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1、翻译主讲人付晶晶大学英语六级 一、题型综述二、应试技巧三、考点分析四、备考指南1. 型介2. 考目的3. 出特点4. 分准一、题型综述1. 型介 翻是六考改革后的新增型,在2006年12月的考中首次出。型 英,共五个句子,一句一,句15-30。句中的一部分已用英文出,要求考生根据全句意思将部分成英,要求考生根据全句意思将部分成英。考 5分。翻符合英的法构和表达,要求用准确。2. 考目的部分旨在考学生一些、短和句型的掌握程度以及在短、常用表达和句子次上的中英能力,考生要充分利用所学的法和知,使文在法和意上符合整个句子的需要。3. 出特点(1)翻部分的是句子、短或常用表达次上的中英能力。(2)内容

2、,不需要理知。目内容既没有高度度新翻、文学翻,也不涉及科技翻中的知,只是一般的短句翻,没有大主境,也不用全部达到翻的“信、达、雅”准。只要达到“信”就可以了,也就是保持句子通正确。(3)句子构复所的句子以并列句或复句居多,主要是定从句、名性从句或状从句等的翻。(4)重点考法构和的运用知。 名翻, 全句子,每句涉及1218个左右的英 ,需添入的部分有6到11个,其中含着六考生当掌握的句型、法、等知点。4. 分准型的分原和准具体如下:本目通翻 考正确理解原文的能力本目中的均独立的句子,因此“正确理解原文”是指必正确理解原文的意思。文的要求是“正确”和“表达清楚”,英文的其他方面不作高要求。本目分占

3、考分的5%。添加不必要的 ,如不影响句,不扣分,如影响句,就扣分。如文与原文的句相反,即使局部,全句也不分。一二,只按第一个文分。二、应试技巧1. 翻原2. 解步3. 基本翻技巧1. 翻原1) 忠于原文翻要在内容上忠于原文,把原文的内容完整而准确地表达出来。同要注意保留的气和文体格,如褒,正式文体和非正式文体等。2) 通 所通就是文要符合英文表达,切忌使用中式英。翻要做适当的通,不能太拘泥于原文字句,机械地从字面上“号入座”。2. 解步1) 理解理解是翻的基。考生要真 干,理解已英文部分的含和构,然后分析出的部分,从整体上把握句子的和构,确定所英句型。2) 表达在理解的基上,将意思完整而准确地

4、表达出来。在表达要全方位考以下几方面:、复数、主一致、序排列、虚的用法和句型等因素。3) 完后要作最后的。先核句意和意思是否有出入。然后再重新一遍拼写、复数、序、点等各方面是否正确。3. 基本翻技巧翻不可太拘泥于原文,要学会适当通。通手法如下:1) 增减2) 3) 序的4) 正反与反正5) 的1) 增减使文合乎目的的和表达律,使意思更加明确,我从意、修辞和句法上考,在文中适当增添一些无其而有其意的,或者是去冠、代和一些可有可无、不符合文表达法的。需要注意的是,增减并不意味着可以改原文随便增减。例1:I dont think it advisable that parents _ (剥孩子的自由

5、) to spend their spare time as they wish. 2008年12月真【答案】deprive children of their freedom【解析】文中增加了代their。例2:Mary couldnt have received my letter, _ (否她上周就回信了). 2008年6月真【答案】or/otherwise she would have replied / made a reply to me last week【解析】文中增添了to me,既使原文含的意思明确化,又使文更加符合英的表达。 例3:The Foreign Minister

6、 said he was resigning, _ (但他拒一步解 做的原因). 2007年12月真【答案】but refused to make further explanation【解析】文在不影响原文意思的前提下减了“他”和“做的原因”,使文明了。例4:Only in the small town _ (他才感到安全和放松). 2007年6月真【答案】does he feel secure and relaxed【解析】文中增加了助does,以符合英句式的要求。2) 英和的有很多不同的地方,在英 程中,有些句子可以逐 ,有些句子由于英两种言的表达方式不同,就不能用“一个卜一个坑”的方法

7、来逐 。翻 了符合目的的表达和法修辞,就必把原言中某一的 成目的另一的。例1:He designed the first suspension bridge, which _. (把美与功能完美地合起来)。2008年12月真【答案】made a perfect combination of beauty and function【解析】文中将“合”了名“combination”。例2:Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _ (而物的行主要依靠本能). 2007年12月真【答案】while animal behavior is main

8、ly dependent on/upon their instinct(s) 【解析】文中将“依靠”了形容“dependent”。while表示比。依靠:depends on/upon,be dependent on/upon。本能:instinct,born ability。例3:The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, _ (但他拒一步解 做的原因). 2007年12月真【答案】but refused to make further explanation【解析】文中将”解”了名”explanation”。例4:He spoke English

9、 so well that_ (我想当然地他在母)【答案】I took it for granted that he was a native speaker【解析】“他在母”直he spoke his native language很生硬,可灵活he was a native speaker。“想当然地”可takefor granted。3) 序的原文中的某一序在文中成另一种序,叫做序的。由于的不同很多候需要成分和性,比如名的互相,主从句的互相。来,如果要求不是太高的,确定主要成分后,把的修成分在英文的翻中用定或其他从句体即可。例1:It was very dark, but Mary se

10、emed to _. (本能地知道走哪条路。) 2008年12月真【答案】know which way to take instinctively【解析】 将副放在所修的前面,而在英中正好相反。例2:Older adults who have a high level of daily activities have more energy and _ (与不那么活的人相比死亡率要低). 2008年12月真【答案】a lower death rate compared with relatively inactive people【解析】文将去分作状的成分后置以符合英文的表达。4) 正反与反正

11、英和有相同之,那就是在表达同一事物或同一概念,往往可以从正面叙述,也可以从反面叙述。但由于思方式的不同,英中有些从正面表达的西在中从反面表达;而有些从反面来表达的西在中 从正面来表达。因此,英 常常有必要行。翻可突破原文形式,采用 气法理句,把肯定成否定,把否定成肯定。运用种技巧可以使文更加合乎目的的范或修辞要求,且不失原意。例1:The witness was told that under no circumstances _ (他都不 法庭). 2007年12月真【答案】should he lie to the court【解析】文将原文中的“不 ”“shouldlie to”以符合英句

12、式的要求。例2:_ (直到截止日他才寄出) his application form. 2006年12月真【答案】Not until the deadline came, did he send out【解析】将“直到才”“not until”运用了正反法。5) 的 用主 来表达,而英 用被 来表达,所以英行的是十分必要的。例:_(必立即采取有效措施) to eliminate sandy storms.【答案】Effective measures must be taken immediately【解析】的无主句通常翻成英的被句。采取措施:take measures。(一)(二)(三)(四)

13、复合句(五)倒装句(六)非 构(七)虚气(八)情(九)强句三、考点分析(一) 占年考的30%,是翻部分的重点。考生平注意累常用及一些常的搭配,可参考大学英程教学要求(行)中所提供的表及极表。例1: (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有于) the quality of education of its people. 2008年6月真【答案】The future prosperity of a nation depends largely on/ To a great extent, the future prosperity of a nation relies on【解析】“在很大程度上”可

14、以用to a great extent或largely表示;“有于”可以用depend on或rely on表示。例2:I dont think it advisable that parents _ (剥孩子的自由) to spend their spare time as they wish. 2008年12月真【答案】deprive children of their freedom【解析】考“deprive”的用法,deprive sb. of sth。例3:With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk _. (服他不). 200

15、9年6月真【答案】him out of buying an automobile【解析】talk sb. out of doing sth.某人不做某事。(二) 英中一共有l6种,最常用的5种是一般在、在行、一般去、一般将来和在完成。在翻考中考生要特注意句子前后一致。例1:He designed the first suspension bridge, which _. (把美与功能完美地合起来)。2008年12月真【答案】made a perfect combination of beauty and function/combined beauty and function perfect

16、ly.【解析】本句非限制性定从句。注意要前后一致。例2: The problems of blacks and women _ (最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注). 2007年6月真【答案】have gained / caused considerable public concern in recent decades【解析】“最近几十年”是在完成的志。decade十年。受到关注:gain/cause/receive/win attention。例3:The committee will not make the decision_ (直到它此事行了 止)【答案】until it has i

17、nvestigated the matter【解析】 生在决定之前,所以用将来完成,但在英中,、条件状从句中的将来完成由在完成来表示。直到才notuntil。例4:Compared with last year, _ (居民的平均收入增加了50).【答案】the average income of the residents has increased by 50 percent【解析】所部分表明目前的情况,因而用在完成。increase by增加了。increase to增加到。例5:Professor Brown is said to_ (去三年来已得了一些新突破).【答案】have ma

18、de some new breakthroughs in the past three years 【解析】“去三年来”表示从去到在的一种状,需用在完成。得新突破make new breakthroughs。例6:The international conference will_ (到束之将持整整一个星期).【答案】have lasted a full week by the time it ends【解析】by+将来、by the time/ when + 是一般在的从句,主句用将来完成。例7:Nancy is supposed to _ (做完化学) at least two weeks

19、 ago. 2008年6月真【答案】have finished her/the chemical experiment【解析】be supposed to后面接“have + 去分”表示“本做某事而没做”,不要被“is”和“two weeks ago”迷惑而用一般在或一般去。化学:chemical experiment。(三) 有两种:主 和被 。主是作的出者主 ;主是作的接受者被 。因此,确定主与之的关系是正确用的关。不及物及表示状的无被 。例1:After the terrorist attack, tourists _ (被告不要去国旅游). 2006年12月真【答案】were advi

20、sed not to travel to that country at the moment【解析】“被告不要做某事”be advised not to do sth.。“到旅行”travel to或visit。“”可at the moment。例2:Computer models _ (可以用来演示胞工作的方式).【答案】can be used to demonstrate the way that cells work【解析】中有些没有“被”字等志的句子也表示被,要成英的被 。例3:The book _ (到今年年底就将已出版).【答案】will have been published

21、by the end of this year【解析】考被 的将来完成。(四)复合句1. 名性从句2. 定从句3. 状从句1. 名性从句名性从句包括主从句、表从句、从句和同位从句。1) 主从句如果一个句子在复合句中充当一个主,那么个句子就是主从句。例1:_ (他什么离开家去云南) is still a secret.【答案】Why they left their hometown for Yunnan【解析】常主从句,即句子在复合句中充当一个主。离开去leave for。例2:It is not clear yet _ ( 件事).【答案】who should be responsible f

22、or this matter【解析】了防止句子重脚,通常把形式主it放在主位置,真正主置于句末。be respon-sible for。2) 表从句表从句就是用一个句子作表。明主是什么或者怎么,由名、形容或相当于名或形容的或短充当,和系一起构成。例:My main problem right now is _ (我是否 求另一笔款).【答案】whether I should ask for another loan【解析】不可以用if,而用whether 接表从句(as if例外)。表从句一定要用述序。3) 从句从句,即在主句中担当的从句。学 从句要抓住三要素:接、序和。例1:Your res

23、ume should attract a would-be bosss attention by demonstrating _ (什么你是某个特定位的最佳人). 2008年12月真【答案】why you would be the best candidate of certain position【解析】why引 从句。“最佳人”可翻:the best candidate,the best person,the only person,或the best choice。例2:It was very dark, but Mary seemed to _. (本能地知道走哪条路。) 2008年1

24、2月真【答案】know which way to take instinctively【解析】“本能地”可翻instinctively,by instinct或on instinct。“走哪条路”可which way to take/go。4) 同位从句在复合句中用作同位的从句叫同位从句。它一般跟在某些名后面,用以明名表示的具体内容。可以跟同位从句的名通常有news,idea,fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope,message,suggestion,words(消息),possibility等。引同位从句的通有that,whether,接副how,

25、when,where等。(注:if,which不能引同位从句。)例1:You have yet to answer my question _ (我是否可以指望你的投票).【答案】whether I can count on your vote【解析】whether引同位从句。指望count on。例2:Finally, the workers got an answer _ (政府做不了什么事来提高他工).【答案】that the government could do nothing to raise their wages【解析】that引同位从句。2. 定从句 在复合句中起定作用的从句

26、叫做定从句。定从句分两种:限定性定从句和非限定性定从句。注意:关系代/副一定要在从句中充当某种成分,即主、表或定。1) 限制性定从句限制性定从句修先行,先行起限制作用,接先行之后,无逗号,若省去,原句意思不完整。引定从句的关系代有who,whom,whose,which,that等。who,whom,whose用于指人,whose有也可指物,相当于of which;which用于指物;that既可指人,也可指物,但只用于限制性定从句中。例1: We can say a lot of things about those _ (生致力于歌的人): they are passionate, imp

27、ulsive, and unique.2008年6月真【答案】who devote/dedicate their whole lives to poems【解析】定从句:先行those指的是后面提到的they,所以接使用who。“致力于”用devote/dedicateto表达。例2:This is _ (我成一改革的理由).【答案】the reason why I am in favor of this reform【解析】先行reason,定从句通常由why引。成in favor of,approve of,agree with,endorse。 例3:Let ABC be _ (一个三不

28、等的三角形).【答案】a triangle whose three sides are of unequal length【解析】whose引定从句。例4:_ (众所周知), water is a liquid.【答案】As is known to all【解析】as引定从句。2) 非限制性定从句 非限制性定从句既可修先行,也可修整个主句,起充明作用,与主句之有逗号隔开,若省去,原句意思不受影响。引有which和介+ which / whom / whose,that不可以引非限制性定从句。关系不可省略。例1:Website is similar to a newspaper, both_ (

29、是靠售广告来的)【答案】of which make money by selling ads 【解析】分析句子构,前半句完整的句子,所部分是其行具体明,因而只能非限制性定从句,以which引。make money,make a profit。售广告sale advertising,sale advertisements,selling ads。例2:The scientist has made a wonderful discovery, _ (我 个 科学具有非常重大的意).【答案】which I think is of great importance to science 【解析】句子前

30、半部分已是完整的句子,而所部分是discovery的一步明,因而可which引的非限制性定从句。重要be of importance to,be important to。例3:Mr. John will move into his new house next week, _ (到那房子将全部竣工).【答案】by which time it will be completely finished 【解析】所部分是next week行充明,因而可非限制性定从句,使用“介+which”构。“全部竣工” 被 be completely finished。例4:He introduced me to

31、 his students, _ (他大部分是英 的学生).【答案】most of whom were English majors【解析】most of whom/which也可以引非限制性定从句。3. 状从句 在主从句中起状作用的从句叫状从句。常的状从句有、地点、原因、目的、果、条件、步、比和方式状从句。例1:The anti-virus agent was not known _ (直到一名医生偶然了它).【答案】until a doctor found it by chance. 【解析】本考察until引的状从句和被 的合。“偶然”可以理by accident / chance或ac

32、cidentally。例2:He was almost hurt _ (当公突然刹).【答案】when the bus came to a sudden stop. 【解析】when引 状从句。注意前后的一致性。突然刹come to a sudden stop,stop suddenly。例3:I hope her health will have improved greatly _ (明年我回来的候).【答案】by the time we come back next year.【解析】by the time引 状从句。主句用将来完成,从句用by the time +一般在。例4:The

33、policemen went into action _ (一听到警声).【答案】directly they heard the alarm.【解析】directly引 状从句。注意前后的一致性。例5:You can go out _ (只要你答晚上11点以前回来).【答案】as long as you promise to be back before 11:00 at night【解析】as long as引条件状从句。例6:We shouldnt ignore what happens_ (即使人以接受).【答案】even if it is difficult for people to

34、 accept【解析】even if/though引步状从句。以接受it is difficult to accept。例7: _ (不管众中的一些人如何使地他), the comedian always had a quick, sharp reply.【答案】However hard some people in the audience tried to upset him【解析】however引步状从句。make things difficult for,upset,create difficulties for。comedian喜演。例8:The more you explain,

35、_ (我愈糊涂).【答案】the more confused I am【解析】本考的是比状从句。the more,the more越越。糊涂confused,muddled。(五)倒装句 倒装有两种:完全倒装与部分倒装。英句子采用倒装序主要基于以下三方面的考:了强、使句子构匀称、法的要求。例1: Only in the small town _ (他才感到安全和放松). 2007年6月真【答案】does he feel secure and relaxed 【解析】only修的状(副、介短或状从句)位于句首句子部分倒装。注意,当only修主,不倒装。例2:Only by discovering

36、 what we do best _ (我才有望达到我的极目)【答案】can we hope to reach our ultimate goals【解析】达到极目reach our ultimate goals。例3:Never once _ (老两口互相争吵) since they were married 40 years ago. 2008年6月真【答案】has the old couple quarreled with each other 【解析】含有否定意的副(never, seldom, little, few, not, nowhere等)位于句首句子需要部分倒装。“sinc

37、e+去的点”是在完成的志。couple指夫妻,夫妻是一个整体, 用数。例4:The witness was told that under no circumstances _ (他都不 法庭). 2007年12月真【答案】should he lie to the court 【解析】under no circumstances决不,在任何情况下都不,置于句首,句子部分倒装。lie to表示“向”。例5:_ (直到截止日他才寄出) his application form. 2006年12月真【答案】Not until the deadline came, did he send out【解析

38、】not until位于句首会引起倒装。在复合句中,只有主句用倒装,until引的从句不倒装。例6:I could not persuade David to accept the truth, _ (我也无法他明白它的重要性).【答案】nor could I make him see the importance of it【解析】so/neither/nor开的句子,明前面的内容也适用于后者,用倒装句“so/neither/nor + be/have/助情 主”。例7:The organization had broken no rules, but neither_ (任地行起来).【答

39、案】had it acted responsibly【解析】注意前后要一致。部分倒装,had提前。例8:_, our firm would not have been in crisis (如果裁密切关注市化的).【答案】Had the CEO had a close eye on the changing market【解析】在含有were/had/should的虚条件句中,省去if,把三个放在句首并引起倒装。密切关注have a close eye on,pay/give close attention to。(六)非 构 非 就是在句中不作的。非 有三种形式:不定式,名和分(包括在分和去

40、分)。非 没有人称和数的化。1. 不定式不定式在句中可担任除以外的所有成分,即主、表、定和状。例1:It is necessary _ (我在考前好好地睡一晚上).【答案】for us to have a good nights sleep before the test 【解析】有用“介for + 代/名”来表示不定式的主,整句的描述的象是事情,种情况下中常用的形容有:necessary, important, possible, impossible, all right, essential等。例2:It is generous _ (你把么多捐灾区人民).【答案】of you to d

41、onate so much money to the people in the disaster area【解析】用“介of + 代/名”来表示不定式的主,整句的描述的象是人,种情况下中常用的形容有:absurd, bold, brave, careful, cruel, foolish, generous, good, honest, kind, nice, polite, selfish, stupid, thoughtful, wicked, wise, wrong等。例3:The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, _ (但他拒一步解 做的

42、原因). 2007年12月真【答案】but (he) refused to make further explanation (for doing so)/to further explain why【解析】to do作refuse的。一步解:make further explanation或further explain。另外,能不定式作的常的有:forget, happen, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, neglect, offer, plan, pledge, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise

43、, remember, resolve, threaten, undertake, venture, volunteer, afford, attempt, choose, claim, consent, decide, desire, expect, fail等。例4:The gardener _ (才警告我不要在中午花水).【答案】warned me just now not to water flowers at noon【解析】warn sb. not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事。另外,能不定式构作 的有advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, cha

44、llenge, command, compel, enable, determine, encourage, expect, force, notice, notify, oblige, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, require等。例5:We hope to have more opportunities _ (把我在堂上学到的西用于践).【答案】to apply what we have learned in class to practice 【解析】不定式作定。另外,不定式常用作以下名/代的定:ability, ambition,

45、 anything, attempt, determination, effort, failure, intention, need, nothing, opportunity, place, plan, promise, reason, right, something, tendency, time, way, wish等。例6:Sally Ride was the first _ (探索外部空的美国女).【答案】American woman to explore the outer space【解析】由only, last, next等序数或形容最高修的名常用不定式作定。例7:The

46、stockholders hurried there_ (果却董事会被取消了).【答案】only to find the board meeting canceled【解析】only + to do表示与主句 作的目的相反的果。2. 名名主要起名作用,可在句中作主、和表,也可作介 。例1:They tried to avoid _ (女儿做她不喜的事情).【答案】making their daughter do what she didnt like to do 【解析】名作的。下列后的只能是名而不能是不定式:admit, advise, allow, anticipate, apprecia

47、te, avoid, delay, deny, dislike, dread, encourage, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, cant help, imagine, keep, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practice, prevent, propose, recall, recollect, resent, resist, risk, cant stand, stop, suggest等。例2:Modernization and leadership is the key_ (提高老年人生活量的关).【答

48、案】to improving the quality of life of elder people【解析】名作介的。提高生活量improve the quality of life。例3:It is no use _ (洒了的牛奶而哭泣).【答案】crying over spilled milk 【解析】名用于固定构。名常与以下 用:be worth, have difficulty (in), it be no good/use/worthwhile, there be no need/no point in, how/what about, whats the point of, wha

49、ts the use of等。3.分在分表示主、行的意;去分表示被、完成的意。例1:The auto manufacturers found themselves _ (正在同外国公司争市的份). 2007年6月真【答案】competing with foreign firms for market share【解析】find sb. doing sth.某人做某事。与争:compete with。市份:market share。例2:_ (好久没有收到父母的来信了), he was worried about them.【答案】Not having heard from his parent

50、s for a long time【解析】分作原因状。注意分的否定形式和完成形式的用法。例3:The war went on for years, _ (去了成千上万人的生命).【答案】killing thousands upon thousands of people【解析】在分作果状。例4:Einstein watched the toy in delight, _ (想推出它的运原理).【答案】trying to deduce its operating principle【解析】在分作伴随状。例5:_ (看到大家都在聚精会神地看), we stopped talking and beg


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