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天天文档在线 联系qq:744421982 Guidelines for Drawing Causal Loop Diagrams Guideline Example Selecting Variable Names 1. When choosing a variable name, use nouns. Avoid verbs and action phrases since the action is conveyed in the arrows. For example, “Costs” is better than “Increasing Costs,” since a decrease in Increasing Costs is confusing. The sign of the arrow (“s” for same or “o” for opposite) indicates whether Costs increase or decrease relative to the other variable. Litigation Costs Increasing Costs 2. Variables should be something that can be measured—quantities that can vary over time. It does not make sense to say that “State of Mind” increases or decreases. A term like “Happiness,” on the other hand, can vary. Rewards Happiness State of Mind 3. Choosing the “positive” sense of a variable name is preferable. An increase or decrease in “Growth” is clearer than an increase or decrease in “Contraction.” Demand Growth Contraction Loop Construction 4. For every course of action included in the diagram, think of the possible unintended consequences as well as the expected outcomes. An increase in “Production Pressure” may increase “Production Output,” for example, but it may also increase “Stress” and decrease “Quality.” S---------Production Ouput Production Pressure S---------Stress O--------Quality 5. All balancing loops are goal-seeking processes. Try to make goals driving the loop explicit. For example, Loop B1 may raise questions as to why increasing “Quality” would lead to a decrease in “Actions to Improve Quality.” By explicitly identifying “Desired Quality” as the goal in Loop B2, we see that at the “Gap in Quality” is really driving improvement actions. Desired Quality S 6. Distiguishing between perceived and actual states, such as “Perceived Quality” vs. “Actual Quality,” is important. Perceptions often lag reality, and mistaking the perceived status for current reality can be misleading and create undesirable results. 7. If there are multiple consequences of a variable, start by lumping them into one term while finishing the rest of the loop. For example, “Coping Strategies” can represent many different ways we respond to stress (exercise, meditation, alcohol use, etc). 8. There are almost always differing long-term and short-term consequences of actions. Draw loops with increasing radius as they progress from short-term behavior of using alcohol to combat stress. Loop R1, however, draws out the long-term consequences which will actually increase stress. General Tips 9. If a link between two terms is not clear to others and requires a lot of explaining, the variables probably need to be redefined or an intermediate term needs to be inserted. “Higher Demand” leading to lower “Quality” may be less obvious than when “Production Pressure” is inserted in between. O Demand-------------------------------------------Quality S O Demand---------Production Pressure--------Quality 10. A short-cut to determining whether a loop is balancing (B) or reinforcing ( R ) is to count the number of “o’s” in the loop. An odd number of “o’s” indicates a balancing loop, an even number (or none) means it is a reinforcing loop. CAUTION: After labeling the loop, you should always talk yourself around the loop and make sure the story agrees with your R or B label. 醌!ﲟ醌ሡ뼐購↑케購↑�購↑購↑ᄒሡℑ렀貍↑ᄒሡℑᄒሡℑᄒ!跩醌!跹醌ሡ騐貍↑ᄒ!跊醌ሡℑ切貍↑ᄒ!趫醌!趻醌ሡ�貍↑貍↑ဒ趌醌!趜醌!趬醌!趼醌!跌醌!跜醌!跬醌ሡℑ鴀貍↑관貍↑봀貍↑ᄒ!跭醌ሡ踐貍↑ဒ趮醌ሡ츐貍↑ᄒ!跾醌ሡℑ꼀貍↑뼀貍↑ᄒ!路醌ሡ蠐貝↑ᄒ!鶸醌!鷈醌!鷘醌!鷨醌!鷸醌ሡ餐貝↑꤀貝↑뤀貝↑ဒ鷙醌ሡℑ言貝↑騀貝↑ꨀ貝↑ᄒ!鷚醌ሡ塚貝↑ᄒ!鶫醌ሡℑ�貝↑貝↑ff貝↑ဒ鶜醌ሡℑ찀貝↑�貝↑貝↑ဒ鶍醌!鶝醌ሡℑᄒ!鷭醌ሡ踐貝↑鸀貝↑ဒ鶾醌!鷎醌ሱㄑ︀貝㆑ဒ鶟醌ሡℑᄓሡ퀐⨁ꘃ各갅ࠆ࢑怰恐ꍐ£텐脀怀Á恐ւ恐酐鄀 ֑툀І恠恠࣒怐灠腠Ԅ瀀±෱怐֡؇ဎ灐怀恐恀ñ灰偰恰ৡ瀐֡‌ꅰ怀恐偰¢ځࠃ倐ஒ怠ށ怀鉐ဎ偠偠酠Ѕഅ倐䁠恠偠恀偰灀偐恀偀灐䁠偐恠䁀䀰偐偀灰䁐䁰䁐䁐䁐偀倰恀䁀ۑડ怐䁠ꅀည偀偐恠ぐ념瀀偐偠恐偠ꄰ䀀偠恐偐偐恀䁰恐偐恐偀偠怰䁐恠぀恀恐恐恠酠ဈÂ߂鄀ဌ܆倀렀㐀爁ꈁ퐁ȁ㈂℀℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡℡天天文档在线 联系qq:744421982 Company DDD Project FAST Curriculum Plan I. Introduction Table of Contents II. Executive Summary III. Purpose of Training IV. Training Needs Assessment V. Course Module Outlines VI. Matching Course Modules to Target Audience Groups VII. Training Schedule VIII. Assumptions / Comments IX. Appendices A. Instructional Design Methodology B. Sources of Information I. Introduction Project FAST is a company-wide initiative to redesign Financial and Human Resources processes and provide a technical infrastructure to enable Company DDD to gather and utilize financial and employee information more accurately and efficiently. This Curriculum Plan outlines plans to address the training needs of Company DDD employees with regard to the new Finance processes and systems. This document consists of the following sections: Executive Summary This section summarizes the Curriculum Plan, highlighting the training scope and responsibilities, strategy, target audiences, course modules, and schedule. Purpose of Training This section discusses the importance of training. In addition, it contains matrices that map the course objectives to the process goals defined for The Company. Training Needs Assessment This section identifies target audience groups and their respective training needs resulting from the new processes and systems. It lists their job skill requirements and indicates areas where training will be needed. Course Module Outlines This section contains outlines of each course module. The outlines include the module name, objectives, description, intended audience groups, proposed delivery method, estimated length of time, and any prerequisites. Matching Course Modules to Target Audience Groups This section contains a matrix that maps the course modules to their intended audience group(s). This section also includes diagrams indicating recommended training sequences for each target audience group. Training Schedule This section contains a general timeline for planning the finance process and system training at each Operating Unit. It also identifies the preparation needed at each Operating Unit prior to Project FAST training. As the Project FAST implementation schedule becomes more defined and Operating Unit training participants are confirmed, the schedule will be updated. Assumptions / Comments This section lists assumptions under which the training plans will be implemented. Appendices The appendices contain background information on the plans outlined in this document. The first appendix describes the instructional design methodology used by the Training Team as a guide for training design and development. The second appendix indicates sources of project information that provided input into the Curriculum Plan. This Curriculum Plan was prepared by the Project FAST Training Team with assistance from process team members from Company DDD and Andersen. The Training Team will review this document with Corporate Department executives and Operating Group Controllers and Human Resources executives. In the event that the Project FAST Team later defines
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