲 第第 21 卷卷 许婚的

3、爱人许婚的爱人 第第 22 卷卷 奥德赛奥德赛 第第 23 卷卷 两年水手生涯两年水手生涯 第第 24 卷卷 伯克文集伯克文集 第第 25 卷卷 穆勒文集穆勒文集 第第 26 卷卷 欧洲大陆戏剧欧洲大陆戏剧 第第 27 卷卷 英国名家随笔英国名家随笔 第第 28 卷卷 英国与美国名家随笔英国与美国名家随笔 第第 29 卷卷 比格尔号上的旅行比格尔号上的旅行 第第 30 卷卷 科学论文集:物理学、化学、科学论文集:物理学、化学、天文学、地质学天文学、地质学 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 4/696 第第 31 卷卷 切利尼自传切利尼自

4、传 第第 32 卷卷 文学和哲学名家随笔文学和哲学名家随笔 第第33卷卷 古代与现代著名航海与旅行记古代与现代著名航海与旅行记 第第 34 卷卷 法国和英国著名哲学家法国和英国著名哲学家 第第 35 卷卷 见闻与传奇见闻与传奇 第第 36 卷卷 君王论君王论 第第 37 卷卷 17、18 世纪英国著名哲学家世纪英国著名哲学家 第第 38 卷卷 物理学、医学、外科学和地质物理学、医学、外科学和地质学学 第第 39 卷卷 著名之前言和序言著名之前言和序言 第第 40 卷卷 英文诗集(卷)从乔叟到格英文诗集(卷)从乔叟到格雷雷 第第 41 卷卷 英文诗集(卷)从科林斯到英文诗集(卷)从科林斯到费兹杰

5、拉德费兹杰拉德 第第 42 卷卷 英文诗集(卷)从丁尼生到英文诗集(卷)从丁尼生到惠特曼惠特曼 第第 43 卷卷 10001904 第第 44 卷卷 圣书圣书(卷一卷一):孔子孔子 希伯来书希伯来书 基基百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 5/696 督圣经督圣经()第第 45 卷卷 圣书圣书(卷二卷二)基督圣经基督圣经()第第 46 卷卷 伊丽莎白时期戏剧(卷)伊丽莎白时期戏剧(卷)第第 47 卷卷 伊丽莎白时期戏剧(卷)伊丽莎白时期戏剧(卷)第第 48 卷卷 帕斯卡文集帕斯卡文集 第第 49 卷卷 史诗与传说史诗与传说 第第 50 卷

6、卷 哈佛经典讲座哈佛经典讲座 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 6/696 第第 6 卷卷 伯恩斯诗歌集伯恩斯诗歌集 INTRODUCTORY NOTE ROBERT BURNS was born near Ayr,Scotland,25th of January,1759.He was the son of William Burnes,or Burness,at the time of the poets birth a nurseryman on the banks of the Doon in Ayrshire.His fath

7、er,though always extremely poor,attempted to give his children a fair education,and Robert,who was the eldest,went to school for three years in a neighboring village,and later,for shorter periods,to three other schools in the vicinity.But it was to his father and to his own reading that he owed the

8、more important part of his education;and by the time that he had reached manhood he had a good knowledge of English,a reading knowledge of French,and a fairly wide acquaintance with the masterpieces of English literature from the time of Shakespeare to his own day.In 1766 William Burness rented on b

9、orrowed money the farm of Mount Oliphant,and in taking his share in the effort to make this undertaking succeed,the future poet seems to have seriously o verstrained his physique.In 1771 the family move to Lochlea,and Burns went to the neighboring town of Irvine to learn flax-dressing.The only resul

10、t of this experiment,however,was the formation of an acquaintance with a dissipated sailor,whom he afterward blamed as the prompter of his first licentious adventures.His father died in 1784,and with his brother Gilbert the poet rented the farm of Mossgiel;but this venture was as unsuccessful as the

11、 others.He had meantime formed an irregular intimacy with Jean Armour,for which he was censured by the Kirk-session.As a result of his farming misfortunes,and the attempts of his father-in-law to overthrow his irregular marriage with Jean,he resolved to emigrate;and in order to raise money for the p

12、assage he published(Kilmarnock,1786)a volume of the poems which he had been composing from time to time for 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 7/696 some years.This volume was unexpectedly successful,so that,instead of sailing for the West Indies,he went up to Edinburgh,and during that wi

13、nter he was the chief literary celebrity of the season.An enlarged edition of his poems was published there in 1787,and the money derived from this enabled him to aid his brother in Mossgiel,and to take and stock for himself the farm of Ellisland in Dumfriesshire.His fame as poet had reconciled the

14、Armours to the connection,and having now regularly married Jean,he brought her to Ellisland,and once more tried farming for three years.Continued ill-success,however,led him,in 1791,to abandon Ellisland,and he moved to Dumfries,where he had obtained a position in the Excise.But he was now thoroughly

15、 discouraged;his work was mere drudgery;his tendency to take his relaxation in debauchery increased the weakness of a constitution early undermined;and he died at Dumfries in his thirty-eighth year.It is not necessary here to attempt to disentangle or explain away the numerous amours in which he was

16、 engaged through the greater part of his life.It is evident that Burns was a man of extremely passionate nature and fond of conviviality;and the misfortunes of his lot combined with his natural tendencies to drive him to frequent excesses of self-indulgence.He was often remorseful,and he strove pain

17、fully,if intermittently,after better things.But the story of his life must be admitted to be in its externals a painful and somewhat sordid chronicle.That it contained,however,many moments of joy and exaltation is proved by the poems here printed.Burns poetry falls into two main groups:English and S

18、cottish.His English poems are,for the most part,inferior specimens of conventional eighteenth-century verse.But in Scottish poetry he achieved triumphs of a quite extraordinary kind.Since the time of the Reformation and the union of the crowns of England and Scotland,the Scots dialect had largely fa

19、llen into disuse as a medium for dignified writing.Shortly before Burns 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 8/696 time,however,Allan Ramsay and Robert Fergusson had been the leading figures in a revival of the vernacular,and Burns received from them a national tradition which he succeeded

20、in carrying to its highest pitch,becoming thereby,to an almost unique degree,the poet of his people.He first showed complete mastery of verse in the field of satire.In“The Twa Herds,”“Holy Willies Prayer,”“Address to the Unco Guid,”“The Holy Fair,”and others,he manifested sympathy with the protest o

21、f the so-called“New Light”party,which had sprung up in opposition to the extreme Calvinism and intolerance of the dominant“Auld Lichts.”The fact that Burns had personally suffered from the discipline of the Kirk probably added fire to his attacks,but the satires show more than personal animus.The fo

22、rce of the invective,the keenness of the wit,and the fervor of the imagination which they displayed,rendered them an important force in the theological liberation of Scotland.The Kilmarnock volume contained,besides satire,a number of poems like“The Twa Dogs”and“The Cotters Saturday Night,”which are

23、vividly descriptive of the Scots peasant life with which he was most familiar;and a group like“Puir Mailie”and“To a Mouse,”which,in the tenderness of their treatment of animals,revealed one of the most attractive sides of Burns personality.Many of his poems were never printed during his lifetime,the

24、 most remarkable of these being“The Jolly Beggars,”a piece in which,by the intensity of his imaginative sympathy and the brilliance of his technique,he renders a picture of the lowest dregs of society in such a way as to raise it into the realm of great poetry.But the real national importance of Bur

25、ns is due chiefly to his songs.The Puritan austerity of the centuries following the Reformation had discouraged secular music,like other forms of art,in Scotland;and as a result Scottish song had become hopelessly degraded in point both of decency and literary quality.From youth Burns had been inter

26、ested in collecting the fragments he had heard sung or found printed,and he came 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 9/696 to regard the rescuing of this almost lost national inheritance in the light of a vocation.About his song-making,two points are especially noteworthy:first,that the gr

27、eater number of his lyrics sprang from actual emotional experiences;second,that almost all were composed to old melodies.While in Edinburgh he undertook to supply material for Johnsons“Musical Museum,”and as few of the traditional songs could appear in a respectable collection,Burns found it necessa

28、ry to make them over.Sometimes he kept a stanza or two;sometimes only a line or chorus;sometimes merely the name of the air;the rest was his own.His method,as he has told us himself,was to become familiar with the traditional melody,to catch a suggestion from some fragment of the old song,to fix upo

29、n an idea or situation for the new poem;then,humming or whistling the tune as he went about his work,he wrought out the new verses,going into the house to write them down when the inspiration began to flag.In this process is to be found the explanation of much of the peculiar quality of the songs of

30、 Burns.Scarcely any known author has succeeded so brilliantly in combining his work with folk material,or in carrying on with such continuity of spirit the tradition of popular song.For George Thomsons collection of Scottish airs he performed a function similar to that which he had had in the“Museum

31、”;and his poetical activity during the last eight or nine years of his life was chiefly devoted to these two publications.In spite of the fact that he was constantly in severe financial straits,he refused to accept any recompense for this work,preferring to regard it as a patriotic service.And it wa

32、s,indeed,a patriotic service of no small magnitude.By birth and temperament he was singularly fitted for the task,and this fitness is proved by the unique extent to which his productions were accepted by his countrymen,and have passed into the life and feeling of his race.1771-1779POEMS AND SONGSSON

33、G HANDSOME NELL注 1 Tune“I am a man unmarried.”百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 10/696 OONCE I lovd a bonie lass,Ay,and I love her still;And whilst that virtue warms my breast,Ill love my handsome Nell.As bonie lasses I hae seen,And mony full as braw;But,for a modest gracefu mein,The lik

34、e I never saw.A bonie lass,I will confess,Is pleasant to the ee;But,without some better qualities,Shes no a lass for me.But Nellys looks are blythe and sweet,And what is best of a,Her reputation is complete,And fair without a flaw.She dresses aye sae clean and neat,Both decent and genteel;And then t

35、heres something in her gait Gars ony dress look weel.A gaudy dress and gentle air May slightly touch the heart;But its innocence and modesty That polishes the dart.Tis this in Nelly pleases me,Tis this enchants my soul;For absolutely in my breast She reigns without control.SONGO TIBBIE,I HAE SEEB TG

36、E DAY Tune“Invercaulds Reel,or Strathspey.”百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 11/696 Choir.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,Ye wadna been sae shy;For laik o gear ye lightly me,But,trowth,I care na by.Yestreen I met you on the moor,Ye spak na,but gaed by like stour;Ye geck at me because Im poor

37、,But fient a hair care I.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.When coming hame on Sunday last,Upon the road as I cam past,Ye snufft and gae your head a cast But trowth I caret na by.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.I doubt na,lass,but ye may think,Because ye hae the name o clink,That ye can please me at a w

38、ink,Wheneer ye like to try.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.But sorrow tak him thats sae mean,Altho his pouch o coin were clean,Wha follows ony saucy quean,That looks sae proud and high.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.Altho a lad were eer sae smart,If that he want the yellow dirt,Yell cast your head an

39、ither airt,And answer him fu dry.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.But,if he hae the name o gear,百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 12/696 Yell fasten to him like a brier,Tho hardly he,for sense or lear,Be better than the kye.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.But,Tibbie,lass,tak my advice:Your

40、daddies gear maks you sae nice;The deil a ane wad speir your price,Were ye as poor as I.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.There lives a lass beside yon park,Id rather hae her in her sark,Than you wi a your thousand mark;That gars you look sae high.O Tibbie,I hae seen the day,&c.SONGI DREAMD I LAY I DRE

41、AMD I lay where flowers were springing Gaily in the sunny beam;Listning to the wild birds singing,By a falling crystal stream:Straight the sky grew black and daring;Thro the woods the whirlwinds rave;Tress with aged arms were warring,Oer the swelling drumlie wave.Such was my lifes deceitful morning,

42、Such the pleasures I enjoyed:But lang or noon,loud tempests storming A my flowery bliss destroyd.Tho fickle fortune has deceivd me She promisd fair,and performd but ill,Of mony a joy and hope bereavd me 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 13/696 I bear a heart shall support me still.SONGIN

43、 THE CHARACTER OF A RUINED FARMER Tune“Go from my window,Love,do.”THE sun he is sunk in the west,All creatures retired to rest,While here I sit,all sore beset,With sorrow,grief,and woe:And its O,fickle Fortune,O!The prosperous man is asleep,Nor hears how the whirlwinds sweep;But Misery and I must wa

44、tch The surly tempest blow:And its O,fickle Fortune,O!There lies the dear partner of my breast;Her cares for a moment at rest:Must I see thee,my youthful pride,Thus brought so very low!And its O,fickle Fortune,O!There lie my sweet babies in her arms;No anxious fear their little hearts alarms;But for

45、 their sake my heart does ache,With many a bitter throe:And its O,fickle Fortune,O!I once was by Fortune carest:I once could relieve the distrest:Now lifes poor spport,hardly earnd My fate will scarce bestow:And its O,fickle Fortune,O!No comfort,no comfort I have!How welcome to me were the grave!百年哈

46、佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 14/696 But then my wife and children dear O,wither would they go!And its O,fickle Fortune,O!O whither,O whither shall I turn!All friendless,forsaken,forlorn!For,in this world,Rest or Peace I never more shall know!And its O,fickle Fortune,O!TRAGIC FRAGMENT A

47、LL villain as I ama damnd wretch,A hardened,stubborn,unrepenting villain,Still my heart melts at human wretchedness;And with sincere but unavailing sighs I view the helpless children of distress:With tears indignant I behold the oppressor Rejoicing in the honest mans destruction,Whose unsubmitting h

48、eart was all his crime.Evn you,ye hapless crew!I pity you;Ye,whom the seeming good think sin to pity;Ye poor,despised,abandoned vagabonds,Whom Vice,as usual,has turnd oer to ruin.Oh!but for friends and interposing Heaven,I had been driven forth like you forlorn,The most detested,worthless wretch amo

49、ng you!O injured God!Thy goodness has endowd me With talents passing most of my compeers,Which I in just proportion have abused As far surpassing other common villains As Thou in natural parts has given me more.THE TARBOLTON LASSES 百年哈佛 50 部经典 英文版 Harvard Classics 第 6 卷 伯恩斯诗歌集 15/696 IF ye gae up to

50、 yon hill-tap,Yell there see bonie Peggy;She kens her father is a laird,And she forsooths a leddy.There Sophy tight,a lassie bright,Besides a handsome fortune:Wha canna win her in a night,Has little art in courtin.Gae down by Faile,and taste the ale,And tak a look o Mysie;Shes dour and din,a deil wi


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