2020传媒大学大学英语(预备二) 第二次作业.doc


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2020传媒大学大学英语预备二 第二次作业 2020 传媒大学 大学 英语 预备 第二次 作业
I. Translate the following sentences into English 1.他对一位女孩特别感兴趣,经常同她一起去上海大剧院(Shanghai Grand Theater) 看戏。(be interested in) 2.我的朋友向我点点头,然后仔细考虑我提出的问题。(nod) 3.那些美国人对中国文化非常好奇,很想了解中美文化的主要差异。(curious) 4.在很长一段时间里, 我们国家有许多人相信13这个数字会带来厄运。(a long length of time) 5.如果我能通过学校的考试, 心里就会充溢着这样一种感觉:我很快就会变得完美无瑕。(be filled with a sense) 6. 过去,姑娘出嫁时要带许多东西到丈夫家去,包括被褥、床单、大衣橱等。(include) 7.他率领的足球队参加了许多次国际比赛,10次连胜后,才第一次输了一场比赛。(lose the game) 8.爱德华和我已经订婚了,但请为我们保密!(keep sth. to oneself) 9.在孩童时,我们就知道人分为好人坏人, 好人是美的,坏人是丑的。(divide into) 10. 26年前发生的那次强烈的地震使通讯系统陷入瘫痪,成千上万的人在地震中丧生。(put ... out of order) II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. I went home and told my mother about it. She gave me all kinds of instructions on how to do this and that. 2. “To whom is it not as valuable?” I asked him in a voice that was louder than necessary for him to hear what I was saying. 3. When they arrived in the Soviet Union, the Americans were glad that they had prepared themselves to experience life under communism. 4. We had gone several kilometers and were almost at my hotel, so I read the last paragraph: So I thought you’d like to know that I was thinking of you. 5. The tests got harder: doing math in my head, finding the queen of hearts in a pack of cards, trying to stand on my head without using my hands, etc. 6. Cattle, goats, money, an ox and cart, a television and nowadays a washing machine too — some, or perhaps all of these can be included, depending on the girl’s family income. 7. It was the first time he’d ever thought about that, and it seemed to me that he put all his energy into not falling rather than walking the tightrope. 8. How many people who see crimes will come forward in the future, knowing what kind of treatment they will probably get? 9. Mothers hold, kiss, talk to, and play more with their babies if they’re pretty. 10. The streets were bent like the body of a snake, and piled with the materials of fallen walls. The telephone system was out of order.
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